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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 6544 COCA: 8938

B1 extremely unpleasant or unacceptable令人厭惡的,讓人憎惡的,使人反感的

It's disgusting that there are no schools or hospitals for these people.沒有面向這些人的學校和醫院,這真令人無法接受。
Passengers were kept for three hours in a disgusting waiting room.乘客被迫在令人厭惡的候車室裏等了好幾個小時。

More examples

These white walls are much better than that disgusting old wallpaper.

The food was absolutely disgusting - I couldn't eat it.

I find some of his habits rather unpleasant, disgusting even.

Stop picking your nose. You really are disgusting.

I'd like you to clean up your room this afternoon - it's in a disgusting mess.

BNC: 6544 COCA: 8938


VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, look, smell, sound, taste令人討厭;看上去令人厭惡;聞起來讓人惡心;聽起來讓人反感;嚐起來讓人倒胃That soup tastes disgusting!那湯喝起來讓人作嘔!find sth覺得⋯讓人厭惡I find his conduct disgusting.我發覺他的舉止令人惡心。ADVERBparticularly, really, truly特別/實在/確實令人厭惡absolutely, quite, totally, utterly極為令人厭惡;相當令人作嘔I think the way she's treated him is absolutely disgusting.我認為她這樣對待他簡直讓人作嘔。pretty, rather相當令人厭惡He has some rather disgusting habits.他有些相當讓人討厭的習慣。
BNC: 6544 COCA: 8938
disgusting adv.
disgusting1 (smell disgusting) disgusting2 (a disgusting thing to say)


smell/taste disgusting 氣味難聞;味道難吃a disgusting thing to say 說出來讓人氣憤的事disgusting ♦︎ distasteful ♦︎ sickening ♦︎ hateful ♦︎ repugnant ♦︎ abominableThese words all describe sth that you think is unacceptable and shocking. 這些詞均表示某事不堪的、令人震驚的。SYNONYM SCALE 詞義標尺 下圖顯示這些詞所表達令人震驚的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配disgusting / distasteful / hateful / repugnant / abominable to sbdisgusting / distasteful / sickening / hateful / repugnant / abominable that...a disgusting / an abominable practicea sickening / an abominable crimeto find sth disgusting / distasteful / repugnantabsolutely / quite disgusting / sickening / hateful / repugnant disgusting (rather informal, especially spoken) shocking and unacceptable, especially for moral reasons (尤指因道德原因)令人氣憤的,不能接受的I think it's disgusting that they're closing the hospital.他們要關閉這家醫院,我認爲這事讓人無法接受。That's a disgusting thing to say.那件事說出來會讓人氣憤。 Disgusting is commonly used in spoken English to describe things you disapprove of for moral reasons, but they are usually not such absolutely evil things as some of the other words describe. * disgusting常用在口語中,指某事由於道德原因而讓人不贊成,但通常又不是如其他詞所形容的絕對邪惡的事情a cruel and disgusting regime which tortures its opponents see also disgust shock verb disgust


[uncountable] Much to my disgust they refused to help.他們不肯幫忙,令我感到很氣憤。He walked away in disgust.他厭惡地走開了。
distasteful (rather formal) unpleasant, especially because it deals with subjects such as death, sex or crime in a shocking or offensive way 讓人反感的,令人不舒服的(尤指涉及死亡、性或犯罪等方面)Parts of this story may be distasteful, even shocking.這個故事中有些内容可能讓人反感,甚至駭人聽聞。Some viewers might find the pictures distasteful.有些觀衆可能會覺得這些照片令人不舒服。 distaste


[uncountable, singular] He looked around the filthy room in distaste.他厭惡地環顧了一下那個肮髒的房間。She felt a distaste for anything to do with bodily functions.她覺得與身體機能有關的任何事情都讓她反感。
sickening extremely shocking, especially because it involves sb being physically hurt 令人震驚的,讓人揪心的(尤指涉及肉體傷害)She was the victim of a sickening attack.她是一次令人發指的襲擊事件的受害者。His head hit the ground with a sickening thud.他的頭撞在了地上,那聲悶響讓人揪心。Sickening is often used to describe a sound that makes you think sb has been hurt or sth has been badly damaged. * sickening常用於描述讓人聯想到有人受傷或某物被嚴重毀壞的聲響。 hateful (rather formal) extremely unpleasant or cruel, or morally unacceptable 可惡的;殘酷的;令人厭惡的I tried to ignore her hateful words.我盡量不理會她那些令人討厭的話。The idea of fighting their own people was hateful to them.一想到要同自己人交戰,他們就十分難受。 repugnant rɪˈpʌgnənt (formal) completely unacceptable, especially because it goes against your beliefs about what is morally right 令人厭惡的;使人極度反感的We found his suggestion quite repugnant.我們覺得他的建議讓人很反感。The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her.一想到吃肉她就惡心。NOTE 辨析 Hateful or repugnant? Hateful usually describes ideas that most people would find unacceptable. Repugnant can also describe ideas that are unacceptable to a particular person, but not to some other people. * hateful通常描述大多數人都討厭的想法;repugnant還可以描述某人所不能接受的想法,但别人可能並不覺得討厭We found his suggestion quite repugnant.我們覺得他的建議讓人很反感。We found his suggestion quite hateful. abominable əˈbɒmɪnəbl (rather formal) extremely cruel and shocking 使人憎惡的;令人發指的The judge described the attack as an abominable crime.法官稱這次襲擊是令人發指的罪行。Abominable is sometimes used in slightly more informal language in an exaggerated way, to describe behaviour that is not physically cruel but shows no thought for other people's feelings or wishes. * abominable有時以誇張的形式用於不太正式的語境,描述那些本身並不殘忍但卻不顧及他人感情和意願的行爲I think you are utterly selfish and your behaviour has been abominable.我覺得你特别自私,而你的行爲也十分可惡。


smell/taste disgusting 氣味難聞;味道難吃a disgusting thing to say 說出來讓人氣憤的事 See also the entry for terrible 1 另見terrible條第1義disgusting ♦︎ foul ♦︎ revolting ♦︎ repulsive ♦︎ offensive ♦︎ gross ♦︎ nauseatingThese words all describe sth, especially a smell, taste or habit, that is extremely unpleasant and often makes you feel slightly ill. 這些詞均表示氣味或味道令人惡心,或習慣令人討厭。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配disgusting / repulsive / offensive to sba disgusting / a foul / a revolting / an offensive / a gross / a nauseating smella disgusting / foul / gross / nauseating tastea disgusting / revolting / gross / nauseating habitdisgusting / offensive / gross behavioura disgusting / revolting / repulsive man / woman / personto find sb / sth disgusting / revolting / repulsive / offensive / nauseatingto smell / taste disgusting / foul / grossreally disgusting / foul / revolting / offensive / gross / nauseatingquite disgusting / revolting / offensive / grossabsolutely disgusting / foul / revolting disgusting (especially spoken) extremely unpleasant and making you feel slightly ill 極其糟糕的;令人惡心的The kitchen was in a disgusting state.廚房的狀況糟透了。What a disgusting smell!這氣味真難聞!The sink was full of a disgusting black slime.洗碗槽裏滿是令人惡心的黑色污水。This tastes absolutely disgusting.這東西難吃極了。Picking your nose is a disgusting habit.摳鼻子是個令人討厭的壞習慣。 see also disgust shock verb disgust


[uncountable] She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell of urine.聞到了尿味,她惡心地皺起了鼻子。


The kitchen was disgustingly dirty.廚房裏髒得令人作嘔。
foul faʊl dirty, and tasting or smelling bad 又髒又臭的;難聞的This tastes foul!這東西難吃極了!The air in the cell was foul.牢房裏的空氣臭烘烘的。She could smell his foul breath.她聞得到他那難聞的氣息。Foul drinking water was blamed for the epidemic.人們把這次的流行病歸咎於污濁的飲用水。 revolting disgusting 極其糟糕的;令人惡心的The stew looked revolting.那炖菜看上去令人作嘔。He's an absolutely revolting man.他是個極其令人討厭的家夥。 revoltingly


a revoltingly sentimental story令人討厭的傷感故事NOTE 辨析 Disgusting or revolting?Both of these words are used to describe things that smell and taste unpleasant, unpleasant personal habits and people who have them. There is no real difference in meaning, but disgusting is more frequent, especially in spoken English. * disgusting和revolting均指氣味或味道惡心,或指不良的個人習慣或有這些習慣的人令人討厭,兩詞在含義上沒有實質差别,只是disgusting使用頻率更高些,尤用於口語中。
repulsive rɪˈpʌlsɪv (rather formal) extremely unpleasant in a way that offends you or makes you feel slightly ill 令人反感的;令人生厭的What a repulsive person!這個人真討厭!He found her habits quite repulsive.他發現她有些習慣讓人很反感。Repulsive usually describes people, their behaviour or habits, which you may find offensive for physical or moral reasons. * repulsive通常指人、行爲或習慣令人討厭,原因可能在生理方面,也可能在道德方面。 see also repel shock verb offensive (formal) (especially of smells) extremely unpleasant (尤指氣味)極其難聞的,令人不適的The problem is how to eliminate offensive smells from the processing plant.問題在於怎樣才能消除加工廠那刺鼻的氣味。 gross grəʊs; NAmE groʊs (informal, spoken) (of a smell, taste or personal habit) extremely unpleasant (氣味、味道或個人習慣)令人不快的,使人厭惡的'He ate it with mustard.' 'Oh, gross!'“他用芥末拌着吃。”“啊,真惡心!” nauseating ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ, ˈnɔːsieɪtɪŋmaking you feel that you want to vomit 令人作嘔的He woke to the nauseating smell of burning flesh.一覺醒來,他聞到了肉體燒焦發出的令人作嘔的氣味。 see also nauseous sick 2
BNC: 6544 COCA: 8938
Extremely unpleasant: horrible, dreadful, disgusting...
Making you feel shocked or appalled: shocking, appalling, outrageous...
Bad or of a low quality: sad, poor, terribly...

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