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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 14068 COCA: 13844

to have doubts about the honesty or abilities of someone不信任,不相信;怀疑…的真实性

I've always mistrusted politicians.我总是不信任政治家。
TOEFL BNC: 14068 COCA: 13844


ADJECTIVE | VERB + MISTRUST | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeep, profound深深的不信任growing越來越不信任general, widespread (especially BrE) 普遍的不信任mutual相互猜疑They will never overcome their mutual distrust.他們永遠也不會克服相互間的猜疑。VERB + MISTRUSTcreate, foster, fuel造成不信任;使更加猜疑overcome克服不信任PREPOSITIONmistrust between⋯之間的不信任There is suspicion and mistrust between immigrants and the police.移民和警方間彼此懷疑,互不信任。mistrust in對⋯的不信任The incident has increased workers' mistrust in the management.這起事件使得工人對資方愈加不信任。mistrust of對⋯的不信任His experience left him with a mistrust of banks.他的經歷使他對銀行不再信任。mistrust towards/toward對⋯的不信任PHRASESan atmosphere of mistrust, a climate of mistrust, a sense of mistrust不信任的氣氛/氛圍/感覺Corruption creates a climate of mistrust towards / toward authority.腐敗造成了一種對當局不信任的氛圍。
TOEFL BNC: 14068 COCA: 13844
TOEFL BNC: 14068 COCA: 13844
Uncertainty and being uncertain: uncertainty, doubt, reservation...
To not trust or believe someone or something: disbelieve, distrust, mistrust...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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