Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet. 要盡量減少飲食中的脂肪。
The workforce will be reduced by around 30 per cent. 勞動力將縮減大約30%。
It has reduced its size from about 135,000 employees to 75,000. 其規模已經從大約135,000名員工裁減到75,000人。
Their army will be drastically reduced in size and influence. 他們的部隊將要大幅縮小規模,降低影響。
The new systems should significantly reduce the amount of paper we use. 新系統將極大地減少我們的耗紙量。
Police thinned down the crowd. 警方驅散了人群。
The fierce heat had shrivelled the meat. 高溫把肉烤幹了。
The treatment will shrink the tumour. 這一療法可以使腫瘤縮小。
The search operation has been scaled down. 搜尋行動的規模已有所降低。
a scaled-down peacekeeping force 縮減了的維和力量
His throat constricted making it difficult for him to speak. 他的喉嚨發緊,使得他說話都有困難。
They've scaled back their expenditure considerably.
a scaled-down peacekeeping force 縮減了的維和力量
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net