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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 369 COCA: 372

force noun PHYSICAL

B2 [ U ] physical, especially violent, strength, or power力,力量;力氣;(尤指)暴力,武力

The force of the wind had brought down a great many trees in the area.強風刮倒了這一地區的許多樹木。
She slapped his face with unexpected force.她扇了他一耳光,出乎意料地用力。
Teachers aren't allowed to use force in the classroom.老師管教學生時禁止使用體罰。
The police were able to control the crowd by sheer force of numbers (= because there were more police than there were people in the crowd).警方完全依靠人數上的優勢才控制住了人群。
in force

in large numbers衆多地,大批地

Photographers were out in force at the White House today.許多攝影師今天出現在王宮。

[ C or U ] specialized in scientific use, (a measure of) the influence that changes movement(物理學上的)力;(力的)強度

the force of gravity重力
combine/join forces

C2 to work with someone else in order to achieve something that you both want合力,協力,合作

More examples

In the end she used brute force to push him out.

The rocket has to work against the force of gravity.

The police were out in force at the football match.

The acceleration of a body equals the force exerted on it divided by its mass.

The force of the waves was eroding the cliff face.

force noun INFLUENCE

C2 [ C or U ] (a person or thing with a lot of) influence and energy影響;活力;影響大的人(或事物)

He was a powerful force in politics.他曾是政壇上舉足輕重的人物。
Fishermen are always at the mercy of the forces of nature (= bad weather conditions).漁夫們總是聽天由命。
a force to be reckoned with

C2 If an organization or a person is described as a force to be reckoned with, it means that they are powerful and have a lot of influence.不可小視的一支力量

The United Nations is now a force to be reckoned with.聯合國現在是一個不可小視的組織。
force of habit

If you do something out of force of habit, you do it without thinking because you have done it so many times before.習慣力量

More examples

Ambition can sometimes be a force for good.

Since the government limited their powers, the unions are no longer a force to be reckoned with.

In Britain and the USA in the 1970s, the underground was a powerful subversive force.

The club used to be a significant force in European football.

It seems as though forces of destruction are increasingly at work throughout society.

force noun GROUP

B2 [ C ] a group of people organized and trained, especially for a particular purpose(尤指)武裝部隊,部隊;警察部門;(爲某目的組織起來的)一群人

the security forces安保部隊
the work force勞動大軍
He joined the police force right after graduating.他從學校一畢業就當了警察。
the forces [ plural ]

the military organizations for air, land, and sea(海陸空三軍)武裝力量

More examples

In their efforts to reduce crime the government expanded the police force.

Security forces halted the demonstrators by blocking the road.

The reduction in armed forces will be phased over the next ten years.

Government troops swept aside the rebel forces.

60 percent of the work force voted for strike action.

force noun IN OPERATION

in/into force

C2 (of laws, rules, or systems) existing and being used(法律、規定或制度)已生效/開始實施

New driving regulations are going to come into force this year.新的駕駛規章今年開始實施。

More examples

Many of these problems may simply fade into irrelevance when the new rules come into force.

The new law comes into force at the end of the month.

Speed restrictions are in force along this stretch of the railway line.

The ban on handguns came into force last year.

A curfew has been in force since the riots in August.

force verb [ T ] GIVE NO CHOICE

B2 to make something happen or make someone do something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual, especially by threatening or not offering the possibility of choice強迫,迫使

[ + to infinitive ] I really have to force myself to be nice to him.我確實得要強迫自己才能做到對他和顔悅色。
[ + to infinitive ] You can't force her to make a decision.你不能強迫她作決定。
Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money.由於缺乏資金,醫院正被迫關閉部分診療科。
You could tell he was having to force back the tears (= stop himself from crying).你能看得出他在強忍着淚水。
I didn't actually want any more dessert, but Julia forced it on me (= made me accept it).我其實不想再要甜點了,但是朱莉亞硬要我吃。
I couldn't stay at their flat - I'd feel as if I was forcing myself on them (= making them allow me to stay).我沒法呆在他們的公寓——我會覺得好像是自己在勉強他們留我一樣。
You never tell me how you're feeling - I have to force it out of you (= make you tell me)!你從不告訴我你的感受——我要逼你說才行!

specialized biology, food & drink If plants or vegetables are forced, they are made to grow faster by artificially controlling growing conditions such as the amount of heat and light.催熟,加速植物生長(通過人爲改變植物生長環境,如光熱程度等)

forced strawberries催熟的草莓
force a laugh/smile

to manage, with difficulty, to laugh or smile擠出一絲笑容,強顔歡笑

I managed to force a smile as they were leaving.他們離開時,我強裝笑顔。
force an/the issue

to take action to make certain that an urgent problem or matter is dealt with now迫使問題得到解決

If the management wouldn't listen to their demands, they would have to force the issue by striking.如果管理層不理會他們的要求,他們就不得不通過罷工來迫使問題得到解決。

More examples

The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.

Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money.

The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.

Doctors are being forced to work impossibly long hours.

It's only a matter of time before he's forced to resign.

force verb [ T ] USE PHYSICAL POWER

C2 to use physical strength or effort to make something move or open用力移動;強行打開

Move your leg up gently when you're doing this exercise, but don't force it.在做這一動作時把腿輕輕往上擡,但不要用力。
If you force the zip, it'll break.如果你使勁拉拉鏈,會拉壞的。
She forced her way through the crowd.她在人群中擠出一條路。

to break a lock, door, window, etc. in order to allow someone to get in砸開(鎖、門、窗等),把…撬開

I forgot my key, so I had to force a window.我忘帶鑰匙了,只好撬窗進去。
[ + adj ] The police had forced open the door because nobody had answered.因爲沒人應門,警察強行將門砸開了。
The burglar forced an entry (= broke a window, door, etc. to get into the house).那個竊賊破門而入。

More examples

The crowd managed to force its way in by sheer weight of numbers.

The thieves forced one of the shop windows open with a crowbar.

Helmeted, baton-wielding police forced back the crowd.

Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers.

The water pressure forces the piston into the chamber.

BNC: 369 COCA: 372


1physical strength, power or violence力;體力;暴力ADJECTIVE | VERB + FORCE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, great, terrible, tremendous相當大的/很大的/可怕的/巨大的力量full, maximum全部/最大的力氣brute, sheer蠻力;純粹憑力氣reasonable (especially BrE) 適度的力量sufficient足夠的力氣excessive過度的力氣unlawful (BrE) 非法暴力deadly, lethal致命的力量explosive爆炸力physical體力gale, hurricane大風級;颶風級The wind was increasing to gale force.風逐漸增大到大風級。hurricane-force winds颶風級的風VERB + FORCEemploy, resort to, use利用/訴諸/使用武力In the end, we had to resort to brute force to get the door open.最後,我們不得不使用蠻力把門撞開。take sth by用暴力獲取⋯The troops marched in and took the city by force.軍隊入侵並強行佔領了這座城市。feel感受到力量Everyone felt the force of his argument.大家都感受到了他的論證的力量。PREPOSITIONby force強行The king made laws and imposed them by force.國王制訂了法律並強制實施。PHRASEScatch the full force of sth, feel the full force of sth, take the full force of sth遭受/感到/承受⋯的猛力Our house took the full force of the bomb blast.我們的房屋受到炸彈爆炸的猛烈衝擊。I felt the full force of her criticism.我感受到了她的批評的厲害。force of personality, force of will人格力量;意志力She used her sheer force of personality to keep the family together.她全憑自己的人格力量才使家人團結在一起。meet force with force (especially NAmE) 以武力對抗武力The country's attempts to meet force with force (= resist an attack using force) led to the outbreak of war.這個國家以武力對抗武力的做法引發了戰爭。the use of force使用武力The regulations allow the use of force if necessary.法規允許在必要時使用武力。


2effect that causes sth to move作用力ADJECTIVE | VERB + FORCE | FORCE + VERB | FORCE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpowerful, strong強大的作用力weak微弱的作用力attractive吸引力repulsive斥力external, internal外力;內力Deep internal forces cause movements of the earth's crust.深處的內在作用力引起地殼運動。lateral側力centrifugal, centripetal, electromagnetic, electromotive, gravitational, mechanical, nuclear, physical, tidal離心力;向心力;電磁力;電動勢;(萬有)引力;機械力;核力;體力;潮汐力VERB + FORCEapply, exert, generate, produce用力;施加力;產生作用力The sun exerts a force on the earth.太陽對地球產生引力。increase增強力的強度decrease, reduce減小/降低力的強度balance平衡力的強度The forces of expansion are balanced by forces of contraction.擴張力和收縮力相互平衡。FORCE + VERBact on sth力對⋯起作用lateral forces acting on the car's suspension對汽車的懸掛裝置產生作用的側力balance sth力平衡⋯FORCE + NOUNfield力場the force field of a magnet磁力場PREPOSITIONforce between⋯之間的作用力the attractive and repulsive forces between individual particles單一粒子之間的吸引力與斥力PHRASESa balance of forces力的平衡the balance of nuclear forces in atoms原子內核力的平衡the force of gravity地心引力


3legal authority of sth法律約束力ADJECTIVE | VERB + FORCE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbinding, legal, statutory (BrE) 約束力;法律效力;法定效力The contract was not signed and has no binding force.合同沒有簽署因而沒有約束力。VERB + FORCEcome into開始生效The new law comes into force as from midnight tomorrow.新法律從明天零點起開始生效。bring sth into (especially BrE) 使⋯生效PREPOSITIONin force有效Some archaic laws are still in force.一些過時的法律仍然有效。PHRASESthe force of law法律效力Professional standards often do not have the force of law (= cannot be enforced).專業規範通常沒有法律效力。


4sb/sth with power/influence有權力或影響的人或事ADJECTIVE | VERB + FORCE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, formidable, great, irresistible, major, overwhelming, potent, powerful, significant, strong, unstoppable相當大的/令人畏懼的/重大的/不可抗拒的/主要的/壓倒一切的/潛在的/強大的/重要的/強有力的/無法阻擋的影響力active, controlling, dominant, driving, main, moving有效的/控制性的/起支配作用的/起促進作用的/主要的/有推動作用的影響力motivating推動力persuasive說服力constructive, creative, dynamic, positive, progressive建設性的影響;創造力;活力;積極影響;進步力量destructive, disruptive, negative破壞力;顛覆力量;負面影響She was seen as a potentially disruptive force within the party.她被看成黨內潛在的分裂勢力。cohesive, unifying凝聚力;統一力competitive, conflicting, countervailing, opposing, reactionary競爭力;相抵觸的力量;相制衡的力量;反對勢力;反動勢力internal內部勢力external, international, outside外部勢力;國際勢力;外來力量The play portrays a marriage torn apart by external forces.這部劇描述了一樁被外部力量拆散的婚姻。invisible, unseen看不見的力量natural自然力powerful natural forces such as earthquakes and drought諸如地震和乾旱之類的強大自然力量spiritual, supernatural精神力量;超自然的力量dark, demonic, evil, malevolent黑暗勢力;邪惡勢力'There are dark forces in the universe,' he raved, 'and we are powerless against them!'“宇宙中有一些暗力,”他胡言亂語道:“但我們無力反抗!”cultural, economic, intellectual, market, moral, political, productive, revolutionary, social文化力量;經濟力量;知識力量;市場力量;道德力量;政治力量;生產力;革命力量;社會力量powerful social and economic forces強大的社會和經濟力量VERB + FORCEremain保持力量Though officially retired, she remains the creative force behind the design business.雖然已正式退休,她仍然是設計界的創造性力量。balance平衡力量This is a politician who does not like to balance market forces.這是一個不喜歡平衡市場力量的政治人物。fight與⋯勢力作鬥爭to fight the forces of evil與邪惡勢力作鬥爭PREPOSITIONforce behind⋯背後的力量Local parents were the driving force behind the project.當地家長是這一項目的幕後推動力量。force for對⋯產生影響的力量Competition is a force for change in industry.競爭是工業變革的推動力量。PHRASESa balance of forces力量的平衡shifts in the balance of political forces in Europe歐洲政治力量平衡的變化a force to be reckoned with不可忽視的力量With its new players, the team is now very much a force to be reckoned with.加入了新隊員後,這支隊伍成了一股不可忽視的力量。the forces of nature大自然的力量


5group of people trained for a particular purpose受專門訓練的人員ADJECTIVE | VERB + FORCE | FORCE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge大部隊small, token小部隊;有名無實的部隊a token force of only 300 men一支只有 300 人的象徵性部隊100-strong, etc. * 100 人等的部隊superior優良的部隊crack, elite, special精銳部隊;特種部隊These elite forces are the best equipped and trained in the world.這些精銳部隊是世界上裝備最精良且訓練最有素的部隊。combined, joint聯合部隊the combined forces of MI5 and Scotland Yard由軍情五處與倫敦警察廳聯合組成的隊伍a joint task force聯合特遣部隊allied, coalition, multinational同盟軍;聯合部隊;多國部隊strategic戰略部隊labour/labor, sales, work (usually workforce) 勞動力;銷售隊伍;勞動力大軍the US labour / labor force美國的勞動力the company's sales force該公司的銷售員工armed, armoured/armored, military, paramilitary武裝部隊;裝甲部隊;軍事力量;準軍事部隊government, loyal政府軍;忠於政府的軍隊enemy, guerrilla, hostile, occupation, occupying, opposition, rebel敵軍;遊擊隊;敵對力量;佔領軍;反對派部隊;叛軍He called on the local population to rise up against the occupying forces.他號召當地人民起來反抗佔領軍。friendly友軍regular正規軍reserve預備役軍all-volunteer, volunteer志願軍conventional常規部隊nuclear核部隊assault, combat, defence/defense, expeditionary, fighting, invasion, peace, peacekeeping, police, security, strike突擊隊;戰鬥部隊;防禦部隊;遠征軍;作戰部隊;侵略軍;和平軍隊;維和部隊;警察隊伍;安全部隊;突擊部隊 (see also task force) air, airborne, amphibious, ground, land, naval空軍;空降部隊;兩棲(作戰)部隊;陸軍;海軍VERB + FORCEassemble, create, form, mobilize, set up調集兵力;建立部隊;組建隊伍;動員兵力A large expeditionary force is now being assembled.現在正在集結一支人數眾多的遠征軍。send派遣兵力the decision to send armed forces over the border往境外派遣武裝部隊的決定provide派遣軍隊deploy, employ, use部署/僱傭/使用部隊A small peacekeeping force will be deployed in the area.在這一地區將部署一支小型維和部隊。withdraw撤軍command, head, head up, lead指揮部隊;領導軍隊join參軍She decided to join the armed forces.她決定參軍。train訓練軍隊support支持部隊More troops have been called in to support the coalition forces there.已調入更多的軍隊以支持那裏的聯合部隊。combine, join聯合力量The two companies have joined forces to form a new consortium.這兩家公司聯合起來組成了新的財團。FORCE + VERBcontrol sth部隊控制⋯Rebel forces now control most of the capital.叛軍現在已控制首都的大部份地區。operate部隊行動UN forces operating in the region在該地區行動的聯合國部隊PREPOSITIONin a/the force在隊伍中people in the security forces安全部隊人員PHRASESa member of a force, the withdrawal of a force隊伍的一員;撤回兵力a deadline for the withdrawal of forces撤軍的最後期限
BNC: 369 COCA: 372
force noun
force (use excessive force) army (Allied forces) control (have the force of law) effect (the force of her argument) impact (the force of the blow) influence (a force for change) pressure2 (the use of force) in force active adj.
force verb
force (be forced to resign) push1 (force a door open)


force ♦︎ strength ♦︎ power ♦︎ mightThese are all words for the quality of being physically strong, or the use of physical strength. 這些詞均表示力、力氣、力量。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配physical force / strength / powerbrute force / strengthto use force / your strength / your power / your might force [uncountable] physical strength used in violent action; violent physical action used to obtain or achieve sth 武力;暴力We had to resort to force to get the door open.我們不得不強行把門打開。The police were accused of using excessive force.警方被指濫用暴力。The rioters were taken away by force.聚衆鬧事者被強行帶走。 (disapproving) We achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.我們通過說服會比使用暴力更有成效。 see also force push verb 1 strength [uncountable] muscle power; the health and fitness needed to do physical work or actions 力氣;體力;力量His superior physical strength won him the title.他奪冠靠的是超群的體力。It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.你可能需要幾個星期才能恢複體力。She didn't have the strength to walk any further.她再也走不動了。 see also strong strong 1 , strong well , strengthen strengthen , energy energy 2 power [uncountable] physical strength used in action; physical strength that sb possesses and might use 體力;力量He hit the ball with as much power as he could.他使出全力擊球。the sheer physical power of the man那男子驚人的體力 see also powerful strong 1 might (formal or literary) great strength, energy or power 強大力量;威力America's military might美國的軍事力量He pushed against the rock with all his might.他用盡全力推那塊石頭。 force


force ♦︎ make ♦︎ oblige ♦︎ compel ♦︎ drive ♦︎ impelThese words all mean to put sb in a situation where they have to do sth, especially sth that they do not want to do. 這些詞均表示迫使、強迫。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to drive / impel sb to sthto force sb / be made / be obliged / compel sb / drive sb / impel sb to do sthto feel obliged / compelled / impelled to do sth force [transitive, often passive] to put sb in a situation in which they have to do sth that they do not want to do 迫使;強迫Ill health forced him into early retirement.他由於健康欠佳不得不提前退休。I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left.最後一班公共汽車已經開走,我只好打車。She forced herself to be polite to them.她對他們強裝客氣。Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position.公衆的壓力迫使政府改變了立場。He didn't force me- I wanted to go.他沒有逼我,是我自己想去的。 see also force pressure noun 2 make (made, made) [transitive] to put sb in a situation in which they have to do sth whether they want to or not 迫使;強迫They made me repeat the whole story.他們非讓我把整個事件再說一遍。His snoring was so bad, she made him sleep on the sofa downstairs.他鼾聲如雷,她只好讓他睡在樓下的沙發上。We were made to work very hard.我們被迫賣力工作。NOTE 辨析 Force or make? Make is slightly more informal and is used especially in conversation. It is usually a person who makes sb else do sth, especially by ordering or telling them in a firm way. 跟force相比,make略微非正式,尤用於交談中。make表達此義時主語通常是人,尤指命令或堅決地吩咐他人去做某事Mum makes us eat lots of vegetables.媽媽要求我們吃很多蔬菜。 Force often suggests strong persuasion or threats from sb, or describes a situation in which there is no choice about what to do. * force 常意味着某人措辭強硬地勸說或威脅,或描述某種别無選擇的情況The hijackers forced the passengers to lie on the ground.劫機者強迫乘客躺在地上。The plane was forced to make an emergency landing because of bad weather.飛機因惡劣天氣被迫緊急着陸。In the passive both verbs are followed by the infinitive with to 這兩個動詞用於被動語態時後面均接帶 to 的不定式to be forced / made to do sthbut note the difference between the two verbs in the active. 但要注意用於主動語態時二者的區别to force sb to do sthto make sb do sth oblige əˈblaɪdʒ [transitive, usually passive] (always followed by to + infinitive 總是後接帶to的不定式) (rather formal) to force sb to do sth, for example by law or because it is a duty (以法律或義務)迫使,強迫Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.法律規定父母必須送子女上學。Suppliers aren't legally obliged to provide a warranty.法律上沒有規定供應商必須提供商品保修。 Oblige is used especially in official contexts to describe sth that sb is required to do by law or because it is their responsibility. * oblige尤用於正式語境,指法律規定或以職責、義務要求某人做某事The landlord is obliged to give tenants 24 hours' notice of a visit.房東來訪必須提前24小時通知房客。It can also be used to describe a moral or social obligation, but in this context it is formal. * oblige亦指以道德或社會義務(obligation)要求某人做某事,但這一用法很正式We felt obliged to sit with them.我們覺得應該同他們坐在一起。 see also obligation responsibility compel kəmˈpel (-ll-) [transitive] (formal) to use your authority to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary (利用威權)強迫,迫使;使必須The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.這項法律可強制父親定期支付子女費用。Last year ill health compelled his retirement.去年他因健康欠佳被迫退休了。 see also compulsion pressure noun 2 drive (drove, driven) [transitive] to force sb to act in a particular way, often an extreme way 迫使,驅使(某人做出極端的事)The urge to survive drove them on.求生的欲望驅使他們繼續下去。It's the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.這個故事講的是成人世界的虛僞如何將一名少年逼入絕境。 impel ɪmˈpel (-ll-) [transitive, often passive] (formal) to be forced to do sth by a feeling or idea, especially one that seems to be beyond your control (尤指無法控制的感情或想法)驅使,促使He felt impelled to investigate further.他覺得有必要作進一步調查。There are various reasons that impel me to that conclusion.有各種原因促使我得出那個結論。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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