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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 3036 COCA: 3209


1soft part of sb's body皮肉ADJECTIVE | VERB + FLESH | FLESH + VERB | FLESH + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfirm, smooth, soft, tender結實的皮肉;光滑的皮膚;柔軟的肌膚;細嫩的皮肉pale, pink, white蒼白的皮膚;粉紅的皮肉;白色的皮膚bare, exposed, naked露出的皮肉raw(傷口)外露刺痛的肉torn撕開的皮肉burned, burning燒焦的肉decaying, rotting在腐爛的肉dead, living死的肉體;活的肉體animal, human動物肉體;人的肉體VERB + FLESHtouch觸摸肉cut, cut into陷入肉中The chain cut into his tender flesh.鏈子勒進了他的細嫩肌膚中。His shirt was too small for him and cut into the tender flesh at his armpit.這件襯衣對他來說太小了,緊勒着他腋部的嫩肉。strip, tear at, tear off將肉撕下Falcons usually strip the flesh off their prey.獵鷹通常把捕獲的獵物的肉撕下來。African hunting dogs will tear at the flesh of their victim until it is weak.非洲獵狗會撕咬獵物的皮肉,直到獵物變得虛弱不堪。dig into, pierce, pierce into, tear, tear into戳進肉裏;刺進肉裏;穿進肉裏The weapon tore into his flesh.武器穿進了他的肉裏。Cook the duck until the juices run pale yellow when the flesh is pierced.把鴨子煮到戳進鴨肉時流出淺黃色的汁為止。eat食肉According to Greek mythology, the minotaur would only eat human flesh.希臘神話裏說,人身牛頭怪物彌諾陶洛斯只吃人肉。become, make sth (literary) 變成人;使⋯有血有肉In the Christian tradition, God is made flesh (= becomes human).在基督教傳統裏,上帝是化成肉身的。FLESH + VERBcrawl, creep (both figurative) 毛骨悚然The story made his flesh creep (= made him feel afraid).這個故事讓他毛骨悚然。FLESH + NOUNwound皮肉傷The injury was only a flesh wound.這只是皮肉傷。tone肉色The tights come in various flesh tones.連褲襪做成深淺不同的肉色。PREPOSITIONin the flesh本人Thousands of fans gathered to see the band in the flesh (= see the band in reality and not just in a picture).成千上萬的歌迷聚集在那裏,想親眼目睹該樂隊的豐采。PHRASESflesh and blood血肉之軀a man of flesh and blood (= not a ghost) 血肉之軀flesh and bone肉和骨頭;肉體The knife cut through flesh and bone.刀子切開了肉和骨頭。Babies are born not just as bundles of flesh and bone (= not simply living bodies without thoughts or feelings) but with already distinctive personalities.出生的孩子不僅是血肉組成的軀體,而且已有自己的個性。the pleasures of the flesh, the sins of the flesh, the temptations of the flesh肉慾the smell of flesh肉味the smell of rotting flesh腐肉的味道


2soft part of fruit/vegetables果肉;蔬菜的可食部份ADJECTIVE | VERB + FLESH ADJECTIVEsoft柔軟的果肉sweet甘甜的果肉juicy多汁的果肉VERB + FLESHchop, cut切果肉Pare the mango and cut the flesh away from the stone.削去芒果的皮,把果肉沿核切下。scoop, scoop out將果肉挖出Cut the melon in half and scoop out the flesh.把瓜切成兩半,挖出果肉。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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