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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
comeverbuk/kʌm/ us/kʌm/ came, come


A1 [ I ] to move or travel towards the speaker or with the speaker(朝向或跟随说话人)来,过来

Are you coming with me?你跟我来吗?
There's a car coming!来了辆轿车!
Can you come to my party?你能来参加我的聚会吗?
Here comes Adam.亚当来了。
She's come 500 km (= has travelled 500 km) to be here with us tonight.她特地从500公里外赶来,是为了今晚和我们在一起。
If you're ever in Dublin, come and visit us.你如果有机会到都柏林,一定要来我们家坐坐。
We came by car.我们是开车来的。
Your father will come for (= to collect) you at four o'clock.你父亲4点来接你。
Come forward a bit and stand on the line.向前来一点儿,站在线上。
I've come straight from the airport.我直接从机场过来的。
The door opened and a nurse came into the room.门开后一位护士走了进来。
[ + to infinitive ] A man's coming to mend the boiler this afternoon.今天下午有人要来修锅炉。
As he came towards me, I could see he'd been crying.他向我走来时,我看得出他一直在哭。
He thought we'd been picking his apples and came after (= chased) us with a stick.他以为我们在摘他的苹果,所以拿了根棍子来追我们。
[ + -ing verb ] He came rushing over when I fell.我一倒下,他就冲了过来。

More examples

Danny, come here and I'll read you a story.

You can only come on the trip if your parents give their consent.

It's very kind of you to come all the way to meet me.

Don't come too near me - you might catch my cold.

Margot came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away.


A1 [ I ] to move or travel in the direction of the person being spoken to(朝向受话人方向)来

"Sal, are you ready?" "Coming."“萨尔,好了吗?”“就来。”
I'll come and pick you up in the car if you like.要是你愿意,我开车来接你。
I've come for (= come to get) your census form.我是来取你的人口普查表的。
[ + to infinitive ] I've come to read the gas meter.我是来抄煤气表的。

More examples

I'm afraid that we can't come this evening after all.

We'd be delighted to come to dinner on Friday.

I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money.

He came and sat down next to me.

I came here specially to see you.

come verb ARRIVE

A1 [ I ] to get to a particular place来到,抵达

Has she come yet?她来了没有?
When does the post come?邮件什么时候送来?
Hasn't his train come in yet?他乘坐的火车还没进站吗?

More examples

The doctor at the hospital says that she'll be able to come home within two weeks.

After you've gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a job.

The school is required to notify parents if their children fail to come to school.

The men came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.

He thumped on the door but nobody came.

come verb LEAVE

[ I + adv/prep ] to leave a place离开

I had to come away from the party early.我不得不早早离开聚会。
The police watched him come out of the house.警察看着他走出那所房子。

More examples

When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.

The gunmen were lying in wait when Mr Predit came out of the hotel.

We exchanged a few words as we were coming away from the meeting.

Her face was a sickly colour when she came out of the dentist's.

He came off the tennis court with a twisted ankle.


C2 [ L ] to change or develop so as to be in a different position or condition改变位置;变成,成为

Those pictures will have to come down (= be removed from the wall).那些画都得(从墙上)拿下来。
He pulled the knob and it just came off (in his hand).他拉了一下把手,它就掉下来了。
How many times have you come off that horse?你从那匹马上摔下来多少次了?
Two of his teeth came out after he got hit in the face.他面部被击中以后,掉了两颗牙齿。
Can you get this cork to come out of the bottle?你能把瓶塞拔出来吗?
When does the heating come on (= start working)?暖气什么时候来?
[ + adj ] A wire has come loose at the back.后面有一根电线松了。
The door came open for no apparent reason.门不知怎么就开了。

More examples

She was clever to sell her apartment just before house prices came down.

I heard a hiss and a pop as the cork came out of the bottle.

I got some stick-on soles for my shoes, but they keep coming off.

The roses are just coming into bloom.

My shoelaces came undone.

come verb HAPPEN

B2 [ I ] to happen发生

Spring has come early.春天来得早。
The announcement came at a bad time.公告来得不是时候。
Her resignation came as quite a shock.她的辞职很让人意外。
informal Come Monday morning (= when it is Monday morning) you'll regret staying up all night.到周一早上你就会后悔不该整晚熬夜。
I'm afraid those days are gone and they'll never come again.恐怕那样的日子一去不复返了。

More examples

His death came at a terrible time for Roger.

The illness came on top of losing his job.

The opportunity to join the expedition came at just the right time for me.

The announcement that they were to divorce came as a real shock.

It didn't come as any great surprise that she was resigning.

come verb BE ORDERED

come after, first, last, etc.

B1 to have or achieve a particular position in a race, competition, list, etc.位列…之后(第一,最后等)

She came second (US came in second) in the 100 metres.她在百米赛跑中得了第二。
Z comes after Y in the alphabet.在英语字母表中,Z排在Y之后。
Which king came after Edward?爱德华之后的国王是谁?
April comes before May.4月在5月之前。
I know the first verse of the song, but I don't know what comes next.我知道这首歌的第一节歌词,但接下来的就不清楚了。

More examples

Whose name comes first in the alphabet?

He came second in the 100 metres.

The Romans came before the Anglo-Saxons.

Who came first: Brahms or Beethoven?

She came first out of the whole class in maths.

come verb EXIST

A2 [ I + adv/prep, not continuous ] to exist or be available存在,有;可得到,有供应

Do these trousers come in any other colour?这些裤子有别的颜色的吗?
Runners come in all shapes and sizes - fat and thin, short and tall.跑步的人形形色色——有胖有瘦,有高有矮。
This cuddly baby doll comes with her own blanket and bottle.这个可爱的洋娃娃配有毯子和奶瓶。
They're the best sunglasses you can buy, but they don't come cheap (= they are expensive).这是市面上最好的太阳镜,只是价格不菲。

More examples

Does this T-shirt come in black?

The camera comes with its own carrying case.

Mobile phones come in all sorts of shapes and sizes these days.

come to do sth

C2 to start to do something开始做,着手做

I've come to like her over the months.经过这几个月的时间,我开始喜欢上她了。
It used to hold paper bags, but gradually came to be used for magazines.它以前是用来装纸袋的,但渐渐地就被用来装杂志了。
How did that phrase come to mean (= develop so that it means) that?那个短语怎么会变成这种意思?

come verb SEX

[ I ] to have an orgasm达到性高潮

semen (= the liquid containing sperm)精液

come verb
come1 (come here) come2 (when the time comes) arrive (come early) attend (come to a party) become (come undone/loose) go2 (come by ship)


come here 到这里来when the time comes 当时机到来时come ♦︎ approach ♦︎ draw ♦︎ come along ♦︎ near ♦︎ close in ♦︎ convergeThese words all mean to move to or towards a person or place. 这些词均表示移至、接近、靠近。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to come / draw in / into sthto come / draw up / up to sb / sthto close in / converge on sb / sthto come / draw close / near / closer / nearerto slowly come / approach / draw / close in on sb come (came, come) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to go towards a particular place or to a particular event; to go towards sb/sth in a particular way or from a particular distance He came into the room and shut the door.他进了房间,把门关上。She came to work wearing a very smart suit.她穿着非常时髦的套装来上班。Come here!到这儿来!Come and see us soon!快点来看我们吧! (NAmE) Come see us soon!快点来看我们吧!Here comes Jo (= Jo is coming)!乔来啦!He's come all the way from Tokyo.他从东京远道而来。Why don't you come with us?为什么不和我们一起来呢?It looks as if there's a storm coming.看上去好像暴风雨要来了。The kids came running into the room.孩子们跑着进屋来了。Come is usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb is moving to or towards. * come一般指朝说话者所在的方位移动。 OPP go go 1 see also coming arrival 1 approach [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to come near or towards sb/sth 靠近;接近We could hear the train approaching.我们听到火车驶近的声音。Police said the suspect should not be approached.警方说不应接近嫌犯。She approached the crossroads cautiously.她小心地接近十字路口。 see also approach arrival 1 draw (drew, drawn) [intransitive] (written) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move in the direction mentioned, usually towards sb/sth (向某个方向,通常朝某人或某物)移动,行进The train drew into the station.火车进站。Their car drew alongside ours.他们的汽车与我们的并排行驶。She waved to me as I drew up (= arrived in a car and stopped).我把车停下来的时候她朝我挥了挥手。As he drew near, I could see that he was limping.当他走近时,我看到他一瘸一拐的。 ˌcome aˈlong

phrasal verb

(came, come)to come closer and then arrive at a place 逐渐抵达;到达We'll get the next bus that comes along.我们要坐下一趟来的公共汽车。I'd hate someone to come along and see me like this.我讨厌我这样子被过来的人看见。
near [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to come nearer to sb/sth 接近;靠近;临近As the bus neared we could see someone waving.公共汽车靠近时,我们看到有个人在挥手。We were obviously nearing the airport.我们显然快到机场了。 ˌclose ˈin

phrasal verb

to move nearer to sb/sth, especially in order to attack or capture them (尤指为了进攻或捕获)逼近,靠近They knew the police were closing in.他们知道警察在逼近。It was a shark closing in for the kill.那是一条鲨鱼在逼近,准备捕杀猎物。Rebel troops were closing in on the city.叛军正要围攻那座城市。
converge kənˈvɜːdʒ; NAmE kənˈvɜːrdʒ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition, especially on 通常与副词或介词连用,尤其是on) (of people or vehicles) to move towards a place from different directions and form a crowd there (人或车辆)汇集,聚集,集中Thousands of supporters converged on Washington for the rally.成千上万的支持者从四面八方汇聚华盛顿举行集会。


come here 到这里来when the time comes 当时机到来时come ♦︎ arrive ♦︎ approach ♦︎ near ♦︎ draw nearThese words all relate to a time or event that comes or happens, especially one that you have been waiting for. 这些词均表示时间到来或事件发生,尤指如期而至。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配spring / summer / autumn / fall / winter comes / arrives / approaches / draws nearthe day / time comes / arrives / approaches / draws nearto come / arrive early / lateto finally come / arrive come (come, come) [intransitive](of a particular time) to be now (某一时刻)到来,来临When the moment actually came, I began to feel a little nervous.当那一刻真的来临时,我开始感觉有些紧张。Business improved as Christmas came nearer.圣诞节临近,生意有所改善。The deadline came and went, but there was no reply from them.最后期限到了,又过去了,但他们一直没有回复。 arrive [intransitive] (written) (of a time or event) to come or happen, especially after you have been waiting for it (尤指等待的时刻或事件)到来,发生The day of the wedding finally arrived.婚礼这一天终于到了。The age of industrialization had arrived.工业化时代已经来到了。 approach [intransitive, transitive] to come closer in time (时间上)接近,临近The deadline was fast approaching.截止期限很快就到了。He was approaching a turning point in his life.他即将面临自己人生的转折点。 near [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to come close in time (时间上)接近,临近It was nearing midnight.快午夜了。The project is nearing completion.这个项目就要完成了。Many of the teachers were nearing retirement.许多教师临近退休。 draw near (drew, drawn) [intransitive] (rather formal) to come close in time (时间上)接近,临近The time for her departure was drawing near.她离开的日子越来越近了。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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