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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Unusual in a strange way
adjective /streɪndʒ/
unusual or unexpected, especially in a way that surprises or worries you 奇怪的;奇特的;不寻常的

By a strange coincidence, we were both staying at the same hotel. 出于奇特的巧合,我们俩都住在同一家宾馆。

it is/seems strange that :

It seemed strange that she would leave so early. 她要这么早动身似乎很反常。

the strange thing is :

The strange thing is, I was the only one there. 奇怪的是,那儿只有我一个人。

for some strange reason :

For some strange reason, she didn't even say ‘hello'. 由于某种奇怪的原因,她甚至没说声“你好”。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
used about someone whose behaviour is unusual (行为)奇特的,古怪的

Ian really is a bit of a strange bloke. 伊恩确实是个有点古怪的家伙。

He had a strange and frightening expression. 他的表情奇特,令人恐惧。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /streɪndʒ/
in an unusual way 奇怪地;不寻常地

He was acting strange, don't you think? 他的举止很怪异,你难道不觉得吗?

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈfʌni/
strange, or unusual 奇怪的;奇特的;不寻常的;反常的

This tea tastes funny. 这种茶味道很奇怪。

The drugs did funny things to her head. 这些药使她的头脑产生了奇怪的反应。

You're in a funny mood today. 你今天情绪反常。

There's something funny going on. 正在发生不寻常的事。

If you love her, you've got a funny way of showing it. 你如果爱她,那么只能说你表达爱意的方式很奇特。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /wɪə(r)d/
strange and unusual, sometimes in a way that upsets you 奇怪的;古怪的;不寻常的

I had a weird dream last night. 昨晚上我做了一个古怪的梦。

The weird thing is, nobody else noticed. 奇怪的是,没有别的人注意到。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...


 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˌʌnˈrɪəl/
extremely unusual in a way that does not seem to be part of the normal world in which you live 虚幻的

The fog added to the unreal appearance of the landscape. 大雾增添了风景的虚幻色彩。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˌɪdiəʊsɪŋˈkrætɪk/
idiosyncratic tendencies are unusual or strange, and not shared by other people 独特的;怪癖的

He has some rather idiosyncratic views about what constitutes good television. 他对于什么是好的电视节目有一些比较怪异的见解。

her own idiosyncratic style of painting 她独特的绘画风格

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ɪnˈkɒŋɡruəs/
strange because of being very different to other things which happen or exist in the same situation 不合适的;不相称的;不协调的;不一致的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /səˈrɪəl/
something surreal is so strange that you cannot believe it is real 超现实的;离奇的;荒诞的

These surreal events eventually led to police arresting the teacher in her classroom. 这些离奇的事件最终导致警察在教室里逮捕了那位女教师。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /aʊtˈlændɪʃ/
extremely strange and unusual 稀奇古怪的;奇特的

an outlandish hairstyle 稀奇古怪的发式

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ɪkˈsentrɪk/
used about actions, decisions, or things that people make that are strange or unusual (行动、决定或事物等)怪异的,反常的

a rather eccentric decision by the referee 裁判员作出的有些反常的判决

an eccentric family tradition 怪异的家庭传统

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...


/ɪkˈsentrɪkli/ adverb
 Synonyms and related words
Crazy or silly: crazy, silly, ridiculous...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈedʒi/
music, films, books etc that are edgy are strange in a way that is interesting or exciting (音乐、电影、书等)奇特的,不寻常的,有趣的
 Synonyms and related words
Making you feel excited: exciting, alive, fast...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
More Synonyms
Alice in Wonderland
adjective /ˌælɪs ɪn ˈwʌndə(r)ˌlænd/
used for talking about a strange situation, in which everything seems to be the opposite of what normally happens 荒诞不经的

the Alice in Wonderland world of the corporate boardroom, where failed executives get paid huge bonuses 公司董事会会议室的荒诞现象,那里不称职的经理人员拿着高额奖金

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /bɪˈzɑː(r)/
strange and difficult to explain 古怪的;怪诞的;奇异的

bizarre behaviour 古怪的行为

a really bizarre character 十分古怪的性格

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /bɪˈzɑː(r)li/
in a strange way that is difficult to explain 古怪地;怪诞地;奇异地

bizarrely dressed 穿着古怪的

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
used for emphasizing that you think something is strange 奇怪的是

Bizarrely, the survey reveals that six out of ten adults believe in aliens. 奇怪的是,调查表明六成的成年人相信有外星人存在。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective informal /ˈkræŋki/
strange or unusual 古怪的;不寻常的

It was just another of his cranky theories. 这不过是他的又一个古怪理论。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective old-fashioned /ˈdæmdɪst/
most strange or surprising 最奇怪的;最令人惊讶的

People write to us about the damnedest things. 人们写信告诉我们最奇怪的事。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /dɪsˈkɔː(r)d(ə)nt/
not matching other things and therefore strange or unpleasant 不协调的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈdriːmˌlaɪk/
strange, like the things that you experience in dreams 梦一般的;奇怪的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /ɪkˈstrɔː(r)d(ə)nərəli/
in a way that seems strange or unusual 非常奇怪地;不寻常地
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /fænˈtæstɪk/




mainly literary strange or imaginary 奇异的;怪诞的;想象的

fantastic creatures/stories/tales 奇形怪状的生物/奇异的故事/怪诞的传说

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
 Synonyms and related words
Imaginary and not real: imaginary, hypothetical, false...
adverb /fænˈtæstɪkli/
in an unusual or strange way 不寻常地;奇特地;怪异地

The fantastically named band have just completed recording their first album. 这支名字怪里怪气的乐队刚录完第一张专辑。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
informal very strange 奇特的;奇怪的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈfɒrɪn/
not typical of something or someone and therefore not expected or familiar 非典型的;陌生的;不相容的

In some versions of free-market economics, the notion of public service is quite foreign. 在自由市场经济学的某些观点中,公共服务这个概念相当陌生。

foreign to :

She was in a state of deep depression that was totally foreign to her nature. 她处于极度消沉的状态,这完全不像她的性格。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /ˈfʌnɪli/
in a strange or unusual way 奇怪的;不寻常的;古怪的

She reacted funnily to my question. 她对我提的问题反应很古怪。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
the funny thing is
phrase spoken
used for saying you think something is strange 奇怪的是

The funny thing is, they stole my CDs but didn't take any money. 奇怪的是,他们偷了我的CD却没有偷钱。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
(going) down the rabbit hole
used for referring to a situation that is strange, confusing, or illogical, and often hard to escape from

Quoting from the people themselves is the easiest way of showing just how far down the rabbit hole we are going here.

Professor John Kennedy invites us to jump down the rabbit hole and imagine a world where U.S. Supreme Court justices are elected democratically.

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way:strange, funny, weird...
 Synonyms and related words
Stupid ideas or behaviour:stupidity, madness, lunacy...
adjective /ɪmˈprɒbəb(ə)l/
strange and unexpected 奇异的;出乎意料的

an improbable friendship between two women of very different backgrounds 两个背景迥异的女人间出人意料的友谊

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...


 Synonyms and related words
Not likely to happen: unlikely, doubtful, remote...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
it's a funny old world/game
phrase spoken
used for saying that strange or unfair things sometimes happen 有时会发生奇怪(或不公平)的事
 Synonyms and related words
Unfair: unfair, unjust, unequal...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
it's/that's funny
phrase spoken
used for saying that a situation seems strange 这很奇怪

It's funny but I feel like I've met you before. 这很奇怪,但我觉得好像以前见过你。

That's funny, she was here a minute ago. 真奇怪,她刚才还在这儿。

it's/that's funny how :

It's funny how she passes all her exams without doing any work. 真奇怪,她一点都不学,不知道是怎么通过所有考试的。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
like a dream
very strange, like the things that happen in dreams 如梦如幻
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective, adverb, preposition /ɒf/
strange, or unusual 奇怪的;不正常的

Something about the way he talked was a little off. 他说话的样子有点怪。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
  • off kilter

    or out of kilter

    slightly strange or crazy, or not right in some way 有点失常的;有点毛病的

    Things are totally out of kilter in our society. 我们的社会全乱了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Crazy or silly: crazy, silly, ridiculous...
     Synonyms and related words
    Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
strange, often in a funny or interesting way 古怪的;怪异滑稽的

off-the-wall humour 古怪的幽默

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective formal /ˈuːtreɪ/
extremely unusual and strange 非同寻常的;古怪的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪk(ə)l/
strange because of being the opposite of what you expect 事与愿违的;出乎意料的;怪诞的

a paradoxical result 荒诞的结果

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkli/
used for saying that something is strange because it is the opposite of what you expect 自相矛盾地;反常地

Paradoxically, it is their differences that bring them closer to each other. 令人匪夷所思的是:正是他们之间的差异使他们变得更加亲密。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /pɪˈkjuːliə(r)/
strange, often in an unpleasant way 古怪的;怪异的;乖僻的

a peculiar smell 古怪的味道

He told me a most peculiar story. 他给我讲了一个非常离奇的故事。

I felt a little bit peculiar (=ill) and had to lie down. 我觉得不太舒服,只好躺下来。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /pɪˈkjuːljə(r)li/
in a strange or unusual way 古怪地;反常地

He's been behaving very peculiarly lately. 他最近行为一直很反常。

The children were peculiarly quiet. 孩子们安静得出奇。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective formal /ˌpriːtə(r)ˈnætʃ(ə)rəl/
extremely strange and often involving abilities or qualities that people do not normally have 超自然的;不可思议的;非凡的

preternatural speed/power/intelligence 非凡的速度/力量/智力

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˌpaɪθənˈesk/
strange and funny, like a person or situation in the 1970s British television programme Monty Python's Flying Circus 皮东风格的,怪诞滑稽的(源自20世纪70年代英国电视节目《蒙蒂·皮东的飞行马戏团》)
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /kwɪə(r)/
old-fashioned strange 古怪的

with a queer expression on his face 他脸上带着古怪的表情

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...


 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈkwɜː(r)ki/
slightly strange 有点儿古怪的;离奇的

She has a quirky sense of humour. 她有一种古怪的幽默感。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective British informal old-fashioned /rʌm/
strange 奇怪的;古怪的;离奇的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective informal /ˈskruːi/
strange, or unusual. This word is sometimes used in an insulting way. 古怪的,怪诞的(有时为侮辱性用语)
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlə(r)/
mainly literary noticeable because of being strange or unusual 奇异的;异常的

a dancer of singular grace 有着奇特魅力的舞蹈演员

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
 Synonyms and related words
Obvious: obvious, clear, significant...
adverb /ˈstreɪndʒli/
in an unusual way 奇怪地;不寻常地

Everyone looked at him strangely. 人人都奇怪地看着他。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
used for saying that something is surprising or unusual 真奇怪;奇怪的是

Strangely, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. 真奇怪,我知道他不会伤害我。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /səˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk/
used about things that seem very strange because they combine images or ideas that are not usually related 超现实的;离奇的;荒诞的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
  1. 1
    [account for something] to be the reason why something exists or happens 是…的原因;引起;导致

    A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores. 若干因素导致了这两个分数之间的不同。

    The increase in carbon dioxide emissions may account for changes in the climate. 二氧化碳排放量的增加可能是气候变化的原因。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [account for someone/something] to form, use, or produce a particular amount or part of a group of people or things (在数量或比例上)占,占据

    Electronic goods account for over 30% of our exports. 电子产品占我们出口的30%以上。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [account for something] to give an explanation for something bad that has happened, especially something that you are responsible for 对(尤指所负责之事)作出解释(或说明)

    You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to account for your behaviour. 你将被带到纪律委员会面前对你的行为作出解释。

    How do you account for this sudden improvement in his test scores? 你怎么解释他考试成绩的突然提高?

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [often passive] [account for something] to say how you have used, or how you will use, an amount of money that you are responsible for spending, especially in your job

    She had to account for every penny she spent.

    Investors were told that over half their savings had vanished and could not be accounted for.

     Synonyms and related words
    Accounts, accountancy and accountants: account, accountancy, accountant...
  5. 5
    [usually passive] [account for someone] if someone is accounted for, you know where they are and so do not worry that they are not where they should be 弄清…的下落

    One small child was still not accounted for. 还有一个小孩子下落不明。

     Synonyms and related words
    Known and not secret: known, overt, transparent...
  6. 6
    there's no accounting for taste mainly spoken used for saying that you think what someone likes is strange 人各有所好
     Synonyms and related words
    Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ʌnˈkæni/
strange and mysterious 怪异的;神秘的

He predicted the winners of each race with uncanny accuracy. 他异常准确地预言了每场比赛的获胜者。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...


 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adverb /ʌnˈnætʃ(ə)rəli/
in a way that seems strange or not normal 怪异地;不正常地

His face seemed unnaturally pale. 他的脸色看起来异常苍白。

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ʌnˈwɜː(r)ldli/
slightly strange or unusual 有点奇异的;有点不寻常的

a landscape of unworldly beauty 奇丽的风景

 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective informal
very strange or unusual 十分古怪的;极不寻常的
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective /ˈwɪmzɪk(ə)l/
slightly strange or old-fashioned 古怪的;离奇的;过时的

She gave him a nod and a whimsical smile. 她向他点点头,古怪地笑了笑。

 Synonyms and related words
Old-fashioned: old-fashioned, primitive, obsolete...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...
adjective informal /ˈzeɪni/
strange or unusual in a funny way 稀奇古怪的;滑稽可笑的

a zany character/idea/film 滑稽可笑的人物/稀奇古怪的想法/怪诞有趣的电影

 Synonyms and related words
Funny, playful and humorous: funny, humorous, playful...
 Synonyms and related words
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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