I don't like being shanghaied when I'm searching for information on a topic that has nothing to do with me buying something.
Tourists are worried they'll get ripped off. 游客们担心被敲竹杠。
This government is ripping off the country. 这个政府欺骗了全国人民。
‘You two don't deceive me,' she said. ‘I know what you're trying to do'. “你们两个别骗我,”她说道。“我知道你们想干什么。”
He was deceived into giving them all his money. 他受骗了,把钱全都给了他们。
Don't be deceived – she's not as nice as she seems. 别受骗上当,她可没有表面看上去那样好。
He tricked me into believing that he was somebody famous. 他骗我相信他是个名人。
You're not the first person to be tricked out of your savings. 你不是第一个被骗走存款的人。
He was accused of cheating investors out of their life savings. 他被指控骗取投资者一生的储蓄。
She's just stringing you along – she won't marry you. 她只是想吊着你,她是不会嫁给你的。
The landlord tried to swindle us out of our deposit. 房东试图骗取我们的押金。
They were accused of swindling millions of dollars out of several international companies. 他们被指控诈骗了几家跨国公司数百万美元的钱财。
Henson duped the couple into letting him into their home. 亨森哄骗这对夫妇允许自己进到他们家里来。
She was beguiled by his charm. 她被他的魅力所欺骗。
People who catfish others usually make up fake lives so they can be as extravagant as they want to be.
He makes his money by chiselling unsuspecting elderly people. 他通过欺骗没有戒心的老人而赚钱。
He got diddled out of his inheritance. 他继承的财产被骗走了。
You paid £50 for that rubbish? You've been done! 你花了50英镑买那垃圾?你受骗了!
That guy at the garage did me out of £50 last night. 汽车修理厂的那个家伙昨天晚上骗了我50英镑。
We've got a letter from a war widow who claims she's been done out of her pension. 我们收到了一位阵亡军人遗孀的来信,她声称被剥夺了抚恤金。
I felt that Sally had made a complete fool of me. 我觉得萨莉完全欺骗了我。
He made me out to be a liar. 他把我说成一个骗子。
You can't put one over on me that easily!
We were just screwed out of £20! 我们刚被敲诈了20英镑!
Don't be taken in by their promises. 别被他们的承诺给骗了。
I found out I'd been taken for a ride by someone I really trusted. 我发现一个自己很信任的人欺骗了我。
I decided to try and wangle an invitation to her party. 我决定略施小计弄到她聚会的请柬。
It sounds like he's trying to wangle your legacy from you. 听起来好像他在试图骗取你的遗产。
We've managed to wangle her a flat below us. 我们略施小计给她弄到了我们楼下的一套房子。
We'll wangle it so that you can start tomorrow. 我们会使用非常规方法,这样你可以明天开始。
At first I thought they were winding me up. 起先我以为他们在骗我。
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net