They fixed a meeting for next Friday at 9. 他們定於下星期五9點開會。
A delivery date has not yet been fixed. 交貨日期尚未確定。
The exhibition has been timed to coincide with the publication of her new book. 展覽會恰好安排在她新書出版的那一天。
Let's schedule another meeting in July. 讓我們把另一次會議安排在7月吧。
They have scheduled the factory for completion in 2004. 他們計劃該工廠於2004年竣工。
The exhibition is scheduled to run from January until March. 展覽計劃從1月開始至3月結束。
I'd like to move my appointment to 9.30. 我想把約會改到9點30分。
We've put the trip back until June now. 我們現在已經把旅行推遲到了6月份。
The fire has put back the opening of the theatre by several months. 火災使劇院的開業延遲了好幾個月。
The match has been brought forward to 1.00 pm. 比賽已提前至下午1點鐘。
They brought the date of the wedding forward so her cousins could attend. 他們把婚禮日期提前以便她的表親能夠參加。
Bad weather forced us to postpone Friday's game. 惡劣的天氣迫使我們推遲了星期五的比賽。
Our exam has been postponed until next Monday. 我們的考試已經推遲到下個星期一。
Can we reschedule our meeting for Tuesday instead of Monday? 我們能把會議時間由星期一改到星期二嗎?
They had to put the wedding off because the bride's mother had an accident. 因爲新娘的母親出了事故,他們只好把婚禮推遲。
I'll put off going to Scotland until you're well enough to look after yourself again. 我會推遲去蘇格蘭的時間,直到你身體恢複到能重新照顧自己爲止。
The meeting has been rearranged for Tuesday. 會議重新安排到星期二。
I've got an appointment with the dentist tomorrow afternoon. 我明天下午跟牙醫有預約。
Geoffrey's got lectures all day tomorrow. 傑弗裏明天一整天都有講座。
One session was held over until this evening. 一次會議被推遲到今天晚上召開。
They intend to hold the article over for the next edition. 他們計劃把這篇文章推遲到下一版刊發。
Let's make a date to have coffee.
5th June has been nominated as election day. 6月5日已被確定爲選舉日。
The deadline has been pushed back two weeks. 最後期限被推後兩個星期。
Can I push back our meeting to 27 May? 我能不能把我們的會議推遲到5月27日?
The meeting has been put forward to Monday. 會議被提前至星期一。
We could slot you in just before our ten o'clock meeting. 我們可以把你排在10點鐘的會議之前。
Attacks of the illness were spread over a three-year period. 這種病3年間多次發作。
staggered working hours 錯開的工作時間
The synchronized explosions brought chaos to the city centre. 同時發生的幾起爆炸事故使市中心陷於混亂。
An editing unit is used to synchronize sound with images. 剪輯單元的作用是使聲音和畫面同步。
Six senators tabled the bill and refused to discuss other similar proposals. 6名參議員暫緩審議該議案,並且拒絕討論其他類似的提案。
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net