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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

air noun GAS

A2 [ U ] the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe空气

I went outside to get some fresh air.我到室外呼吸一下新鲜空气。
You should put some air in your tyres - they look flat to me.你该给这些轮胎打气了——它们看上去都瘪了。
the air [ S ]

B2 the space above the ground, especially high above the ground空中,天空

The air was filled with the scent of roses.空气中弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。
Throw your gun down and put your hands in the air.扔掉枪,举起手来。
The police fired into the air to clear the demonstrators from the streets.警察对天鸣枪以驱散街上的示威者。

More examples

The balloon rose gently (up) into the air.

The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust, and gases into the air.

The extent of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air.

The ball carried high into the air and landed the other side of the fence.

A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.

More examples

It's the dampness in the air that is bad for your lungs.

He let the air out of the balloon.

The mountain air was wonderfully pure.

There was a rush of air as she opened the door.

Stricter controls on air pollution would help to reduce acid rain.

Warm air rises by the process of convection.

air noun AIRCRAFT

A2 [ U ] travel in an aircraft乘坐飞机;航空

I don't travel much by air.我不常坐飞机。
an air crash/disaster飞机失事/空难
air travel乘飞机旅行

More examples

The air force counterattacked and repelled the invasion.

Human error has been blamed for the air crash.

Will the goods be sent by air or sea freight?

The resort is easily accessible by road, rail, and air.

The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.

air noun MANNER

C2 [ S ] manner or appearance神态,样子;风度

She has an air of confidence about her.她一副自信的样子。

More examples

He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.

He retains an almost professorial air.

I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him.

The company operates out of modern offices and expensive hotel suites to create an air of respectability.

He glared at me with an air of accusation.

air noun BROADCAST

be on/off (the) air

C1 If a programme or a person is on/off (the) air, they are/are not broadcasting on radio or television.正在/停止播出

The radio station is on air from 6 a.m.广播电台早晨6点开始播音。
As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.战争一爆发,所有有关军事主题的节目都停止播出了。

air noun TUNE

[ C ] a simple tune曲调,旋律

Bach's Air on a G String巴赫的《G弦上的咏叹调》

air verb MAKE KNOWN

[ T ] to make opinions or complaints known to other people说出,公开,亮出(观点等)

Putting a complaint in the suggestions box is one way of airing your grievances.有什么怨言写出来放在意见箱里,这是一种发泄不满的方式。
He'll air his views on the war whether people want to listen or not.不管人们是否愿意听,他都要说出他对战争的看法。

air verb DRY

[ I or T ] to become dry and/or fresh, or to cause to become dry and/or fresh(使)晾干,(使)风干;(使)烘干;(使)通风

My mother always airs the sheets before she makes the beds.我妈妈在铺床之前总是先把床单烘干。
Leave the windows open to let the room air a bit.开着窗户,让房间通通风。

air verb BROADCAST

[ I or T ] US to broadcast something or be broadcast on radio or television广播,播出,播送

The game will be aired live on CBS at 7.00 tonight.今晚7点,哥伦比亚广播公司将现场直播这场比赛。
The interview with the president will air tomorrow morning.对总统的采访将在明天早晨播出。


1gas/space氣體;空間ADJECTIVE | ... OF AIR | VERB + AIR | AIR + VERB | AIR + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhot, warm熱空氣;溫暖的空氣chill, cold, cool, crisp冷空氣;寒冷的空氣;涼爽的空氣;清爽的空氣clean, clear, fresh, pure清潔的/清新的/新鮮的/純淨的空氣There are regulatory requirements for clean air and water.對清潔的空氣和水有監管要求。We need some fresh air in this stuffy room!在這個憋悶的房間裏我們需要一些新鮮空氣!sweet香甜的氣味The air was sweet with incense.空氣中瀰漫着熏香的香甜氣味。foul, foul-smelling, polluted, stale難聞的氣味;受污染的空氣;不新鮮的空氣the polluted air of our cities我們城市被污染的空氣the musty smell of stale air不新鮮空氣的霉味damp, humid, moist潮濕的空氣;濕潤的空氣dry乾燥的空氣still不流通的空氣Nothing moved in the still air.空氣凝滯,一切都紋絲不動。thin稀薄的空氣It's difficult carrying such heavy loads in the thin air of the mountains.山裏空氣稀薄,帶着這麼重的東西非常吃力。thick⋯濃的空氣The air was thick with cigarette smoke.空氣中滿是香煙的煙霧。compressed壓縮的空氣They have developed an engine powered by compressed air.他們研製出一種用壓縮空氣作動力的發動機。country, mountain, sea鄉村的/山裏的/海邊的空氣evening, morning, night傍晚的/早晨的/夜晚的空氣Music filled the night air.夜晚的空氣中瀰漫着音樂聲。... OF AIRblast, gust, rush一陣強烈的氣流We felt a blast of cold air as she opened the door.她一開門,我們就感到一陣冷風吹來。current一股氣流warm currents of air一股股暖氣流breath一口氣He drew in another breath of air.他又吸了一口氣。VERB + AIRbreathe吸氣Land crabs breathe air and cannot swim.地蟹會呼吸空氣,但不會游泳。breathe in, gulp in, inhale, suck in吸氣;大口吸氣She gulped in the fresh mountain air.她大口呼吸山裏的新鮮空氣。I sat for a moment, inhaling the fresh forest air.我坐了一會兒,呼吸着林中的新鮮空氣。fight for, gasp for氣喘吁吁;上氣不接下氣She was gasping for air as she ran out of the burning house.她從着火的房子中逃出來時上氣不接下氣。smell, sniff聞氣味;嗅氣味The dog stretched and sniffed the air.這隻狗伸了伸腿,嗅了嗅氣味。fill, hang in空氣中充滿⋯氣味;空氣中飄散着⋯氣味The tang of some wild herb hung in the air.空氣中散發着濃烈的野生草藥的氣味。blow吹氣pollute污染空氣clear (figurative) 消除誤會The argument helped to clear the air between them.這次爭論有助於消除他們之間的誤會。punch揮拳頭He punched the air in triumph.他高興地揮了揮拳頭。pierce刺透天空Suddenly a scream pierced the air.突然,一聲尖叫直刺雲天。AIR + VERBblow, circulate, flow, rise, rush, waft空氣吹來/循環/流動/升騰/迅速流動/飄盪The cool night air wafted in through the open windows.涼爽的晚風從敞開的窗戶飄了進來。AIR + NOUNpollution空氣污染quality空氣質量equipment to monitor air quality監測空氣質量的儀器pressure氣壓current氣流temperature氣溫conditioning空氣調節conditioner空調PREPOSITIONin the air, into the air在空中;進入空中I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球踢到高空。through the air穿過天空Spicy smells wafted through the air.空中飄來陣陣辛辣的氣味。PHRASESin the open air (= outside) 露天The market is held in the open air.集市設在戶外。


2for planes飛機AIR + NOUN | PREPOSITION AIR + NOUNtravel航空旅行fare飛機票價traffic空中交通We are cleared by Air Traffic Control to taxi and take off.我們的空中交通管制解除,可以滑行和起飛。crash, disaster飛機失事;空難attack, defence/defense, raid, strike空襲;防空Three buildings were bombed last night in an air strike on the city.昨晚市內 3 棟建築在空襲中被炸。PREPOSITIONby air (= by plane) 乘飛機It only takes three hours by air.乘飛機只需 3 個小時。from the air從空中The hideout is clearly visible from the air.那個藏身地從空中清晰可見。


3impression印象VERB + AIR | PREPOSITION VERB + AIRhave, retain有⋯的神態;保持⋯的風度You have an air of authority.你看上去很權威。add, bring, give (sth)增加⋯氣氛;帶來⋯氣氛;給(某物)增添⋯氣氛A stone balcony gives the building an air of elegance.石陽台給這棟建築增添了幾分雅致。lend增添⋯氣氛PREPOSITIONwith an/the air帶有⋯的感覺He leaned over to Melissa with an air of confidentiality.他向梅利莎湊過身去,顯出很機密的樣子。air of⋯的樣子He had an air of mystery about him.他顯出很神秘的樣子。


ADVERBin public, openly, publicly公開提出;當眾表示The issues were openly aired and discussed by the group.這些問題被公開提出並在小組進行了討論。
air verb
air noun
air (kick a ball into the air) appearance (an air of concern) pretension (put on airs)


air ♦︎ sky ♦︎ atmosphere ♦︎ airspace ♦︎ the heavensThese words all mean the space above or around you. 这些词均表示空中或天空。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in / into the air / sky / atmosphere / sb's airspace / the heavensthrough the air / sky / atmosphere / sb's airspace air (usually the air 通常作the air) [uncountable] the space above the ground or that is around things 空中;天空I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球高高地踢到空中。Spicy smells wafted through the air.空中飘来一阵阵浓烈的香味。Music filled the night air.乐声荡漾在夜空中。 Air is also the space above the earth where planes fly. * air也指地球上方飞机飞行的空间It only takes three hours by air (= in a plane).坐飞机只需三个小时。air travel / traffic / fares航空旅行;空中交通;飞机票价The temple was clearly visible from the air.从空中看去,那座寺庙清晰可见。 sky [countable, uncountable] the space above the earth that you can see when you look up, where clouds and the sun, moon and stars appear 天;天空What's that in the sky?天上那个东西是什么?Stars began to twinkle in the night sky.繁星开始在夜空闪烁。I had blue skies and sunshine nearly every day I was there.在那儿我几乎每天都能享受到蓝天和丽日。You usually say the sky. When sky is used with an adjective, use a ... sky. 通常说the sky,与形容词连用时用a ... skyWe made our way home under a cloudless sky.晴空万里,我们踏上了回家的路程。You can also use the plural form skies, especially when you are thinking about the great extent of the sky. 也可用复数形式skies,尤指天空广阔时The skies above London were ablaze with a spectacular firework display.伦敦上空礼花绽放,好不壮观。 atmosphere (usually the atmosphere 通常作the atmosphere) [countable, usually singular] the layer of air that surrounds the earth; the mixture of gases that surrounds a large object in space such as a planet or star (围绕地球的)大气(层);(围绕天体的)气体Pollution of the atmosphere is a global problem.大气污染是全球性问题。The outermost part of the sun's atmosphere is called the corona.太阳大气的最外层叫做日冕。 atmospheric ˌætməsˈferɪk


atmospheric pollution大气污染
airspace ˈeəspeɪs; NAmE ˈerspeɪs [uncountable] the part of the sky where planes fly, usually the part above a particular country that is legally controlled by that country 领空;(某国的)空域The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission.那架喷气式飞机未经允许闯入了中国领空。 the heavens [plural] (literary) the sky above, as seen from the ground 天空;苍穹Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens.四棵大树参天而立。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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