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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122

call verb NAME

B1 [ T + obj + noun ] to give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name给…取名,给…命名;称呼

They've called the twins Edward and Thomas.他们给双胞胎取名为爱德华和托马斯。
What's that actor called that we saw in the film last night?我们昨晚在电影里看到的那个演员叫什么名字?
His real name is Jonathan, but they've always called him Johnny.他的真名叫乔纳森,但他们总是叫他“约翰尼”。
What's her new novel called?她的新小说叫什么名字?
I wish he wouldn't keep calling me "dear" - it's so patronizing!我希望他不要老是叫我“亲爱的”——太居高临下了!
call sb names

C2 If a person, especially a child, calls someone names, he or she addresses that person with a name that is intended to be offensive.(尤指小孩的行为)谩骂…,辱骂…

Tom's worried that if he wears glasses at school the other children will call him names.汤姆担心如果他在学校戴眼镜会被其他孩子取笑。

More examples

Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.

I think he was called Blake , if I remember correctly.

He was most uncivil to your father - called him an old fool.

What have they decided to call their new baby?

The meat produced from a pig is called pork, bacon, or ham.

call verb PHONE

A2 [ I or T ] to use a phone to talk to someone打电话

He called (you) last night when you were out.昨晚你不在时,他(给你)打过电话。
She called (me) this morning at the office and we had a brief chat.今天早上她打电话到我的办公室,我们简短地闲聊了会儿。
I've been calling all morning but I can't get through.我一早上都在打电话,可是没打通。
Do you think we should call the police?你觉得我们应该报警吗?
call collect US US also and UK reverse (the) charges

to make a phone call that is paid for by the person who receives it打对方付费电话

More examples

If I'm not home when you call, leave a message on the machine .

I gave him my number and he promised to call me.

Probably the best thing to do is to call them before you go.

I tried calling you but the line was busy.

You could always call Susie and see if she might babysit.

call verb CONSIDER

[ T + obj + noun ] to consider someone or something to be称…为;把…看作

He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends.他认识很多人,但他称之为亲密朋友的只有一两个。
One sandwich and a lettuce leaf - I don't call that a meal!一个三明治和一片生菜叶——我可不把那叫一顿饭!
I'm not calling you a liar - I'm just suggesting that you misunderstood the facts of the situation.我没说你在撒谎——我只是提醒一下,你误解了实际情形。
call sth your own

to consider something as belonging to you认为…是自己的

I don't aspire to anything very grand - I just want a place I can call my own.我不奢望特别气派的东西——我只想拥有一个属于我自己的地方。

More examples

Some people call English a mongrel language because it is a mixture of old German and French.

How can you call those barbarians your friends?

It's a suburb of Manchester really - I wouldn't call it Manchester proper.

He's quite attractive but not what I'd call gorgeous.

He had a few tufts of hair on his chin, but you could hardly call it a beard.

call verb SHOUT/CRY

B1 [ I or T ] to say something in a loud voice, especially in order to attract someone's attention, or (of animals) to make a loud, high sound, especially to another animal叫,呼喊;呼叫;(动物)鸣叫

Someone in the crowd called (out) his name.人群中有人大声叫(出)他的名字。
Did you call?是你在叫吗?
[ + speech ] "Hey, you! Come over here!" she called.“嗨,你!到这儿来!”她叫道。
The blackbird called to its mate.乌鸫呼唤它的配偶。
call for order also call sth to order

to ask people in a meeting to stop talking so that the meeting can continue要求(会场)安静下来,要求别吵

She called for order/called the meeting to order.她要求会场安静下来。

More examples

She sometimes calls out in her sleep.

I thought I heard you call from upstairs.

I called to her but she didn't hear me.

"We're over here!" she called.

I thought I heard someone call my name.

call verb ASK TO COME

C1 [ I or T ] to ask someone to come to you叫来;召,召唤

She called me over to where she was sitting.她把我叫到了她坐着的地方。
I keep the bedroom door open in case the children call (for) me in the night.我让卧室门开着,以防孩子们晚上叫我。
I was called to an emergency meeting this morning.我今早被叫去参加一个紧急会议。
At school she was always being called into the headteacher's office.在学校时,她总是被叫到校长办公室去。

More examples

I thought I heard my daughter calling for me.

He was called to the phone.

She called me over and showed me the report.

You can't just call people across the office and expect them to come running!

He called me into his office and asked me to explain my decision.

call verb VISIT

[ I ] to visit someone, especially for a short time(尤指短暂的)拜访,造访

The electrician must have called (round) this morning when we were out - there's a note on the door mat.今天上午我们出去的时候电工一定来过了——门垫上留了张字条。

call verb DECIDE ON

C1 [ T ] to decide officially to have a particular event or take particular action决定召开(或举行)

The managing director has called a meeting to discuss pay levels.总经理决定召开会议商讨工资标准。
The papers are predicting that the prime minister will call an election in the spring.报纸预言首相将宣布在春季举行大选。
It's reckoned that the unions will call a strike if management will not agree to their demands.如果管理层不同意他们的要求,预计工会将发动罢工。
They had to call a halt to (= end) the match because of the heavy rain.因为下大雨,他们不得不中止了比赛。

call noun PHONE

A2 [ C ] the act of using the phone通话;打电话

I got a call from an old college friend last night.昨晚我接到了一位大学老友的电话。
If there are any calls for me, could you write them down next to the phone?如果有我的电话,你能在电话边记一下吗?
I've just got a couple of calls to make.我正要打几个电话。
That decorator you called about painting the house - did he ever return your call?为粉刷房子的事你打电话找的那个油漆工——他给你回过电话了吗?
The radio station received a lot of calls complaining about the show's bad language.广播电台接到很多电话,投诉那个节目用语污秽。
Before six o'clock, calls are charged at peak rate.6点之前,拨打电话按高峰费率收费。

More examples

Will you excuse me? I've got to make a phone call.

The phone company were unable to trace the call.

Please confine your use of the phone to business calls.

He told my boss that I'd been making long-distance calls at work!

We had to make five calls to technical support just to get the new computer working.

call noun ANIMAL

B1 [ C ] the sound an animal makes or the sound of someone shouting something叫声;呼喊,呼叫;(动物的)鸣叫声

The whale has a very distinctive call.鲸的叫声很特别。
She could hear calls for help from inside the burning building.她能听到从燃烧的大楼里传出的呼救声。
I'll be in the next room, so give me a call if you need any help.我会在隔壁房间,需要帮助就叫我。

More examples

I thought I heard a call from the bedroom.

the wolf's call

the call of the brown owl

Could you give me a call when he arrives?

Was that a call for help?

call noun DEMAND

[ U ] the fact of people wanting or needing a particular thing需求,需要

There's not much call for fur coats these days.现在人们对毛皮大衣的需求量不大。
formal I certainly don't think there's any call for that sort of language, young lady!我的确认为没有必要说那样的话,小姐!

C1 [ C ] a demand for something to happen呼吁,号召;要求

Management have so far ignored the union's calls for stricter safety regulations.迄今为止管理层一直无视工会对加强安全规章的呼吁。

call noun VISIT

C1 [ C ] a short visit, especially an official one made by someone whose job is connected with health(尤指正式的)短暂拜访;(通常指医疗从业者的)出诊

Doctor Seward is out on a call this morning.苏厄德医生今天上午出诊去了。
The nurse has got a few calls to make this afternoon.护士今天下午有几次出诊。
old-fashioned I thought I'd pay a call on (= visit) an old friend of mine this weekend.我想这个周末去拜访一位老朋友。

call noun DECISION

[ C ] informal a decision决定,抉择

It was a tough call, but eventually I decided to give up my job.尽管做这个决定很难,但我最终还是打算辞职。
More investment? That's got to be your call - you're the one that's paying!增加投资?这该由你来决定——毕竟你是付款人。
IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122


1on the telephone打電話ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | CALL + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEphone, telephone電話long長時間通話quick, short時間很短的電話I'll just make a quick phone call.我就打一個很短的電話。local本地電話international, long-distance國際長途/長途電話collect (especially NAmE) 對方付費電話incoming打進來的電話outgoing打出去的電話conference電話會議business, follow-up, sales, telemarketing (especially NAmE) 業務/跟進/推銷/營銷電話We always make follow-up calls to ensure customer satisfaction.我們總會打跟進電話以確保顧客滿意。personal私人電話We're not supposed to make personal calls from work.我們不應該在工作時間打私人電話。emergency, urgent緊急呼叫電話He received an urgent call and had to leave.他接到一個緊急電話,不得不離開了。frantic慌亂的電話She made a frantic phone call to her mother.她慌忙地給母親打了一個電話。anonymous, crank, hoax, nuisance, prank, unsolicited匿名/神秘/惡作劇/騷擾/玩笑/主動打來的電話missed未接電話The screen display said '8 missed calls'.屏幕上顯示有“ 8 個未接來電”。wake-up叫醒電話;當頭棒喝I ordered a wake-up call for 6.30 the next morning.我預訂了第二天早晨 6 點 30 分的叫醒電話。Last night's defeat should be a wake-up call for the team. (figurative) 昨晚的失利應當是給該隊敲響的警鐘 。VERB + CALLgive sb, make, place(給某人)打電話Give us a call to say when you have arrived.你到了就給我們打個電話。She placed an anonymous call to the Dutch Embassy in Dublin.她給在都柏林的荷蘭大使館打了一個匿名電話。get, have, receive接到電話answer, deal with, field, handle, take接電話;處理電話I'll take the call upstairs.我要上樓接電話。He spent the whole day fielding calls from concerned parents.他一整天都在處理焦慮的家長們打來的電話。return回電話I left a message but he didn't return my call.我留了言,但他沒有給我回電話。expect等電話打來Could you get off the phone? I'm expecting a call.你把電話掛了好嗎?我在等一個電話。miss錯過電話She was out and missed an important call.她在外面,錯過了一個重要電話。end, finish結束通話I ended the call as quickly as possible.我盡快地結束了通話。put through, transfer接通/轉接電話Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.讓接待員把你的電話接到我房間。intercept, monitor, screen, trace攔截/監聽/審查/追踪電話The police managed to trace the call.警方設法追查到了這個電話。CALL + NOUNbox (BrE) 公共電話亭centre/center呼叫中心PREPOSITIONcall for給⋯的電話Were there any calls for me while I was out?我不在時有電話找我嗎?call from來自⋯的電話You had a call from Fred.弗雷德給你打過一個電話。call to給⋯的電話I made a call to a friend in London.我給倫敦的一個朋友打了電話。


2sound to attract attention呼喚ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEloud大叫distinctive獨特的叫聲the distinctive call of the cuckoo布穀鳥獨特的叫聲alarm, distress求救呼叫bird鳥叫聲clarion, rallying (both figurative) (起號召作用的)召喚聲This election is a clarion call for our country to face the challenges of the new era.這次選舉吹響了號角,號召我國去面對新時代的挑戰。VERB + CALLlet out, make, sound發出叫聲The mosque was sounding the call to prayer.清真寺裏傳來鐘聲,召喚人們去祈禱。hear聽到叫聲PREPOSITIONcall for⋯的叫聲a call for help求救聲call to去⋯的召喚the morning call to prayer去晨禱的召喚


3short visit短暫的拜訪ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbusiness, courtesy, sales, social公務/禮節性/推銷/社交性拜訪house上門出診The doctor does not usually make house calls.那位醫生一般不上門出診。VERB + CALLmake, pay (sb)拜訪(某人)The doctor has several calls to make this morning.今天上午,這個醫生要巡診好幾戶人家。PREPOSITIONon a call在訪問中She's out on a call.她出去拜訪別人了。call on對⋯的訪問When he went to Ethiopia, his first call was on the ambassador.他去埃塞俄比亞的時候,首站拜訪的是大使。PHRASESfirst port of call, last port of call, next port of call第一個/最後一個/下一個短暫停留的地方Our first port of call (= the first place we went) was the bank.我們的第一站是銀行。


4request/demand號召;要求ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | CALL + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVErenewed, repeated重新發出的/重複的通知last最後的通知This is the last call for PAM flight 199 to Salvador.這是泛美航空公司飛往薩爾瓦多的 199 號航班的最後一次通知。strike (BrE) 罷工號召VERB + CALLissue提出要求renew, repeat重申/重複要求Campaigners have renewed their call for an independent inquiry.倡議者再次呼籲進行獨立調查。answer, heed, respond to響應號召It is unlikely that they will heed calls for a crackdown.他們不大可能聽從嚴打的號召。Around 10 000 workers heeded the union's strike call. (BrE) 約有 1 萬名工人響應工會的罷工號召。ignore, reject, resist無視/拒絕/抵制要求The government has resisted the calls of the international community.政府拒絕了國際社會的要求。CALL + NOUNbutton呼叫按鈕He pushed the call button for the flight attendant.他按了呼叫器呼叫航班服務員。PREPOSITIONcall for⋯的號召The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.慈善團體發出了為地震災民募捐的號召。PHRASESa call to action呼籲採取行動The book is a call to action.這本書是行動的號召。a call to arms (= a strong request for people to fight in the army) (often figurative) 入伍號召The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.總統的演講是為了重振美國夢而發出的入伍參戰號召。


5 (informal) decision決定ADJECTIVEtough棘手的決定close難分高下的結果judgement/judgment(因無特定規章可循而作出的)自行決定line, strike (both sport體育) 邊線球/好球判決


1give a name to sb/sth給⋯命名ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcommonly, frequently一般/常常稱為Buenos Aires is often called the Paris of South America.布宜諾斯艾利斯常被稱為“南美洲的巴黎”。formerly, originally以前/原來叫做The area was formerly called West Meadow.該地區舊稱西牧場。affectionately親切地稱為His friends affectionately call him 'Bear'.他的朋友親切地叫他“大熊”。just, simply僅僅/乾脆稱為a character whom the writer calls simply 'The Girl'作者乾脆稱為“那女孩”的一個角色officially正式稱為The system is officially called the NPV System.該系統的正式名稱為 NPV 系統。collectively統稱為a range of very small organisms, collectively called nanoplankton統稱為微型浮游生物的一類很小的生物variously以不同的名稱稱呼a tree variously called 'rowan' and 'mountain ash'一種既稱為 rowan 又稱為 mountain ash 的樹aptly, rightly貼切地稱為tentatively暫時稱為He is writing a novel, tentatively called 'My Future'.他正在創作一部小說,暫定名為《我的未來》。euphemistically委婉地稱為soldiers killed by what is euphemistically called 'friendly fire'被委婉地說成死於“友軍炮火”的士兵PREPOSITIONby按⋯稱呼We usually call him by his nickname.我們通常叫他的綽號。PHRASESyou could hardly call sth..., you would hardly call sth...幾乎不能稱某物⋯You could hardly call the show perfect, but it was successful.這場演出稱不上十全十美,但很成功。


2make sound to attract attention呼喚ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBsoftly輕聲呼喚loudly大聲呼喚out喊叫She called out in pain.她疼得叫出了聲。PREPOSITIONfor呼喚⋯He called for help, but no one could hear.他大聲呼救,可是沒人聽見。to向⋯呼喚a female penguin calling to her mate呼喚配偶的雌性企鵝


3telephone電話ADVERBback回電話I'll call back later.我一會兒回電話。Leave a message and I'll call you back.留個話,我會給你回電話的。ahead預先打個電話You should call ahead to make sure that seats are available.你應該預先打個電話,弄清楚確實有空座。free, toll-free (NAmE) 打免費電話Call us free / toll-free on this number.打這個免費電話號碼同我們聯繫。collect (NAmE) 打對方付費的電話
IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122
call verb
call1 (We called the baby Mia.) call2 (call the police/a taxi) call3 (hear a voice calling) have4 (call a meeting) regard (call sb a liar) visit (call on sb)
call noun
demand (There's not much call for specialist shops.) request (calls for the president to resign) visit (a social call)


We called the baby Mia. 我们给婴儿取名米娅。call the office/the police/a taxi 给办公室打电话;打电话叫警察/出租车hear a voice calling 听见呼喊声hear a bird callingcall ♦︎ name ♦︎ term ♦︎ entitle ♦︎ label ♦︎ designate ♦︎ dub ♦︎ brand ♦︎ nickname ♦︎ address ♦︎ christenThese verbs all mean to give sb/sth a name or title. 这些动词均表示取名、命名。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to label / designate / brand / address sb / sth as sthto call / address sb by their full name, their first name, etc.to call / name / dub / nickname / christen sb Mary, Ali etc.to call / dub / nickname sb captain, the wizard, etc.officially called / named / termed / entitled / labelled / designated / dubbed / christenedaptly called / named / termed / entitled / nicknamedcommonly called / termed / labelled call [transitive] to give sb/sth a particular name; to use a particular name or title when you are talking to sb 给⋯命名;称呼;把⋯叫做They decided to call the baby Mark.他们决定给婴儿取名马克。His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro.他名叫广志,但人人都叫他广。What do they call that new fabric?他们把那种新织品叫做什么?They called their first daughter after her grandmother.他们给大女儿取了祖母的名字。We call each other by our first names here.我们这儿彼此直呼其名。 name [transitive] to officially give a name to sb/sth (正式)命名;给⋯取名They named their son John.他们给儿子起名叫约翰。He was named after his father (= given his father's first name).他取了父亲的名字。 (especially NAmE) The planet Mars is named for the Roman god of war.火星是以罗马战神的名字命名的。You can also rename sb/sth by giving them/it a new name. * rename表示重新命名Leningrad was renamed St Petersburg.列宁格勒给重新命名为圣彼得堡。to rename a file (= on a computer) 将文件重新命名 see also name name noun term [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to use a particular name or word to describe sb/sth, especially in scientific and technical contexts 把⋯称为,把⋯叫做(尤用于科技领域)At his age, he can hardly be termed a young man.到了这个年纪,他称不上是年轻人了。REM sleep is termed 'active' sleep.快速眼动睡眠称作“主动”睡眠。 see also term word entitle [transitive, usually passive] to give a title to a book, play, film, painting, etc. 给(书、戏剧、电影、画作等)命名;题名The company launched a huge marketing campaign entitled 'Buy Blue'.该公司推出了一个名为Buy Blue的大型市场推广活动。He read a poem entitled 'Salt'.他读了一首题为《盐》的诗。 see also title name noun label (-ll-, NAmE -l-) [transitive, often passive] (sometimes disapproving) to describe sb/sth in a particular way, especially in a negative way and often unfairly (尤指负面且常不公正地)把⋯称为He was labelled (as) a traitor by his former colleagues.他以前的同事称他为叛徒。It is unfair to label a small baby as naughty.说小婴儿淘气不公平。 see also label name noun designate ˈdezɪgneɪt [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to say officially that sth has a particular character or name; to describe sth in a particular way 命名;指定This area has been designated (as) a National Park.本区域已经划定为国家公园。designated seats for the elderly老人专座 dub (-bb-) [transitive, often passive] to give sb/sth an unofficial name, especially in the media, sometimes in a humorous or critical way (尤指在媒体上)把⋯戏称为,给⋯起绰号The media dubbed anorexia 'the slimming disease'.媒体将厌食症戏称为“苗条病”。 brand [transitive] (sometimes disapproving) to describe sb as being bad or unpleasant, especially unfairly (尤指不公正地)丑化(某人),败坏(某人)名声They were branded as liars and cheats.他们被说成是说谎者和骗子。The newspapers branded her a hypocrite.报纸上说她是虚伪的人。 nickname ˈnɪkneɪm [transitive, often passive] to give sb/sth an informal, often humorous, name that is used instead of or in addition to their/its real name 给⋯起外号She was nicknamed 'The Ice Queen'.她外号叫“冰上王后”。When you nickname sb/sth, you usually choose a new name that is connected with their real name, their personality, appearance or qualities, or with sth they have done or can do. 给某人或某物起外号时,选择的新名字通常与对象的本名、个性、外表、特质、经历或本领有关Michael Jackson, nicknamed 'Jacko'迈克尔•杰克逊,外号JackoHe was nicknamed 'Stretch' because he was so tall.他的外号是“大个”,因为他个子很高。 see also nickname nickname noun address [transitive] to use a particular name or title for sb when you speak or write to them 称呼(某人);冠以(某种称呼)The judge should be addressed as 'Your Honour'.对法官应该称呼“法官大人”。How should I address her?我该怎么称呼她?Please address my client by his full name, Mr Babic.巴比奇先生,请称呼我的客户全名。 christen ˈkrɪsn [transitive, often passive] to give a name to a baby at a religious ceremony to welcome him or her into the Christian Church; to give a name to sb/sth (施洗时)为(某人)命名;给(某人)取教名The child was christened Mary.这个孩子受洗时取名玛丽。Did you have your children christened?你的孩子都受洗了吗?They christened the boat 'Oceania'.他们将这条船命名为“大洋洲号”。 christening


[countable] my nephew's christening (= the ceremony in which a baby is christened) 我侄子的洗礼


We called the baby Mia. 我们给婴儿取名米娅。call the office/the police/a taxi 给办公室打电话;打电话叫警察/出租车hear a voice calling 听见呼喊声hear a bird callingcall ♦︎ ring ♦︎ phone ♦︎ dial ♦︎ telephone ♦︎ reach ♦︎ call sb upThese words all mean to make a telephone call to sb. 这些词均表示打电话给某人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to call sb / ring sb / phone sb / telephone sb / call sb up about sthto call / ring / phone / telephone from somewhereto call / ring / phone / telephone to do sthto call / ring / phone / dial / telephone a number / a hotline / the switchboard / receptionto call / ring / phone / dial / telephone New York / India, etc.to call / ring / phone / telephone the doctor / fire brigade / police / hospitalto call / ring / phone / telephone hometo call / ring / phone / dial / telephone directto call / ring / phone (sb) up / back call [transitive, intransitive] to make a telephone call to sb; to ask sb/sth to come quickly to a particular place by telephoning (给⋯)打电话;打电话叫⋯快来My brother called me from Germany last night.我哥哥昨晚从德国打电话给我。I called the office to tell them I'd be late.我给办公室打了电话,说我会迟到。Has anyone called the police?有人报警了吗?I'll call you a taxi.我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。I'll call back later.我晚点再回电话给你。 call


[countable] to get / have / receive a call from sb接到某人的电话to give sb / to make a call给某人打电话;打电话Were there any calls for me while I was out?我不在时有电话找我吗?I'll take (= answer) the call upstairs.我会上楼接电话。
ring [transitive, intransitive] (BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to make a telephone call to sb (给⋯)打电话I'll ring you later.我晚点打电话给你。When is the best time to ring New York?打电话去纽约什么时间最合适?David rang up while you were out.你不在的时候戴维打电话来了。He said he was ringing from London.他说他是从伦敦打来的电话。Could you ring for a cab?你打电话叫辆出租车好吗?She rang to say she'd be late.她打电话来说她会迟到。 phone [intransitive, transitive] (BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to make a telephone call to sb (给⋯)打电话Could you phone back later?你过一会儿再打来好吗?I'm phoning about your ad in the paper.我打电话来想问问你在报上登的广告。For reservations, phone 0207 281 3964.预订请拨打0207 281 3964。 phone


[countable, uncountable] The phone rang and Pat answered it.电话铃响了,帕特接了起来。They like to do business by phone / over the phone.他们喜欢用电话/在电话上谈生意。He's been on the phone (= using the phone) to Kate for more than an hour.他和凯特通电话已经一个多小时了。
NOTE 辨析 Call, ring or phone? Call is the only one of these three words used in American English. Ring and phone are the most frequent words in this group in spoken British English, but call is usually preferred, even in British English, when there is an emergency that involves asking sb/sth to come to a place: call the police/fire brigade is much more frequent than 'ring/phone the police/fire brigade'. You call/ring/phone a person, place or institution; you call a cab/a taxi/an ambulance. 这三个词中只有call用于美式英语,ring和phone则最常用于英式英语的口语。但在紧急情况下打电话呼叫某人或某物时,一般倾向用call,即便在英式英语中也如此。call the police/fire brigade(报警;报火警)比ring/phone the police/fire brigade常用得多。call、ring、phone后可以接人、地点或机构,而cab、taxi、ambulance前要用callI'll ring/phone you a cab.
dial ˈdaɪəl (-ll-, NAmE -l-) [transitive, intransitive] to use a telephone by pushing the buttons or turning the dial (= the round part on some older telephones with holes for the fingers) to call a number 拨(电话号码)He dialled the number and waited.他拨号后等着通话。Dial 0033 for France.打电话到法国拨0033。She picked up the receiver, paused a moment, and then dialled.她拿起话筒,顿了一下,然后拨电话。 telephone [intransitive, transitive] (especially BrE, formal) to make a telephone call to sb (给⋯)打电话Please write or telephone for details.欲知详情,请来信或来电。You can telephone your order 24 hours a day.一天24小时你都可以打电话订购。I was about to telephone the police.我正要打电话报警。 telephone


[countable, uncountable] The telephone rang and Pat answered it.电话铃响了,帕特接了起来。You're wanted (= sb wants to speak to you) on the telephone.有电话找你。
reach [transitive] to communicate with sb, especially by telephone (尤指用电话)联系,与⋯取得联系Do you know where I can reach him?你知道我在哪儿能联系上他吗?You can reach me at this number.你可以打这个号码找我。 ˌcall sb ˈup

phrasal verb

(especially NAmE, rather informal) to make a telephone call to sb 给⋯打电话I called him up and asked him how he was doing.我打电话给他问他过得怎么样。


We called the baby Mia. 我们给婴儿取名米娅。call the office/the police/a taxi 给办公室打电话;打电话叫警察/出租车hear a voice calling 听见呼喊声hear a bird calling See also the entry for shout 另见shout条call ♦︎ cry out (sth) ♦︎ exclaim ♦︎ blurt ♦︎ burst outThese words all mean to shout or say sth loudly or suddenly. 这些词均表示大声呼叫或突然说出。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to call / cry out / exclaim / blurt out (sth) to sbto call / cry out for sb / sthto cry out / exclaim / blurt out / burst out in / with sthto call / cry out / exclaim / blurt out / burst out suddenlyto call / cry out / exclaim / burst out loudly call [intransitive, transitive] to shout or say sth loudly to attract sb's attention 大声呼叫,大声说(以引人注意)I thought I heard someone calling.我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。Did somebody call my name?有人叫我的名字吗?He called out a warning to her.他大声警告她。'Don't forget what I said!' she called after him.“别忘了我说的话!”她在他身后喊道。I started to leave but they called me back again.我正要离开,他们又把我喊了回去。 ˌcry ˈout ˌcry ˈout sth

phrasal verb

to shout sth loudly, especially when you need help or are in trouble (尤指在需要帮助或遇到麻烦时)大声呼喊She cried out for help.她大声呼救。I cried out his name.我大声呼唤他的名字。'Thank God you're here!' she cried out.“感谢上帝,你在这儿!”她大声喊道。 see also cry out scream cry


[countable] With a cry of 'Stop thief!' he ran after the boy.他一边喊“抓贼啊!”一边追赶那个男孩。
exclaim ɪkˈskleɪm [transitive, intransitive] (written) to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially because of a strong emotion (尤因强烈的情感)惊叫,呼喊'It isn't fair!' he exclaimed angrily.“这不公平!”他气愤地喊道。The visitors were led through the gardens, all of them exclaiming with delight.参观者在引领下穿过公园,他们都兴奋得叫喊起来。 exclamation ˌekskləˈmeɪʃn


[countable] He gave an exclamation of surprise.他惊叫了一声。
blurt blɜːt; NAmE blɜːrt [transitive] to say sth suddenly and without thinking carefully enough 脱口而出He blurted out the question without thinking.这个问题他想都没想就脱口而出了。'I know what you're thinking,' she blurted.“我知道你在想什么。”她脱口说道。 ˌburst ˈout

phrasal verb

to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially with a lot of emotion 突然(激动地)大喊'He's just a bully!' the little boy burst out.“他欺负人!”小男孩大喊道。
IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122
To describe or define something: describe, define, illustrate...
To make a criticism or accusation: charge, claim, call...
To guess: guess, estimate, gauge...
Using a telephone: answer, busy, call...
Appearing in court: affirm, allow, all rise...
To organize an event: organize, prepare, plan...
Predicting and prediction: predict, prediction, forecast...
To gamble money: gamble, bet, stake...
To make an animal sound: baa, bark, bay...
Dance movements and choreography: call, choreograph, choreographer...
Shouts and shouting: shout, call, cheer...
Requests and demands: demand, request, appeal...
Visits: visit, round, flying visit...
Choices and the process of choosing: choice, decision, selection...
Guesses and estimates: guess, estimate, speculation...
Betting, bets and ways of betting: bet, betting, call...
Responsibilities and responsibility: accountability, responsibility, obligation...
Sounds made by animals: bark, bellow, bleat...
Determination and ambition: determination, ambition, will...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
Site Uptime