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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

track noun PATH

C1 [ C or U ] the pair of long metal bars fixed on the ground at an equal distance from each other, along which trains travel(铁路的)轨道

a ten-mile stretch of track10英里长的铁轨
Passengers are requested not to walk across the tracks.乘客不要穿越铁轨。

B1 [ C ] UK a path or rough road that is made of soil rather than having a surface covered with stone or other material小道,小径

The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.房子在一条泥土路/尚未铺好的小路的尽头。

More examples

The horse and cart jogged down the rough track towards the farm.

There's a track that leads directly to the reservoir.

After a while the narrow track merges with a wider path.

The track petered out after a mile or so.

Turn left where the road tapers off into a track.

track noun SPORT

B1 [ C ] a type of path or road, often in the shape of a ring, that has been specially designed and built for sports events, especially racing赛道;跑道

an all-weather track全天候赛道
a dog/horse track赛狗/马的跑道
The runners are now on their final lap of the track.赛跑选手正在跑最后一圈。
See also

B2 [ U ] US a sport in which people compete with each other by running a race on a specially prepared circular path径赛运动

a track event径赛
Sam runs track on the high school team.萨姆参加了高中径赛队。

[ U ] US also track and field, UK athletics the general name for a particular group of sports in which people compete, including running, jumping, and throwing径赛,田径运动

More examples

At the gun, the runners sprinted away down the track.

The racing car left the track at 120 mph and scythed through the crowd of spectators, killing ten.

Stewards will be inspecting the race track at 9.00.

She was carried off the track on a stretcher.

Her life is as eventful off the track as on it.

track noun MARKS

B2 [ C usually plural ] a mark or line of marks left on the ground or on another surface by an animal, person, or vehicle that has moved over it, showing the direction they moved in踪迹;足迹;车辙

Police found tyre tracks in the mud.警方在泥地里发现了轮胎印。
The hunters followed the tracks of the deer for hours.猎人循着鹿的脚印追了几个小时。
The burglars were careful not to leave any tracks behind them.盗贼小心翼翼地不留下任何踪迹。
be on the track of sb/sth

to be examining marks or pieces of information that show where a person or animal has gone, in order to catch him, her, or it追踪

The police are on the track of the killer.警方正在追踪该杀人犯。

More examples

We found some badger tracks in the field.

There are deep tyre tracks in the mud.

The dogs did not leave any tracks.

Houses in the track of the storm were destroyed.

The hunters are skilled at following animal tracks in the wood.

track noun DIRECTION

[ C ] the direction that something has taken or will take through the air(在空中运行的)轨迹,路线

People living in the track of the hurricane have been advised to leave their homes until it has passed.已经建议居住在飓风经过之处的人们从家中撤离,直到飓风过后再回去。

track noun DEVELOPMENT

C2 [ C or U ] the direction in which someone's job or education develops(工作或受教育的)方向

She was a lawyer, but then she changed track completely and became a doctor.她当过律师,但后来彻底转行成了医生。

[ C usually singular ] the way in which a thought or idea has developed or might develop思维方式;思路

I found it difficult to follow the track of his argument.我觉得难以跟上他论证的思路。
get off the track

to start talking about something that is not part of what you should be talking about(讲话)离题

I think we're getting off the track here - we're supposed to be discussing our advertising campaign.我觉得我们离题了——我们应该讨论的是广告宣传活动。

track noun STUDENTS

US UK stream a group of school students with similar ability who are approximately the same age and are taught together(同龄学生依智力编排的)班,组

Students who do well in their 8th grade classes will qualify for the honors track in high school.在八年级成绩比较好的学生可以在高中加入荣誉学位班。
the top/bottom track程度高/低的班

track noun MUSIC

B2 [ C ] one of several songs or pieces of music on a CD or other musical recording(光盘、录音磁带等上的)一首歌,一支乐曲

The album includes four previously unreleased tracks.这张专辑收录了4首以前未曾面世的歌曲。
See also

[ C ] a part of a magnetic strip onto which sound can be recorded, with several tracks on one magnetic strip音轨,声道

When a piece of music is recorded, each instrument is recorded separately on a 24 or 48–track tape.录制音乐时,每一种乐器分别被录制在一盘24或48声道的磁带上。

More examples

And this next record is the title track on the album 'The Red Shoes' .

The first track on the album is surprisingly tuneful.

Which is your favourite track on the album?

He played me a track from their new album.

track verb FOLLOW

C2 [ T ] to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment跟踪,追踪

It's difficult to track an animal over stony ground.很难在多石的地面上追踪动物。
The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。
The terrorists were tracked to (= found in) Amsterdam.恐怖分子在阿姆斯特丹被追踪到。

C2 [ T ] to record the progress or development of something over a period追踪,记录…的进展

The study tracked the careers of 1,226 doctors who trained at the Medical School.该研究对1226名医学院学生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

More examples

His book tracks the development of modern English.

She has tracked her family back three centuries.

Police tracked the gun to an abandoned warehouse.

We spent the day tracking deer in the forest.

Radar equipment tracked the progress of the ships.

track verb MOVE

[ I ] If a film or video camera tracks in a particular direction, it moves along while it is filming.(摄影机)跟踪拍摄,移动摄影

The movie ends with a long tracking shot around the deserted house.影片的结尾场景是一个围绕这幢废弃房子拍摄的跟踪长镜头。

[ I ] specialized media If a moving part of a recording machine tracks, it gets into the correct position for operating.(录制设备的移动部件)运转正常

Our VCR tracks automatically.我们的录像机能自动摄录。

track verb FINANCE

[ T ] to follow the level of an interest rate, share price, etc.跟随(利率,股价等)

The mortgage deal will track the Bank of England base rate plus 0.75 percent.这個抵押貸款的利率将跟随英格兰银行的利率并加0.75个百分点。
Tony is putting £500 a month into a a savings account that tracks the FTSE All-Share index.托尼每个月把500英镑存入一个利率跟随金融时报指数变动的储蓄账号。

track verb STUDENTS

[ T ] US UK track to group and teach together school students with similar abilities who are approximately the same age(同龄学生依智力编排的)班,组

We start to track the children in the third form.我们从三年级开始把孩子们按能力分班。

Phrasal verb(s)



1marks left behind by a car/a person/an animal車、人、動物留下的印記ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRACK | TRACK + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeep很深的足跡fresh新的踪跡animal, car, tyre/tire動物足跡;車轍;輪胎印The beach is criss-crossed with animal tracks.海灘上留有縱橫交錯的動物的足跡。VERB + TRACKleave, make留下踪跡Rabbits had left tracks in the snow.兔子在雪地上留下了足跡。cover, hide (both often figurative) 掩去踪跡;掩蓋行踪He had been careless, and had done little to cover his tracks.他很粗心,沒怎麼隱匿自己的行踪。follow跟着踪跡TRACK + NOUNmarks示踪標記PREPOSITIONon the track of (often figurative) 追踪着⋯;掌握着⋯線索She felt the excitement of a journalist on the track of a good story.她感到了作為記者追踪報道一則好新聞的興奮勁兒。PHRASESfreeze in your tracks, halt in your tracks, stop in your tracks (all figurative) 停下進程halt sb/sth in their/its tracks, stop sb/sth in their/its tracks (all figurative) 使⋯停下進程The disease was stopped in its tracks by improved hygiene.衞生條件的改善阻止了這種疾病的蔓延。make tracks (figurative) 離去It's getting late-I'd better make tracks (= leave).天不早了,我得走了。


2path/rough road小路;不平坦的路ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRACK | TRACK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEnarrow狹窄的小道wide寬闊的路steep陡峭的路bumpy, dusty, muddy, rough, rutted, sandy, stony (especially BrE) 崎嶇不平的小道;塵土飛揚的小道;泥濘的小道;留有車轍的小道;沙子路;碎石路ancient古道cinder, dirt, mud煤渣路;土路;爛泥路cart, cycle, sheep, ski馬車道;自行車道;羊走的道;滑雪道single單行道a single-track road with passing places (BrE) 有讓車道的單行道farm, forest, forestry, mountain農場/林間/山坡/山區小徑perimeter周邊的跑道A few planes were parked on the perimeter track of the airfield.幾架飛機停在機場邊緣的跑道上。main幹道VERB + TRACKfollow沿着小徑走TRACK + VERBlead小徑通往The track leads across a field.小徑穿過一塊田地。fork小道分岔When the track forks, take the left fork.在小道分岔處走左邊的岔路。PREPOSITIONalong a/the track, down a/the track, up a/the track順着小徑Continue along the farm track for another hundred yards.順着農場小徑再走 100 碼。PHRASESoff the beaten track (= not in a place that most people go to) 人跡罕至的on the right track, onto the right track (both figurative) 循着正確的路線The new manager successfully got the team back onto the right track.新教練成功地將球隊又帶上正軌。on the wrong track (figurative) 錯誤地The police were on the wrong track when they treated the case as a revenge killing.警方將案件當作仇殺案來辦理是搞錯了方向。


3special path, often in a circle, for racing跑道ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRACK | TRACK + NOUN ADJECTIVErace (usually racetrack) , running賽跑跑道
indoor, outdoor室內/室外跑道all-weather全天候跑道training, warm-up訓練/熱身跑道flagship (NAmE) 主賽道oval橢圓形跑道fast(賽車的)高速賽道eighth-mile, one-mile, etc. * 8 英里、1 英里等的跑道dog, greyhound賽狗跑道harness (NAmE) 快步馬駕車賽跑道VERB + TRACKbuild修建跑道operate, own經營/擁有跑道The company already operates a greyhound track.這家公司業已運營一條賽狗跑道。TRACK + NOUNrace場地賽announcer (NAmE) 徑賽現場節目主持人official, superintendent, worker賽場裁判員/監督員/工作人員operator, owner徑賽場地運營商/所有權人surface跑道地面condition跑道狀況


4 (NAmE) athletics徑賽運動TRACK + NOUNchampionship, event, meet徑賽錦標賽/項目/運動會 (see also track and field) practice徑賽練習Yesterday I had track practice.昨天我練習跑步了。athlete, runner徑賽運動員champion, star徑賽冠軍/明星team徑賽隊coach徑賽教練


5metal rails on which a train runs鐵路軌道ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRACK | TRACK + NOUN ADJECTIVErail, railroad, railway, train, tram鐵軌;鐵路;鐵道;火車軌道;電車軌道double, single雙軌;單軌elevated高架鐵軌eastbound, westbound, etc.向東、向西等的軌道narrow-gauge, standard-gauge窄軌;標準鐵道VERB + TRACKlay鋪設鐵軌cross跨過軌道come off, jump, leave脫軌;突然出軌;離開軌道The train had left the tracks.火車已經離開了軌道。TRACK + NOUNlayout軌道佈局圖


6direction/course that sb/sth takes方向;路線ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRACK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfast, inside快速成功之道;有利地位an inside track to the ear of government向政府吹風的優勢地位parallel, twin平行軌道;雙軌道a twin-track approach to crime處理犯罪問題的雙向途徑career職業發展軌跡She decided to change her career track.她決定改變她職業生涯的軌跡。forecast (= the track that a storm, hurricane, etc. is predicted to take) (風暴、颶風等的)預測路徑VERB + TRACKswitch切換軌道He switched tracks and went back to college.他改換了人生軌道,又回到了大學。PREPOSITIONalong a/the track沿着路線Sculpture developed along a similar track to painting.雕塑沿着與繪畫相似的路徑發展。on (a/the) track在⋯軌道上A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.聯合國一位發言人堅稱和平計劃的實施已回到正軌。The ship was on a southerly track.船向南行駛。track for以⋯為目標的發展軌道She seems to be on the fast track for promotion.她似乎進入了晉升的快車道。track to向⋯發展的軌道The country is on the fast track to democracy.這個國家已進入奔向民主的快車道。PHRASESkeep track of sth (= to know what is happening, where sth is, etc.) 跟上⋯的進展;保持與⋯的聯繫;記錄Keep track of all your payments by writing them down in a book.在本子上記下你所有的付款項目。lose track of sth (= to not know what is happening, where sth is, etc.) 失去⋯的線索I was so absorbed in my work that I lost track of time.我埋頭工作,連時間都忘了。


7single song/piece of music一支歌;一首曲子ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRACK | TRACK + VERB | TRACK + NOUN ADJECTIVEalbum專輯曲目live現場版曲目pre-recorded預先錄製的曲目title專輯同名曲目lead, lead-off, opening起首曲目closing, final終曲;壓軸曲目main主要曲目unreleased未發行的曲目original原聲曲目bonus附贈曲目dance, disco舞曲;迪斯科舞曲backing伴奏曲drum, guitar, instrumental, rhythm, solo, vocal鼓樂/吉他/器樂/節奏/獨唱/人聲音軌 (see also soundtrack) standout (NAmE) 出色的曲目This song is easily the disc's standout track (= the best track).這首歌曲無疑是這張唱盤裏最傑出的曲目。VERB + TRACKcreate, cut, lay down, mix, produce, record灌製曲目;錄製曲目She had already cut a couple of tracks as lead singer with her own group.她作為所屬演唱組合的主唱已經灌錄了幾首歌。write寫入曲目remix混合曲目release發佈曲目download下載曲目play播放曲目listen to聽歌曲TRACK + VERBfeature sb/sth, include sth由⋯主唱的曲目;曲目包括⋯TRACK + NOUNtitle曲目名稱list, listing專輯曲目
track verb
follow1 (track and shoot bears) monitor (track sb/sth's movements)
track noun
class3 (pursue the literature track at college) path (a woodland track) song (an album track) trail (fresh tracks in the snow) keep track of sb/sth monitor verb
Frames and supports for structures: frame, foundation, support...
Direction and ways of getting to a place: direction, detour, path...
Systems and methods for doing things: modality, method, system...
Marks created by pressure: imprint, print, footprint...
Relating to using illegal drugs: abuse, addiction, addictive...
Pieces of music: adagio, air, allegro...
To follow someone: follow, shadow, track...
Radio, radar and sonar signals: atmospherics, directional, footprint...
To pay attention: concentrate, focus, listen...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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