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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
getverbuk/ɡet/ us/ɡet/ present participle getting, past tense got, past participle got or US usually gotten

get verb OBTAIN

A1 [ T ] to obtain, buy, or earn something獲得,得到;買到;掙得,赢得

He went to the shop to get some milk.他到那家小店買牛奶去了。
UK I think she gets about £40,000 a year.我想她一年大約掙4萬英鎊。
We stopped on the way to get some breakfast.我們在路上中途停車吃了點早飯。
I managed to get all three suitcases for under $200.我設法以低於200美元的價格把3個手提箱全買下了。
How much did he get for his car? (= How much money did he sell it for?)他的汽車賣了多少錢?
Where did you get your shoes from?你的鞋在哪兒買的?

A1 [ T ] to receive or be given something收到;得到;接到

UK I got quite a surprise when I saw her with short hair.我看到她剪了短發感到很詫異。
When did you get the news about Sam?你是什麽時候得到關於薩姆的消息的?
I got a phone call from Phil last night.我昨晚接到菲爾的一個電話。
What grade did he get for the exam?這次考試他得了多少分?
I got the impression that they'd rather be alone.我感覺他們甯願不要别人陪伴。
What did you get for your birthday?你生日收到了什麽禮物?
We don't get much snow (= it does not often snow) here.我們這兒不大下雪。
I managed to get a glimpse of him (= see him for a moment) through the crowds.我從人群的縫隙中看了他一眼。
If you get a moment (= have time available), could you help me fill in that form?你要是有時間的話,能不能幫我填那張表?
She gets such pleasure from her garden.她從她的花園中得到很多樂趣。
If you can get some time off work, we could finish the decorating.如果你能從工作中抽出一點時間,我們就可以把裝修的活兒幹完。
I can never get her to myself (= be alone with her) because she's always surrounded by people.我從來無法和她單獨在一起,因爲她身邊總是有人圍着。

A2 [ T ] to go somewhere and bring back someone or something(去)拿來,取來,叫來

Let me go get my glasses.我去把眼鏡拿來。
[ + two objects ] Can I get you a drink?我給你端杯飲料,好嗎?

[ T ] to take someone or something into your possession by force捕獲;抓獲

Have the police got the man who did it yet?警察已經抓到做這事的人了嗎?
Your cat got a bird this morning!你的貓今天上午抓住了一只鳥!

More examples

The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.

What class of degree did you get?

I don't know if I can get the car tonight - I'll have to clear it with Mum.

She gets a 15% commission on every machine she sells.

I got some shoes cheap in the sale.

get verb REACH

A1 [ I usually + adv/prep, T ] to reach or arrive at a particular place到達

We hadn't even got as far as London when the car broke down.我們連倫敦都沒開到汽車就抛了錨。
What time does he normally get home (from work)?他(下班後)一般什麽時候到家?
If you get to the restaurant before us, just wait at the bar.如果你比我們先到飯店,在酒水櫃台那兒等就行了。

[ I usually + adv/prep ] to reach a particular stage, condition, or time達到(某個階段或者時間點);處於(某種狀態)

You earn loads of money if you get to the top in that profession.那種職業你要是升到了高層,會掙很多錢。
It got to Thursday and she still hadn't heard any news.都到星期四了,她仍然沒有聽到任何音信。
informal I'm getting to the stage now where I just want to give up.現在,我幾乎到了一心想要放棄的地步。
get far/somewhere/anywhere

to make progress or to improve有進步;獲得進展;有提高

She's taking flute lessons, but she really doesn't seem to be getting anywhere with it.她正在上長笛班,但是她好像一點進步都沒有。
It's been hard settling in, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere at last.適應的過程非常艱難,但我覺得最終還是有所進步。

More examples

We enjoyed wonderful views when we got to the top of the mountain.

He was exhausted by the time he got to the finish line.

Your bags will be waiting for you when you get to the hotel.

The aid was getting to the people who needed it most.

She's been trying hard, but she doesn't feel that she's getting anywhere.


B1 [ T ] to become ill with a disease, virus, etc.感染上;患上;得(病)

I got food poisoning at that cheap little seafood restaurant.我在那家廉價的小海鮮館就餐後食物中毒了。
Kids get all kinds of bugs at school.孩子們在學校裏會得各種小毛病。

More examples

You can get very nasty skin diseases from bathing in dirty water.

I got a crick in my neck from painting the ceiling.

I can't come in to work today - I've got a bit of a dodgy stomach.

She's got a nasty dose of flu.

When I've got a cold, I don't feel like eating.

get verb START TO BE

B1 [ L ] to become or start to be變成;變得

He gets really upset if you mention his baldness.你要是提他謝頂的事兒,他就會很生氣。
Is your cold getting any better?你感冒好點兒了嗎?
Your coffee's getting cold.你的咖啡要涼掉了。
After a while you get used to all the noise.過一會兒你就會習慣這些噪音了。
You're getting to be such a big boy, aren't you!你長成個大男孩了,是不是!
[ + to infinitive ] How did you get to be a belly dancer?你是怎麽成爲一個肚皮舞演員的?
get going/moving informal

C2 to start to go or move開始走;開始動身

We'd better get moving or we'll be late.我們最好開始動身,不然就要晚了。

More examples

He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do.

The trouble with this carpet is that it gets dirty very easily.

Your essay gets a bit confused halfway through when you introduce too many ideas at once.

The music just gets distorted when you play it so loud.

It was getting dark now and we were tired.

get verb CAUSE

B1 [ T ] to cause something to happen, or cause someone or something to do something促使;使得;把…弄得

[ + adj ] She had to get the kids ready for school.她得幫孩子們收拾妥當好去上學。
[ + past participle ] I'm trying to get this article finished by Thursday.我正在努力趕這篇文章,好在星期四交。
We get our groceries delivered.我們讓人把買的貨送過來。
[ + -ing verb ] Were you able to get the copy machine working?你能把複印機弄好嗎?
[ + to infinitive ] I can't get my computer to work!我的電腦沒法用了!

B2 [ T + obj + to infinitive ] to persuade someone to do something說服(某人做某事)

Why don't you get Nicole to come to the party?你爲什麽不勸妮科爾一起來參加聚會?

[ T + past participle ] to do something to something or someone without intending to or by accident(無意間或意外地)做;被弄得

He got his bag caught in the train doors as they were closing.火車門關閉時把他的包給卡在了門縫裏。
I always get the two youngest sisters' names confused.我總是弄混那兩個最小的姐妹的名字。

More examples

These arguments always get my adrenalin going.

I've been running round in circles trying to get all the reports finished before the meeting.

Can you get this cork to come out of the bottle?

"Do you think you could get this parcel mailed for me, please?" "Consider it done."

The law has criminalized prostitution but not got rid of it.

get verb BE

B1 [ L + past participle ] sometimes used instead of "be" to form the passive(有時代替 be 構成被動形式)變成,變得,被

I got shouted at by some idiot for walking past his house.一個白癡嫌我從他家門口走過去,沖我大喊大叫。
They're getting married later this year.他們將在今年晚些時候結婚。
This window got broken.這扇窗戶被打破了。

More examples

He converted to Catholicism when he got married.

I got chucked out of the exam for cribbing from the guy in front.

My dress got all crushed in my suitcase.

For months I've been dining out on the story of what happened when my house got flooded.

Are you getting excited about your holiday?

get verb MOVE

B1 [ I usually + adv/prep ] to move to a different place or into a different position移動,去

I hit my head as I was getting into the car.我鑽進汽車時碰了頭。
Get out of here now or I'll call the police.你現在從這兒出去,不然我要叫警察了。
The bed is too wide - we'll never get it through the door.這張床太寬了——我們不可能把它搬進門去。
Getting up the ladder was easy enough - it was coming down that was the problem.上梯子很容易——難就難在怎樣下來。
He got down on his knees and asked me to marry him!他跪下來向我求婚!

More examples

Journalists had insisted on getting to the front line of the battle, heedless of the risks.

Security did not prevent an interloper from getting onto the stage at the opening ceremony.

You get into the building through a side door.

I tried to get in the cinema last night but it was full.

They got into the car and zoomed off.

get verb TRAVEL

A1 [ T ] to travel somewhere in a train, bus, or other vehicle搭乘,乘坐

Shall we get a taxi to the station?我們打的去車站吧?

More examples

It was a good job I got the earlier train.

You can get a bus from just outside the supermarket.

It'll be more expensive if you get a taxi.

It was too late to get a bus, so we had to walk home.

Get the train to King's Cross and I'll meet you at the station.

get verb DEAL WITH

B1 [ T ] to deal with or answer a ringing phone, knock on the door, etc.接(電話);應(門)

Hey, Ty, someone's at the door - would you get it, please?哎,泰,有人敲門,去開一下好不好?

More examples

Pass me the bill. I'll get it.

Will you please get the phone?

That's the doorbell. You'd better get it.

If the phone rings when I'm in the shower, will you get it please?

If you get the drinks, I'll pay for the meal.

get verb HAVE CHANCE

B2 [ I + to infinitive ] to have the chance to do something有機會(做…);得到(做…的)機會

I never get to see her now that she works somewhere else.我再也沒見到過她,因爲她現在在别處工作。

More examples

Did you get to visit your uncle when you were in Canada?

We never got to test drive the car before we bought it.

They got to play in the sandpit while the adults were shopping.

Who gets to have the last piece of chocolate cake?

We don't often get to spend the weekend together.


B2 [ T ] to understand or hear something懂,理解;聽見

I didn't get what he said because the music was so loud.音樂聲太大了,我聽不見他說什麽。
I told that joke to Sophia, but she didn't get it.我跟索菲娅講了那個笑話,可她沒有聽懂。

More examples

I didn't get that joke he told - did you?

Sorry, I still don't get it. You'll have to explain.

I didn't get that. Could you say it again?

I didn't get half of what he said because he talks so fast.

Did you get that? I hadn't a clue what he said.

get verb PREPARE

[ T ] to prepare a meal準備,做(飯)

I'll put the kids to bed while you're getting dinner ready.你做飯,我哄孩子們上床睡覺。

More examples

I thought I could score some brownie points with my mother-in-law by offering to get dinner.

I'll do the main course, if you get the salad.

She was already up getting breakfast when I came downstairs.

I'll cook this evening, you got dinner last night.

He just sat in front of the TV while I was getting the dinner.

get verb PAY

[ I or T ] to pay for something爲…付錢;買

Put your money away - I'll get these drinks.把你的錢收起來——這些飲料我付錢。

get verb CONFUSE

[ T ] informal to confuse someone and make them completely unable to understand or explain使困惑;把…難住

Give him a technical question - that'll really get him!問他個技術性問題——肯定會把他難住!
you've got me there! informal

something that you say when you do not know the answer to a question你把我難住了!我答不上來!

"How many ounces in a kilo?" "You've got me there."“一公斤合多少盎司?”“你真把我難住了。”

get verb ANNOY

[ T ] informal to annoy someone使煩惱,使惱火

It really gets to me the way we're expected to actually laugh at his pathetic jokes!他講那種蹩腳笑話,還非得要我們笑,可真讓我受不了!

get verb EMOTION

[ T ] informal to make someone feel strongly emotional and often cry使激動,使感動

That part in the film when he finds out that his daughter is alive - that always gets me!電影中他發現自己的女兒還活着的那個情景——我一看到那兒就好感動!

get verb HIT

[ T ] to hit someone, especially with a bullet or something thrown(尤指子彈或投擲的東西)擊中,打中

The bullet got her in the leg.子彈擊中了她的腿。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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