ADJECTIVE | VERB + PAUSE | PAUSE + VERB | PAUSE + NOUN | PREPOSITIONADJECTIVE➤brief, momentary, short, slight, small短暫的停頓;片刻的停頓;略微的停頓▸➤lengthy, long長時間的停頓➤frequent頻繁的停頓◇He made frequent pauses to catch his breath.他不時停下來喘口氣。➤awkward, uncomfortable尷尬的停頓▸➤pregnant意味深長的停頓➤dramatic誇張的停頓➤thoughtful若有所思的停頓➤silent無聲的停頓VERB + PAUSE➤take暫停◇Shall we take a pause here?我們在這裏暫停一下好嗎?PAUSE + VERB➤follow接下來是停頓◇In the pause that followed, I noticed that he was shaking.接下來的停頓中,我發現他在顫抖。PAUSE + NOUN➤button (on a video camera, etc.錄像機等)暫停鍵PREPOSITION➤after a/the pause在停頓之後◇'I don't know,' he said after a long pause.他停頓了很久才說道:“我不知道。”➤in a/the pause在停頓中◇Everyone nodded in agreement in the pauses between his sentences.他每說完一句話,大家都贊同地點頭。➤with a/ the pause伴隨着停頓◇He read very slowly and with frequent pauses.他讀得非常慢,並不時停頓。➤without a/the pause沒有停頓◇She read the whole text without a pause.她一口氣讀完了整篇課文。➤pause before⋯之前的停頓◇There was a long pause before he spoke again.他停頓了很久,才再次開口說話。➤pause between⋯之間的停頓◇in the pauses between his jokes在他那些笑話之間的停頓➤pause for為⋯的停頓◇a pause for breath停下來喘口氣➤pause in⋯中的停頓◇during a pause in the conversation在談話中的停頓pause
ADVERB | PHRASESADVERB➤briefly, (for) a moment, momentarily, (for) a second短暫停頓;猶豫一會兒;停頓片刻◇She paused a moment and then walked away.她猶豫了一下,然後走開了。➤mid-sentence, mid-stride話說到半句時/跨出半步時停下來◇She paused mid-stride when the doorbell rang.她正提腳要走,門鈴響了。➤occasionally偶爾停頓◇She paused occasionally to smell the flowers.她偶爾停下來聞聞花香。➤barely, hardly幾乎不停頓◇He spoke for two hours and barely paused for breath.他談了兩個小時,幾乎都沒停下來喘口氣。➤deliberately故意停頓◇She paused deliberately, her eyes holding his.她故意停下來,眼睛迎着他的目光。➤dramatically, meaningfully戲劇性地/意味深長地停頓➤expectantly滿懷期待地停下來➤reflectively, thoughtfully若有所思地停頓▸➤uncertainly猶豫不決地停頓➤awkwardly, uncomfortably尷尬地停頓PHRASES➤pause for breath, pause for thought停下來喘口氣/思考▸➤➤pause only long enough to do sth, pause only to do sth停下來時間只夠做⋯;停下來做⋯◇Pausing only to put out her cigarette, she left the room.她停下來把煙掐掉,然後就離開了房間。➤pause to consider, look, reflect, etc.停下來思考、看、細想等◇Just pause to think before giving me your answer.先想一想再回答我。➤without pausing沒有停下◇Without pausing to knock, she opened the door.她沒有停下來敲門就打開了門。
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