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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
General words for expensive
adjective /ɪkˈspensɪv/
something that is expensive costs a lot of money 昂贵的;费钱的

He always wears expensive clothes. 他总是穿价格不菲的衣服。

It can be very expensive to train new personnel. 培训新员工会很费钱。

expensive tastes (=liking things that cost a lot of money) 对奢侈品的爱好 :

young people with expensive tastes and large bank accounts 喜爱奢华且存款多多的年轻人

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...


 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective formal /ˈkɒs(t)li/
costing a lot of money 费钱的;昂贵的

They have been investing in costly new equipment. 他们一直投资于价格高昂的新设备。

a costly business/process/exercise :

Changing your company's management style can be a costly business. 改变公司的管理风格可能是一项很花钱的事。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
used about something that costs more money than you want to pay 价格过高的

Appeals can be costly and time-consuming. 上诉可能要花很多钱,并且很耗时间。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
used about something that is expensive but of very good quality 值钱的;贵重的

costly silks/perfumes 值钱的丝绸/贵重香水

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/
very expensive, and therefore available only to people who have a lot of money 高档的;高级的;奢华的

an exclusive shop/restaurant/neighbourhood 高级商店/高档餐厅/高档住宅区

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective [usually before noun] /sɪˈlekt/
very good or expensive 优等的;昂贵的

a small, very select school 规模不大,入校要求严格的学校

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Very good: cushdy, great, select...
adjective /lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs/
very expensive and comfortable 豪华的;十分舒适的

a luxurious hotel/home/bedroom 豪华的旅馆/家/卧室

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Making you feel comfortable: comfortable, warm, intimate...


 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Making you feel comfortable: comfortable, warm, intimate...
adjective /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/
spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is reasonable 奢侈的;铺张的;浪费的

an extravagant present 奢侈的礼物

It would be too extravagant to go by taxi.

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe wasteful actions and people: wasteful, extravagant, prodigal...
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Serious, severe and extreme: serious, severe, extreme...
adjective /ˈsʌmptʃuəs/
impressive, expensive, and of high quality 华丽的;昂贵的;高质量的

a sumptuous feast/banquet/dinner 盛宴/华筵/丰盛的晚餐

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...



a sumptuously furnished mansion 陈设豪华的大厦

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective informal /ˈpraɪsi/
expensive 昂贵的
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
very good in quality and very expensive 高级的;优质的

a high-class restaurant 高级餐馆

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
an arm and a leg
phrase mainly spoken
if something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive (价格)昂贵的
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪk(ə)l/
informal an astronomical amount, price, or charge is one that is extremely high and much higher than you would expect (数量、价格或收费)天文数字的,极其巨大的
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
at/for a price
for a lot of money 以高价

They'll do the work for you, at a price. 他们会为你做这件事,但要花大价钱。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective informal
expensive 昂贵的;高价的

big-ticket items like stereos and DVD players 像音响和DVD播放机这样的高价商品

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
daylight robbery
noun [U] British spoken
used for saying that you think something is much too expensive 明目张胆的打劫(指要价过高)

I'm not paying that much. It's daylight robbery! 我不会付那么多钱。这简直是大白天打劫!

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /dɪə(r)/
[not usually before noun] expensive 昂贵的;高价的

Their products are good quality, but a bit dear. 他们的产品质量很好,但有点儿贵。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ˈdɪərəst/
most expensive 最昂贵的

She bought the dearest dress in the shop. 她买了店里最贵的衣服。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /dəˈlʌks/
used about things that are better in quality and more expensive than other things of the same type 高级的;豪华的

a deluxe hotel/model/version 豪华酒店/汽车/版

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective [only before noun] /ɪɡˈzekjʊtɪv/
designed for rich or important people 专为有钱人设计的;专为要人设计的

an executive jet 要员的座机

a new development of executive homes 新开发的豪华住宅区

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ɪɡˈzɔː(r)bɪtənt/
an exorbitant price or amount of money is much more than is reasonable (价格或金额)过高的,不合理的

It meant borrowing money at an exorbitant rate of interest. 这意味着借款的利率高得惊人。

exorbitant wage demands 高得离谱的工资要求

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...


 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ɪkˈstɔː(r)ʃ(ə)nət/
if a price or request for money is extortionate it is much higher than is reasonable (价格或要价)过分的,过高的

extortionate rents 高得过分的租金

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...

extortionately priced cosmetics 价格过高的化妆品

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /flæʃ/
informal expensive and new in a way that is intended to impress people 昂贵而崭新的

He drives around in a big flash car. 他开着一辆崭新的豪华轿车到处转。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
get your chequebook out
phrase informal
used for saying that someone will have to pay a lot for something 倾囊而出

The school keeps asking parents to get their chequebooks out.

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ɡʊd/
expensive, or used by people with a high position in society 昂贵的;高级的

We moved to a smaller house in a good area. 我们搬到高级社区一幢较小的房子里。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective business
high-end goods and services are more expensive and more advanced than other similar goods and services (产品或服务)高级的,高端的

a high-end word processor 高级文字处理机

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
highway robbery
noun [U] American spoken
daylight robbery 明目张胆的打劫(指要价过高)
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective formal /ˈlɔː(r)dli/
very impressive because of being very expensive, rare etc 贵族气派的;堂皇的;高贵的
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈlʌkʃəri/
very expensive and of the highest quality 奢华的;豪华的;高档的

a luxury hotel/item/car 豪华旅馆/奢侈品/高档车

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective [only before noun] /ˌmʌltiˈmɪljən/
costing, needing, or worth many millions of pounds, dollars, etc 数百万的

a multimillion pound deal 数百万英镑的交易

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective formal /ˈɒpjʊlənt/
something that is opulent is very impressive because it contains the best and most expensive things 豪华的;奢侈的

We sat in the opulent surroundings of the Ritz Hotel. 我们坐在丽兹酒店豪华舒适的环境里。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
out of sight
informal if the price of something is out of sight, it is very high (价格)很昂贵的
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈpraɪst/
worth less than the price that is being charged 定价过高的
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
over the odds
phrase British informal
more than the usual or expected price (价格)高于平常的,超出预期的
pay over the odds :

The club will not pay over the odds to retain his services. 俱乐部不会为了留住他而多付工资。

charge over the odds :

They charge way over the odds for wine by the glass. 他们的酒每杯多收好多钱。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /plʌʃ/
expensive, comfortable, and attractive 豪华的;奢华的

plush offices/surroundings 豪华的办公室/周边环境

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Making you feel comfortable: comfortable, warm, intimate...
another spelling of poncy 单词 poncy 的另一种拼法
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Describing or relating to men and boys: male, masculine, manly...
adjective British very informal /ˈpɒnsi/
expensive, or high quality 昂贵的;高档的;优质的

poncy French perfume 高档法国香水

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective informal /pɒʃ/
something that is posh looks expensive and attractive 华丽的;豪华的;高档的

a posh home/hotel/restaurant 华丽的家/旅馆/餐馆

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /ˈpriːmiəm/
more expensive or of higher quality than other similar things 高价的;高品质的

premium rate phone calls 高昂的电话费

premium brands of champagne 名牌香槟

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Best: best, ideal, first class...
adjective /prəʊˈhɪbɪtɪv/
a prohibitive cost or price prevents people from buying something because it is too expensive (费用或价格)高得令人望而却步的

The cost of conversion to western technology would be prohibitive. 向西方科技转化的费用可能会高昂得令人望而却步。

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...

Insurance for dangerous sports can be prohibitively expensive. 危险体育运动的保险费用可能高得令人望而却步。

 Synonyms and related words
Limited and limiting: limited, restricted, restrictive...
 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
adjective /rɪtʃ/
beautiful, expensive, and of very high quality 漂亮的;昂贵的;优质的

rich silks and brocades 华丽的丝绸和锦缎

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...
 Synonyms and related words
Being beautiful: beautiful, glorious, stunning...
adverb /ˈrɪtʃli/
in a beautiful and expensive way 华丽地;华贵地

richly patterned carpets 有着华丽图案的地毯

a richly decorated palace 装饰华丽的宫殿

 Synonyms and related words
General words for expensive: expensive, costly, exclusive...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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