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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 2077 COCA: 2031

taste noun FLAVOUR

B1 [ C or U ] the flavour of something, or the ability of a person or animal to recognize different flavours味道;味覺

I love the taste of garlic.我喜歡蒜味。
Olives are usually an acquired taste (= you only like them after you have become familiar with their taste).橄欖的味道可能要慢慢習慣後才會喜歡。
When you have a cold you often lose your sense of taste.感冒的時候常常嘗不出味道。
See also
a taste for sth

C2 the fact of liking or enjoying something喜歡…,享受…

She came home from Europe with a taste for art and the finer things in life.她從歐洲回來後就喜歡上了藝術和享受生活中其他精美的東西。

[ S ] a small amount of food少許,一點兒

Have a taste of the sauce and tell me if it needs salt.嘗嘗醬汁,看看是否需要加鹽。

More examples

When preparing meals, you need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value.

Lemons have a sharp taste.

This wine has a light, fresh taste.

Aniseed has a very distinctive taste - I don't like it personally.

We value herbs for their taste, but we forget that they also have medicinal properties.

taste noun JUDGMENT

B2 [ C or U ] a person's approval of and liking for particular things(個人的)興趣,愛好

I'm not really into new cars - old vintage cars are more to my taste (= what I like).我一向不怎麽喜歡新車——倒是更喜歡老式汽車。

B2 [ U ] approving a person's ability to judge and recognize what is good or suitable, especially relating to such matters as art, style, beauty, and behaviour鑒賞力,審美力;品位

He has terrible taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.他的品位極差,你大概可以想象出他家是什麽樣子。
His taste in clothes leaves a little to be desired.他的着裝品位實在不怎麽樣。
tastes [ plural ]

B2 the things a person likes愛好,(個人)喜歡的事物

I have expensive tastes (= I like expensive things).我看來是喜歡奢華的東西。

More examples

She has a rather esoteric taste in clothes.

She's always had execrable taste in men.

She has exquisite taste.

They've got those curtains that tie up with big bows - they're a bit fussy for my taste.

I don't think garden gnomes are in very good taste.

taste noun EXPERIENCE

B2 [ S ] a short experience of something短暫的體驗

I had a taste of office work during the summer and that was enough.夏天我體驗了一下在辦公室工作的滋味,可真夠我受的。

taste verb [ T ] FOOD/DRINK

B1 to put food or drink in your mouth to find out what flavour it has嘗…的味道

Taste this sauce and tell me if it needs seasoning.嘗嘗醬汁,看看要不要加佐料。
What is this? I've never tasted anything like it.這究竟是什麽東西?我從沒吃過這種東西。
taste good, bad, sweet, etc.

B1 to have a particular flavour吃起來好吃/難吃/甜(等等)

This sauce tastes strange.這種醬汁味道很怪。
This coffee tastes like dishwater!這咖啡的味道簡直像洗碗水!
UK The bread tastes of onions.這面包有股洋蔥味。

More examples

Taste the stew to see if it has enough salt.

How do you know you don't like it if you won't even taste it?

We all tasted the cake.

If you've ever tasted Carmen's cooking, you'll know what I mean.

She drew off a little of her home-made wine just to taste.

taste verb [ T ] EXPERIENCE

to experience something for a short time(短暫)體驗,經歷,領略

Once you've tasted luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else.你一旦體驗過奢侈的滋味,就很難將就了。
TOEFL BNC: 2077 COCA: 2031


1flavour/flavor味道ADJECTIVE | VERB + TASTE | TASTE + NOUN ADJECTIVEdelicious, fresh, nice, pleasant, refreshing美味;新鮮的味道;可口的味道;清爽的味道distinctive特色風味pungent, rich, strong刺激的/濃鬱的/濃烈的味道bland, mild清淡的/淡淡的味道foul, nasty, unpleasant腐臭的/惡心的/難吃的味道bitter, creamy, metallic, salty, sharp, smooth, sour, spicy, sweet苦味;奶油味;金屬味;鹹味;刺激的味道;醇和的味道;酸味;香料味;甜味authentic正宗的味道You need to use fresh herbs to get the authentic Italian taste.你需要用新鮮的芳草料才能做出正宗的意大利風味來。VERB + TASTEhave有味道The soup had a very salty taste.湯的味道很鹹。leave留下味道The drink left a bitter taste in his mouth.飲料在他口中留下一絲苦味。The whole business left a bad taste in my mouth. (figurative) 整件事讓我苦不堪言。affect影響味道spoil破壞味道Don't have a cigarette now-you'll spoil the taste of your food!現在不要抽煙 - 你會吃不出飯菜的真正味道!enhance, improve提味enjoy, savour/savor享受/品嚐美味She was enjoying the taste of the champagne.她享受着香檳的美味。disguise, take away掩蓋/消除味道I had a strong coffee to take away the nasty taste of the food.我喝了一杯濃咖啡來消除食物惡心的味道。feel感覺到味道He could feel the taste of blood in his mouth.他能感覺到嘴裏的血腥味。TASTE + NOUNbuds味蕾


2a taste small amount少量ADJECTIVE | VERB + TASTE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief, little, small嚐一小口real真正的味道That job gave me my first real taste of teaching.那份工作讓我第一次嚐到了教書的真正滋味。first第一次品嚐VERB + TASTEget, have, taste (especially NAmE) 品嚐Have a taste of this cake.嚐一下這塊蛋糕吧。give sb, offer (sb), provide (sb with)給某人品嚐;供(某人)品嚐PREPOSITIONtaste of⋯的滋味This was her first taste of success.這是她第一次嚐到成功的滋味。PHRASESa taste of things to come領略未來將發生的事The new appraisal plan is only a taste of things to come.新的評估方案只是一個嘗試。


3liking愛好ADJECTIVE | VERB + TASTE | TASTE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcatholic, eclectic, varied廣泛的愛好simple簡單的愛好refined, sophisticated雅趣;高雅的情趣expensive, extravagant費錢的/奢靡的愛好eccentric, esoteric, strange古怪的愛好;深奧的興趣;不尋常的愛好acquired後天養成的興趣Modern art is an acquired taste.現代藝術是一種後天養成的喜好。changing不斷變化的興趣the changing tastes of consumers消費者不斷變化的口味natural天生的興趣local, national當地人的愛好;民族愛好modern現代口味individual, personal個人興趣aesthetic, artistic, cultural, literary, musical, reading, sexual審美興趣;藝術興趣;文化興趣;文學興趣;音樂興趣;閱讀興趣;性審美audience, consumer, contemporary, popular, public, Western觀眾的/消費者的/當代人的/大眾的/公眾的/西方的口味Her music appeals to popular taste.她的音樂符合大眾口味。VERB + TASTEhave有興趣They have a taste for adventure.他們喜歡冒險。like, share喜歡/共有興趣You obviously share her taste in reading.顯然你也和她一樣喜歡讀書。acquire, cultivate, develop, get培養興趣lose喪失興趣I've lost my taste for exotic trips.我已經對到異域旅行不感興趣了。indulge沉醉於興趣Now he is retired he has time to indulge his tastes for writing and politics.現在他退休了,有時間去滿足自己在寫作和政治方面的興趣了。demonstrate, display顯示興趣Her choice of outfit demonstrated her taste for the outrageous.她選那樣的套裝彰顯了她大膽獨特的個人趣味。appeal to, cater for, cater to, match, meet, satisfy, suit迎合興趣;符合興趣;滿足興趣a range of hotels to suit all tastes and budgets可滿足各種喜好和消費水平的多家旅館TASTE + VERBlie興趣在⋯方面It all depends on where your tastes lie.那得看你喜歡什麼了。run愛好是⋯His tastes run to the exotic.他喜歡異國情調。change, differ, vary興趣改變/不同/變化Lifestyles differ and tastes vary.生活方式不同,愛好也千差萬別。PREPOSITIONfor sb's taste就某人的興趣來說The music was too modern for my taste.這音樂對我這種品味的人來說太現代了。to taste (= according to how much of sth as you want) 按口味Add salt and pepper to taste.依個人口味加鹽和胡椒。to your taste合口味If fishing is not to your taste, there are many other leisure activities on offer.如果你對釣魚不感興趣,這裏還提供許多其他的休閒活動。taste for對⋯的興趣People with a taste for complex plots will enjoy this book.喜歡複雜情節的人會喜歡這本書。taste in在⋯方面的興趣young people's tastes in music年輕人在音樂方面的喜好PHRASESa man/woman of ... tastes有⋯興趣的男人/女人a man of advanced tastes情趣高雅的男士a matter of (personal) taste(個人)愛好的問題What type of bicycle you should buy is very much a matter of personal taste.要買什麼款式的自行車完全視乎個人愛好而定。a wide range/variety of tastes廣泛的口味;多種口味


4ability to make good choices判斷力ADJECTIVE | VERB + TASTE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexcellent, exquisite, fine, good, great, impeccable出色的/敏銳的/高超的/良好的/了不起的/無可挑剔的鑒賞力Her work is executed with impeccable taste.她的作品體現了無可挑剔的品味。appalling, bad, dubious, poor, questionable, terrible糟糕透頂的/低劣的/不可信的/拙劣的/成問題的/乏善可陳的鑒賞力VERB + TASTEreflect, show反映/顯示品味The house reflected his taste.房子反映出他的品味。exercise發揮鑒賞力The designer has exercised good taste in her choice of fabrics.設計師在面料選擇上表現出不俗的品味。PREPOSITIONin ... taste有⋯的品味That joke was in very poor taste.那個玩笑很低俗。with taste有品味The room had been decorated with great taste.房間裝飾得很有品味。taste in在⋯方面的品味She has terrible taste in clothing.她在着裝方面品味極差。PHRASESan arbiter of taste (especially BrE) 鑒賞家Contemporary arbiters of taste dismissed his paintings as rubbish.當代鑒賞家把他的畫斥為垃圾。in the best possible taste, in the worst possible taste以最佳/最差的品味The love scenes are all done in the best possible taste.愛情場景的設計品味極佳。His jokes were in the worst possible taste.他笑話的品味糟糕透頂。a lack of taste缺乏品味The remark showed a real lack of taste.此話顯得極沒有品味。a man/woman of taste有品味的男人/女人taste and decency (BrE) 高雅得體The play was judged to offend against standards of public taste and decency.這齣戲被認為不符合公眾的品味及雅俗標準。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBstrongly味道很濃The water tasted strongly of chemicals.水嚐起來有一股濃濃的化學品味道。faintly, slightly嚐起來略微有點兒⋯味道The fish tasted faintly of garlic.這魚帶點兒大蒜味兒。PREPOSITIONlike嚐起來像⋯The fruit tasted rather like mango.這種水果味道很像芒果。of帶⋯味道a cake which tasted of almonds扁桃仁味的蛋糕PHRASEStaste awful, taste bad, taste bitter, taste disgusting, taste foul, taste horrible, taste terrible, taste vile難吃極了;難吃;味道苦;難以下咽taste delicious, taste fine, taste good, taste great, taste sweet, taste wonderful可口;好吃;好吃極了;味道甜甜的;味道極佳taste funny味道怪怪的
TOEFL BNC: 2077 COCA: 2031
taste verb
eat (I've never tasted anything like it.) feel (taste freedom) try2 (Taste it and see if there is enough salt.)
taste noun
taste1 (a taste for foreign travel) taste2 (a sweet taste)


a taste for foreign travel 去國外旅行的興趣a sweet taste 甜味good taste in musictaste ♦︎ preference ♦︎ love ♦︎ passion ♦︎ liking ♦︎ weaknessThese are all words for the feeling of liking or preferring particular things or activities. 這些詞均表示對某些事物或活動的喜好或偏愛。SYNONYM SCALE 詞義標尺 下圖顯示這些詞所表達喜好的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a taste / preference / passion / liking / weakness for stha great love / passion / liking for / of sthto have a taste / preference / love / passion / liking / weakness for / of sthto develop a taste / preference / love / passion / liking / weakness for / of sthto share a taste / preference / love / passion / liking for / of sthto show a preference / liking for sthsth is to sb's taste / likingtoo big, small, sweet, crowded, etc. for sb's taste / liking taste [countable, uncountable] what a person likes or prefers 愛好;志趣That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel.那次旅遊使我愛上了去國外旅行。She has a very expensive taste in clothes.她講究穿昂貴的服裝。Art is an acquired taste-no one is born knowing that Michelangelo is wonderful.藝術是一種習得的愛好-沒有人生下來就知道米開朗琪羅了不起。The colour and style is a matter of personal taste.顔色和式樣是個人愛好問題。If you have a taste for sth, you like or enjoy it. * have a taste for sth指喜歡或享受做某事She has a real taste for adventure / designer clothes.她特别喜歡探險/名牌服裝。Your taste in clothes, music, books, etc. describes what type of clothes, music, etc. you prefer. * taste in clothes/music/books等表示對服裝、音樂、書籍等的品味He has an unusual taste in music.他對音樂有獨特的鑒賞力。 preference ˈprefrəns [uncountable, singular] a greater interest in or desire for sb/sth than sb/sth else 偏愛;愛好;喜愛It's a matter of personal preference.那是個人愛好問題。Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan.許多人強烈表示喜歡原計劃。I can't say that I have any particular preference.我說不出自己有什麽特别偏好。Let's make a list of possible speakers, in order of preference.咱們按優先順序列出一份可能請到的發言者名單吧。NOTE 辨析 Taste or preference?A preference is always a choice between two or more things, places, people, etc.; taste does not include this idea of choice. * preference總是在兩個或更多東西、地方、人等裏面做的選擇,taste則不涉及選擇問題a taste for French bread對法國面包的喜愛a preference for brown bread (= rather than white bread) 偏愛黑面包 see also preference choice 2 , prefer prefer , preferred favourite love [uncountable, singular] (approving) the strong feeling of enjoyment that a thing or activity gives you 喜好;喜愛I fell in love with the house.我喜歡上了這房子。They share a love of classical music.他們都喜愛古典音樂。 see also love like verb passion [countable] (approving) a very strong feeling of liking sth; a hobby, activity, etc. that you like very much 酷愛;熱衷的事物The English have a passion for gardens.英國人酷愛花園。Music is a passion with him.他對音樂情有獨鐘。 see also passionate intense  See also the entry for interest noun 2 另見interest名詞詞條第2義NOTE 辨析 Love or passion? Passion is stronger than love, and suggests that your interests may affect the way you live your life or the career you choose. * passion比love更強烈,意味着該興趣可能會影響生活方式或職業選擇The royal family had a passion for art, it seems, for the palace was full of paintings and sculptures.王室家族似乎對藝術情有獨鐘,因爲王宮裏到處都是繪畫和雕塑。He knew he was going to be a musician and eventually stopped attending high school. Music was the only thing he ever had a passion for.他知道自己將成爲音樂家,因而最終沒有讀完高中。音樂是他唯一熱衷的事。 liking [singular] the feeling that you like or enjoy sth 喜歡;喜好;嗜好;樂趣The town was too crowded for my liking (= I would prefer it less crowded).這座城市太擁擠了,我不喜歡。Is the coffee to your liking, sir?先生,這咖啡合您的口味嗎? see also like like verb weakness [countable, usually singular] difficulty in resisting sb/sth that you like very much, especially sth that is bad for you in some way (對人或事物,尤其是有害事物的)迷戀,無法抗拒He worries a lot about his weight, but can't overcome his weakness for fatty foods.他很擔心自己的體重,但又無法克制自己對高脂食物的迷戀。


a taste for foreign travel 去國外旅行的興趣a sweet taste 甜味good taste in musictaste ♦︎ flavour ♦︎ tangThese are all words for the quality that sth has which allows you to recognize it when you put it in your mouth. 這些詞均表示味道、滋味。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a delicious / rich / spicy / bitter / sour / sweet taste / flavoura sharp / salty / distinctive taste / flavour / tangto have / give sth / add taste / flavourto enhance / spoil the taste / flavour of sth taste [countable, uncountable] the particular quality that different foods and drinks have that allows you to recognize them when you put them in your mouth 味道;滋味The drink left a bitter taste in his mouth.那飲料在他口中留下一絲苦味。The soup doesn't have much taste.這湯沒什麽味道。Salt stimulates the taste buds on the tongue.鹽會刺激舌上的味蕾。 flavour (BrE) (NAmE flavor) [uncountable, countable] how food or drink tastes; a particular type of taste (食物或飲料的)味道;某種味道It is stronger in flavour than other traditional Dutch cheeses.這比其他傳統荷蘭幹酪的味道要濃。This yogurt comes in ten different flavours.這種酸奶有十種不同的口味。It is a wine with a delicate fruit flavour.這是一種有淡淡水果味的葡萄酒。NOTE 辨析 Taste or flavour?In many cases you can use either word, especially when talking about how a meal tastes. 在許多情況下這兩個詞可以通用,尤其是談論飯菜的味道時The tomatoes give extra taste / flavour to the sauce.番茄使調味汁更有風味。When talking about foods you can find in nature, it is more usual to use taste. 談論能在自然界找到的食物的味道時,更常用tasteI don't like the taste of olives.我不喜歡橄欖的味道。When talking about foods which have been designed by people to have a particular effect on the tongue, use flavour. 談論經過加工制造而具有特殊口味的食物的味道用flavourWe have four different flavours of ice cream.我們有四種不同口味的冰淇淋。 tang [countable, usually singular] a strong sharp taste or smell 強烈味道;刺鼻氣味The tea had a sharp, bitter tang.這茶味濃且苦。We could smell the salty tang of sea air from our bedroom window.我們透過卧室窗戶就能聞到海邊空氣的鹹味。
TOEFL BNC: 2077 COCA: 2031
Taste, flavour and consistency: umami, taste, flavour...
To taste or smell something: catch, olfactory, palate...
Intelligence, intuition and ability to understand: intelligence, intuition, intellect...
Feelings of liking someone or something: liking, affection, taste...
Linking verbs: appear, be, become...
General words meaning to eat: eat, swallow, have...
General words meaning to drink: drink, swallow, have...
To experience something: experience, undergo, encounter...
To understand something: understand, know, work out...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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