a feeling or idea that is suggested by a particular word although it need not be a part of the word's meaning, or something suggested by an object or situation内涵意义;隐含意义;联想意义
The word "lady" has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.lady 一词有优雅和过分娇柔的涵义,因此某些女性觉得该词具有冒犯意。
ADJECTIVE | VERB + CONNOTATION | PREPOSITIONADJECTIVE➤obvious, strong明顯的/強烈的隱含意義◇the obvious symbolic connotations of his name他名字顯而易見的象徵意義➤broad, wider (especially BrE) 廣泛的/更廣泛的引申義◇The term 'at-risk youth' has taken on broad connotations.“高危青少年”這一術語有了廣泛的引申意義。◇The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical.虐待這一概念的內涵不單指身體上的虐待。➤negative, sinister, unfortunate負面的/不祥的/不吉利的含義▸➤derogatory, pejorative貶損的含義◇the derogatory connotation of the term 'diva'diva (名媛)一詞的貶損含義➤positive正面含義▸➤cultural, moral, political, racial, religious, sexual文化內涵;道德含義;政治含義;種族含義;宗教含義;性暗示◇the cultural connotations of these conventions這些習俗的文化內涵◇There were political connotations in such choices.這樣的選擇具有政治含義。◇words that today have religious connotations如今有了宗教含義的詞語◇There is no sexual connotation to this behaviour / behavior.這一行為沒有任何性暗示。VERB + CONNOTATION➤acquire, carry, have有了含義;帶有含義◇That word has strong sexual connotations.那個詞有很強的性暗示。◇The term 'native' has acquired pejorative connotations among some groups.native (土着)一詞在某些群體中逐漸有了貶低的意味。➤lose失去含義◇'Catholic' lost its original connotation of universality.catholic 一詞失去了其原本的“普世”含義。➤attach, give sth帶含義;給予⋯含義◇the negative connotations attached to the word 'academic'單詞 academic (學術氣)帶有的負面含義PREPOSITION➤connotation of⋯的含義◇The word carries connotations of romance.這個詞帶有浪漫之義。