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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

land noun DRY SURFACE

B2 [ U ] the surface of the earth that is not covered by water陆地,地面

It is cheaper to drill for oil on land than at sea.在陆地上钻探石油比在海上更经济。
The treaty has led to a dramatic reduction in the number of land-based missiles in Europe.该条约的签订导致了欧洲陆基导弹的数量大幅减少。
The military commanders won't deploy their land forces until they're satisfied that the air attacks have done their job.军队指挥官们将一直等到他们觉得空中打击奏效了之后才会开始部署地面部队。

B1 [ U ] an area of ground, especially when used for a particular purpose such as farming or building地,土地

This sort of land is no good for growing potatoes.这种地不适合种土豆。
I always prosecute people who trespass on my land.对擅自闯入我的领地的人我一律都要告上法庭。
We want to buy a plot of land to build a house.我们想买一块地盖房子。
the land

farms, farming, and the countryside农场;务农;农村

Most of the families lived off the land (= grew their own food, etc.).大多数家庭靠种田过活。
My parents worked (on) the land.我父母都务农。

More examples

The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months.

This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare.

There are several plots of land for sale.

The refugees were at sea for 40 days before reaching land.

This path marks the dividing line between my land and my neighbour's.

land noun COUNTRY

C2 [ C ] literary a country国家

a land of ice and snow冰雪的国度
The group want to promote their ideas in schools throughout the land.该团体到全国各地的学校去宣传他们的理念。

More examples

He developed a malignant hatred for the land of his birth.

It is a barren and hostile land.

It is a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.

We've got the best brains in the land working on this problem.

They journeyed to foreign lands.

land verb ARRIVE

B1 [ I or T ] to (cause to) arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down through the air(使)着陆,(使)落地,(使)降落

We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.我们将于早上7点钟飞抵马德里。
You can land a plane on water in an emergency.紧急情况下飞机可以迫降在水上。
The bird landed on my finger.鸟儿落在我的手指上。
figurative The report first landed on my desk this morning.这份报告最初是在今天早上出现在我的案头。

B1 [ I ] to arrive on land from the sea到岸,到港

We landed at Port Said in the early evening.傍晚时分我们乘船抵达赛伊德港。

[ I ] to arrive at or appear on a particular website浏览到(网站);出现在(网站上)

If you click on the link you land on his blog. 如果你点击这个链接你会浏览到他的博客。
The allegations attracted a lot of attention when they landed on the Drudge Report site in the morning.这一指控今天早上出现在掘奇密报网站,受到了很大关注。

More examples

One of the plane's engines cut out, so they had to land with only one.

Air traffic control at Heathrow have given us clearance to land in 20 minutes.

Unlike other spacecraft, the shuttle can glide back through the atmosphere, land safely, and be reused.

There was a good-sized crowd at the airport waiting for the plane to land.

By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.

land verb UNLOAD

[ T ] to take goods or people off a ship or aircraft使上岸;使下飞机;(从船或飞机上)卸下(货物)

The general's plan involved landing troops behind enemy lines.将军的计划包括向敌人后方空投部队。

land verb CATCH

[ T ] to catch a fish with a hook (= curved piece of wire) or net and remove it from the water钓到,网到(鱼)

He landed a huge salmon.他钓到了一条很大的鲑鱼。

land verb GET

C2 [ T ] to get or achieve something good, especially in a way that seems easy or unexpected(尤指轻而易举或意外地)获得,得到,赢得

He landed a senior editorial job.他刚刚轻而易举地得到了一份高级编辑的工作。


1surface of the earth地表ADJECTIVE | VERB + LAND | LAND + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdry陸地It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea.在海上漂泊數月之後又回到陸地,真是太好了。VERB + LANDreach到達陸地The explorers reached land after a long voyage.探險者經過漫長的航行後到達了陸地。sight看見陸地In the distance the crew sighted land.船員們看到了遠處的陸地。reclaim開墾陸地The new project will reclaim the land from the sea.新工程將填海拓地。LAND + NOUNmass大陸塊chains of volcanoes running along the edge of continental land masses沿着大陸板塊邊緣伸展的火山鏈surface陸地表面animal, mammal陸生動物/哺乳動物battle, war陸地戰役/戰爭forces陸軍With the land forces defeated, everything now rested on the navy.陸軍戰敗後,就全靠海軍了。PREPOSITIONby land從陸地It's impossible to reach this beach by land because of the high cliffs.因為那些懸崖峭壁,不可能從陸路到達這片海灘。on land在陸地上Some animals can live both on land and in water.有些動物是水陸兩棲的。


2piece of ground土地ADJECTIVE | ... OF LAND | VERB + LAND | LAND + VERB | LAND + NOUN ADJECTIVEgood, prime (especially BrE) 優質土地Good agricultural land is scarce.優良的農田數量不多。prime building land優質的建築用地fertile, rich肥沃的土地rich agricultural land肥沃的農田land that is rich in mineral deposits礦藏豐富的土地marginal, poor貧瘠的土地animals grazing on marginal land在貧瘠的土地上吃草的動物arid, desert, dry, parched旱地;沙漠地帶;焦乾的土地The land was very dry after the long, hot summer.這片土地經過漫長的炎炎夏日後變得非常乾旱。barren不毛之地derelict, waste (usually wasteland) 廢棄的土地;荒地A new shopping mall will be built on the derelict land.在這片廢棄的土地上將要新建一座大型購物中心。contaminated受污染的土地empty, unused, vacant空地;未使用的土地uncultivated, undeveloped, virgin, wild未耕種過的土地;未開墾的土地;處女地;荒地agricultural, arable, cultivated, farm (usually farmland) , farming, pasture, ranch (especially NAmE) 農用土地;可耕地;耕地;農田;牧場;大牧場the clearing of forested areas to create pastures and arable land清理林區以開墾牧場和耕地grazing牧場industrial (especially BrE) 工業用地building, housing (both BrE) 建築/住宅用地green-belt, greenfield, park (usually parkland) 綠化帶用地;待開發土地;公用綠地rural, urban鄉村/城市土地private私有土地public公有土地federal, state (both especially NAmE) 聯邦/國有土地crown, government王室/政府土地reservation, tribal(北美印第安人或澳大利亞原住民的)居留地;部落土地common, communal公共用地Everyone had the right to graze animals on communal land.每個人都可以在公地上放牧。This used to be common land, where everyone had the right to graze animals.這曾是公地,任何人都可以在此放牧。open開闊地They finally got out of the town and reached open land.他們終於出了城,到達了開闊地帶。flat, low-lying (especially BrE) 平地;低窪地coastal, forest, forested (especially NAmE) 沿海地區;森林地帶;林地... OF LANDarea, parcel, patch, piece, plot, scrap, strip, tract一片地;一塊地;一小塊地;一片狹長的土地;一大片土地The state owns vast tracts of land.該國擁有大片土地。Every scrap of land is used for growing food.每一小片土地都用來種植糧食。VERB + LANDhave, hold, own有地;擁有土地The inhabitants of a village held land in common.同一村莊的居民共同擁有土地。acquire, buy, purchase購置土地;買地;購買土地sell賣地lease, rent出租土地;租用土地reclaim開墾土地protect保護土地cultivate, farm, plough/plow, work耕地;種地irrigate灌溉土地clear清理土地The land has been cleared ready for building.這塊地已清理妥當作建築之用。develop開發土地They were refused permission to develop the land.他們沒有獲准開發這片土地。expropriate (formal) , seize徵用/沒收土地distribute, redistribute分配/重新分配土地grant sb授予某人土地He was granted land by the state.國家授予了他土地。LAND + VERBadjoin sth土地毗鄰⋯a piece of land adjoining the airport毗鄰機場的一塊地LAND + NOUNagent (especially BrE) 地產經紀人office, registry (BrE) 土地管理局;地政局acquisition, purchase土地徵購/購買grab土地掠奪The rush for fuel and food will lead to a global land grab.燃料和食物的爭搶將會引發全球性的土地掠奪。tenure土地保有management土地管理reclamation (especially BrE) 墾荒development土地開發use土地使用reform土地改革prices, values土地價格/價值claim土地權利主張dispute土地糾紛


3the land farming land耕地VERB + THE LANDlive off靠耕田生活It's very fertile countryside where you can just live off the land.這片農田土地肥沃,靠種田就能生活。farm, work, work on務農His family had always worked the land.他家過去一直務農。leave離開農村Many people leave the land to find work in towns.許多人離開農村進城謀生。get back to, go back to返回農村He's tired of living in cities, and wants to get back to the land.他厭倦了城市生活,想回到農村。


4country國土ADJECTIVE | VERB + LAND ADJECTIVEancestral, native故土;祖國the tribe's ancestral lands部落的故土distant, faraway, far-off遙遠的國度He journeyed to many distant lands.他去過許多遙遠的國家。alien, foreign, strange異國She was all alone in a strange land.她身處異鄉,形隻影單。Promised Land (often figurative) 福地the Promised Land of progressive education施行進步教育的理想國家cloud cuckoo, fantasy, la-la, never-never(脫離現實的)理想境界;奇幻世界;夢幻之地;理想國Anyone who thinks this legislation will be effective is living in cloud cuckoo land.認為此項立法會行之有效的人都是脫離了現實的人。VERB + LANDconquer, occupy征服/佔領土地rule統治土地


1of an aircraft飛機ADVERB | VERB + LAND | PREPOSITION ADVERBsafely安全着陸The pilot managed to land the plane safely.飛行員成功使飛機安全着陸。VERB + LANDbe about to, be due to, be scheduled to正要/預定/按計劃着陸come down to降落The plane slowly came down to land.飛機緩緩降落了。be forced to被迫降落The plane was forced to land in a nearby field.飛機被迫降落在附近的田野裏。be able to, manage to能夠/設法成功着陸PREPOSITIONat降落在⋯We are due to land at Newark at 12.15.我們預定於 12 時 15 分在紐瓦克着陸。


2fall to the ground落地ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBawkwardly, badly, painfully笨拙地/狠狠地/痛苦地落地I landed awkwardly and twisted my ankle.我狼狽地跌在地上,扭傷了腳踝。expertly, gracefully, neatly嫺熟地/優雅地/利落地落下He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.他繃緊身體起跳,熟練地落在另一邊。heavily重重地落地gently, lightly, softly輕輕落地squarely準確落地The coin landed squarely between his feet.硬幣正好落在他的兩腳之間。PREPOSITIONon⋯着地She fell and landed heavily on her back.她摔了下去,仰面重重地落在地上。
land noun
land1 (the price of land) land2 (open/agricultural land) country1 (sb's native land) country2 (live off the land) floor1 (travel by land) soil (fertile land)
land verb
land (a plane/bird lands) arrive (due to land at Heathrow) gain1 (land a job)


the price of land 地价open/agricultural land 开阔地;农业用地land ♦︎ estate ♦︎ real estate ♦︎ farmlandThese words all mean an area of ground that sb owns. 这些词均表示私人拥有的地产。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配on land / an estate / real estate / farmland(a) private land / estate / real estate / farmlandprime land / real estate / farmlandto own / buy / sell land / an estate / real estate / farmlanda piece of land / real estate / farmland land [uncountable] ( formal lands [plural]) the area of ground that sb owns, especially when you think of it as property that can be bought or sold 地产;地皮The price of land is rising rapidly.地价正在快速上涨。During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy.战争期间他们的土地被敌人占领了。 see also land country 2 , land floor 1 , land soil estate ɪˈsteɪt [countable] a large area of land, usually in the country, that is owned by one person or family (通常指农村的)大片私有土地,庄园The house is set on a 200-acre estate near the Black Mountains.那座房子建在布莱克山脉附近一个200英亩的庄园中。 ˈreal estate [uncountable] (especially NAmE) property in the form of land or buildings 房地产;不动产My father sold real estate.我父亲销售过房地产。He bought a piece of real estate several years ago for $50 000.几年前他花5万元购买了一处房地产。 farmland ˈfɑːmlænd; NAmE ˈfɑːrmlænd [uncountable, plural] land that is used for farming 农田;耕地The United States loses over 4 000 acres of farmland every day.美国每天失去4 000多英亩的耕地。land2


the price of land 地价open/agricultural land 开阔地;农业用地 See also the entry for soil 另见soil条land ♦︎ lot ♦︎ ground ♦︎ space ♦︎ plotThese words all mean an area of land that is used for a particular purpose. 这些词均表示作特定用途的土地。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(an) open land / ground / space(a / an) empty / vacant land / lot / ground / plotwaste / derelict land / grounda burial ground / plot land [uncountable] ( lands [plural]) an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose (尤指作特定用途的)地带,土地The valley provides some rich grazing land for farmers.这个峡谷为农场主提供了肥沃的牧场。It's an attractive village in the heart of the county's agricultural lands.这是个位于该县农业腹地的魅力乡村。 see also land floor 1 , land soil lot [countable] (NAmE) a piece of land that is used or intended for a particular purpose (作特定用途的)一块地,场地Some kids were playing ball in a vacant lot.一些孩子在一块空地上玩球。Building lots will cost between $100 000 and $500 000.建筑用地的价格将在10万至50万元之间。He backed the car into the parking lot.他倒车入停车场。The British English word for parking lot is car park. * parking lot(停车场)在英式英语中为car park。 ground [uncountable, countable] an area of land that is used for a particular purpose (作特定用途的)场地The kids were playing on waste ground near the school.孩子们在学校附近的荒地上玩耍。 (BrE) They're building a new football ground in the town.他们正在城里修建一个新足球场。We visited the site of an ancient burial ground.我们参观了一个古代墓地的旧址。NOTE 辨析 Land, lot or ground? Land is used for large areas of open land in the country, especially when it is used for farming. A lot is often a smaller piece of land in a town or city, especially one intended for building or parking on. Ground [uncountable] is any area of open land; a ground [countable] is an area of land designed or used for a particular purpose or activity. * land指乡村中大片的开阔地,尤指农业用地;lot常指城镇或城市里的小片土地,尤指用于建筑或停车的地块儿;ground作不可数名词时指任何开阔地,作可数名词时指用于特定用途或活动的场地。 space [uncountable, countable] a large area of land that has no buildings on it (无建筑物的)大片空地,开阔地The city has fine buildings and plenty of open space.这座城市既有漂亮的建筑又有许多开阔的空地。the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies加拿大一片片广袤的草原 plot [countable] a small piece of land used or intended for a particular purpose (作特定用途的)地块儿She bought a small plot of land to build a house.她买了一小块地盖房子。He was buried in the family plot at the cemetery.他葬在公墓中的家族墓地里。At the back of the house was a small vegetable plot.房子后面是一小块菜圃。 see also patch garden 2 NOTE 辨析 Lot or plot?Either a lot or a plot can be used for building on. Only a plot can also be used for burying people or growing vegetables. * lot和plot上面都可以盖房子,但只有plot才可用作墓地或菜圃。 land


land ♦︎ come to rest ♦︎ come down ♦︎ settle ♦︎ touch down ♦︎ alight ♦︎ perch ♦︎ bring sth downThese are all words that can be used when sth comes down through the air and onto the ground or another surface. 这些词均表示降落或着陆。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to land / come to rest / come down / settle / touch down / alight / perch / bring sth down on sthto land / come to rest / come down / touch down / bring sth down at / in sthto land / come to rest / come down / touch down / bring sth down safely land [intransitive, transitive] to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface; to make a plane come down to the ground in a controlled way 落;降落;着陆;使(飞机)平稳着陆Both aircraft landed safely.两架飞机都安全着陆了。A fly landed on the tip of his nose.一只苍蝇落在他的鼻尖上。A single snowflake drifted down and landed on the windowsill.一片雪花飘下来,落在了窗台上。He landed the damaged aircraft in a field.他驾驶受损的飞机降落在一块田里。OPP take off set off landing


[countable, uncountable] a perfect / smooth / safe landing准确/顺利/安全着陆The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing.飞行员被迫紧急着陆。a landing site降落场
come to ˈrest


(came, come) (written) to stop moving, especially after flying or travelling in an uncontrolled way (尤指在失控后)停止移动,停下来The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.汽车闯过护栏,在一块田里停了下来。His eyes came to rest on Clara's face.他的目光停在了克拉拉的脸上。
ˌcome ˈdown

phrasal verb

(came, come)(of an aircraft) to come down to the ground, especially in an uncontrolled way because there is a problem (尤指飞机因故障而失控地)着陆,降落,从空中坠落Forty-two people died when a military aircraft came down in a remote area.一架军用飞机在偏远地区坠落,四十二人遇难。
settle [intransitive] to fall or fly down onto sth and stay there for some time 降落;停留Dust had settled on everything.到处都落满了灰尘。Two birds settled on the fence.两只鸟落在了篱笆上。Some snow fell but it didn't settle (= stay on the ground).下了一点儿雪,但没有积住。 ˌtouch ˈdown

phrasal verb

(of a plane or spacecraft) to land, especially under control or as planned (尤指飞机或航天器顺利)着陆,降落The space capsule will touch down tomorrow.太空舱将于明天着陆。
alight əˈlaɪt [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (formal or literary) (of a bird or insect) to land on or in sth after flying to it (鸟或昆虫)降落,飞落A butterfly fluttered by and alighted on a rose.一只蝴蝶飞过来,落在一朵玫瑰花上。 perch [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of a bird) to land and stay on a branch, etc. (鸟)栖息,停留A robin flew down and perched on the fence.一只知更鸟飞下来,落在篱笆上。They found the parrot perched in a tree.他们发现那鹦鹉栖息在树上。 ˌbring sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

(brought, brought)to land an aircraft, usually in a situation where there is sth wrong (通常在出现故障时)使(飞机)着陆The pilot brought the plane down safely before the passengers even realized there was a problem.乘客还没意识到出了故障,飞行员已经使飞机安全着陆了。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
Site Uptime