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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To search for something or someone
go through
phrasal verb
[T] [go through something] to examine or search something very carefully 彻底检查;彻底搜查

Someone had broken into the office and gone through all the drawers. 有人闯入办公室翻遍了所有的抽屉。

Collins went through every legal book she could find. 柯林斯翻遍了她能找到的所有的法律书。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To study, check or examine something: study, check, examine...
look out for
phrasal verb [T]
[look out for someone/something] to look carefully at people or things around you in order to try to find a particular person or thing (从周围的人或物中)挑选出,找出

We were told to look out for a blue van. 有人叫我们去找一辆蓝色的厢式货车。

seek out
phrasal verb [T]
to find someone or something by looking for them in a determined way (下决心)找到

Corbett resolved to seek out the truth. 科比特决心找出真相。

sort through
phrasal verb [T]
[sort through something] to look at a lot of things in order to find what you want or need 在…中查找(或翻捡)

She sorted through her handbag for her keys. 她在手提包里找钥匙。

search out
phrasal verb [T]
to work hard in order to find something 找出;查出

People need to search out the treatments that work best for them. 人们需要找出对他们来说最有效的治疗方法。

verb /sɜː(r)tʃ/
[I/T] to try to find something or someone by looking carefully 搜寻;搜索;搜查

After three days searching, I gave up. 搜寻了3天后我放弃了。

Simon searched his mind but couldn't come up with the answer. 西蒙绞尽脑汁但想不出答案。

search for :

Detectives have been brought in to help search for clues. 侦探被请来帮助搜寻线索。

search through :

Rescue teams are still searching through the wreckage for survivors. 救援队还在残骸中进行搜索,以期发现幸存者。

[T] to carefully examine something or someone for something that is hidden 调查;细查

The police have arrested a man after searching his house. 警察在搜查了某男子的房子后逮捕了他。

go over
phrasal verb
to search a place thoroughly 搜查

This area is to be gone over with the greatest of care. 对这一地区一定要非常认真地进行搜查。

look around
phrasal verb
[I] to try to find something that you want or need 试着寻找
look around for :

We've started looking around for a house in Manchester. 我们已开始在曼彻斯特找房子了。

look for
phrasal verb [T]
[look for someone/something] to search for someone or something 寻找;查找

I'm looking for Jim. Have you seen him? 我在找吉姆。你见到他了吗?

Police were looking for clues as to the woman's identity. 警方正在查找同该女子身份有关的线索。

look through
phrasal verb [T]
[look through something] to search for something among a lot of other things 仔细查阅(或查找)

I'll look through these files and see if I can find a copy of my CV. 我要好好翻一下这些档案,看看能否找到一份我的简历。

More Synonyms
verb [T] /kəʊm/
to search a place thoroughly 彻底地搜寻;搜索

Dozens of officers combed the area with search dogs. 几十名警官带着警犬仔细搜索了这一区域。

comb through
phrasal verb [T]
[comb through something] to search carefully among things 在…中仔细搜寻

Researchers have been combing through data files trying to detect problems. 研究人员一直在资料档案中搜寻,试图发现问题。

verb [I] /delv/
to search for something in a bag, pocket etc (在包、口袋等中)搜找,查找

Frank delved into his pocket and brought out a few coins. 弗兰克从口袋里翻出几个硬币。

dig around
phrasal verb [I]
to try to find something inside a place or container by searching in every part of it 翻找;四处寻找

She dug around in her handbag for a pen. 她在手提包里翻找钢笔。

dig into
phrasal verb [T]
[dig (something) into something] to put your hand in your pocket or bag in order to find something 把手伸进…寻找

She dug into her pocket and took out a pen. 她把手伸进口袋里摸索,掏出了一支钢笔。

verb /dɪˈvaɪn/
[I] to search for underground water using a Y-shaped stick called a divining rod 用Y形杖探测地下水
verb [I] /daʊz/
to search for water underground using a special stick that moves when you are near the right place 用占卜棒探寻地下水
verb /dræɡ/
[T] to try to find something in an area of water by pulling a net along the bottom of it 拖着网在(水域里)搜寻

Police are dragging the river near where he was last seen. 警方正在他最后一次出现之处附近的一条河里拖网搜寻。

verb [T] /dredʒ/
to look for something at the bottom of a river or lake using a dredger (用挖掘机)采捞,挖掘
verb /fiːl/
[I] to try to find something with your hands, especially because you cannot see clearly (尤因看不清楚而)摸索
feel around/about :

I felt around on the ground but couldn't find the torch. 我在地上到处摸索,但找不到手电筒。

feel (around/about) for someone/something :

Adam felt in the pocket of his shorts for the key. 亚当在短裤的裤兜里摸钥匙。

verb [I] /ˈferɪt/
to search for something in a small space (在小范围内)搜索
ferret around/about :

She was ferreting around in a drawer for her keys. 她在抽屉里翻找钥匙。

verb /fɪʃ/
[I] to try to find something by feeling inside a bag, a box etc 搜寻;寻找
fish for :

She stopped and fished for her door key. 她停下来找门钥匙。

fish around :

Matthew started fishing around in a pile of papers. 马修开始在一堆文件中到处搜寻。

verb [I] /ˈfɒrɪdʒ/
to search in a wide area for something, especially food 到处搜寻(尤指食物)

They spend their days foraging for food around the city. 他们整天在城里四处搜寻食物。

to use your hands to search inside something, for example a pocket or a bag (用手在衣兜或袋子里)搜寻,查找
verb [I] Australian /ˈfɒsɪk/
to look for something among a lot of other things (在许多其他东西中)搜寻,寻找
verb /ˈɡæðə(r)/
to search for and find similar things that you need or want 采集

They live by gathering shellfish and snails. 他们靠采集贝类和蜗牛为生。

Bees were gathering pollen from the wild flowers. 蜜蜂正在采集野花的花粉。

give something a try
to go to a particular place hoping to find someone or something 去某地试试

Why not give the library a try? He's usually there on Tuesdays. 为什么不去图书馆找找看?他星期二一般都在那儿。

verb /ɡrəʊp/



grope around

[I] to search for something inside a container, bag etc by feeling with your hands (在包、袋等中)摸索,寻找

She was groping around in her bag for her keys. 她在包里摸钥匙。

verb [I/T] /ɡrʌb/
to try to find something by moving things around somewhere, especially somewhere that is dirty or difficult to reach (尤指在肮脏或难以到达的地方)寻找,搜寻
grub around/about :

He was grubbing around at the back of the sofa trying to find loose change. 他在沙发后面找散落的零钱。

verb /hʌnt/
[I/T] to try to find someone or something 追捕;搜寻

Police are still hunting the killer. 警方仍在追捕凶手。

hunt for :

Detectives have been hunting for clues to the murderer's identity. 侦探一直在搜寻有关谋杀犯身份的线索。

[I] to try to find something that you want or have lost 搜索;寻找
hunt for :

He began by hunting around for information. 他从四处搜索信息着手。

hunt through/over/around :

I've hunted all over the house for my keys. 为找钥匙我已经把整个房子都翻遍了。

hunt down
phrasal verb [T]
to try to find a particular thing or person 找到;追寻

They'll actually hunt down old books for you. 他们实际上会帮你找旧书。

hunt out
phrasal verb [T]
to search very hard for something 努力寻找

August is a good time to hunt out bargains. 8月是搜罗便宜货的好时机。

keep an eye out for
to keep looking for someone or something, especially when you are doing something else 留意;留神

He asked me to keep an eye out for any houses to rent. 他让我留意要出租的房屋。

keep your eyes open/peeled/skinned (for)
to keep looking for someone or something that you hope to find 留意(某人或某物)

Keep your eyes open for a petrol station. 留心看一下有没有加油站。

verb /lʊk/
[I] to search for someone or something 找;寻

I don't know where the keys are. I've looked everywhere. 我不知道钥匙放在哪儿。我四处都找遍了。

look for :

I spent most of the morning looking for my passport. 我几乎一整个上午的时间都用来找我的护照了。

look through/under/in etc :

The burglar had looked through all the cupboards and drawers. 窃贼把所有的柜子和抽屉都翻了个遍。

look/search high and low
to search very thoroughly 到处找/彻底搜寻

I've searched high and low but without success.

pick over the bones of something
to examine something very carefully in order to find anything of value and keep it for yourself 仔细检查某事;审查某事

There wasn't much left of the estate after the lawyers had picked over the bones. 律师审查后财产所剩无几。

pick through
phrasal verb [T]
[pick through something] to search through a collection of things in order to find something 搜查;搜寻

They are picking through the ruins, searching for survivors. 他们正在废墟中寻找生还者。

poke around
phrasal verb [I/T]
to try to find something, especially by moving other things (尤指通过搬动其他东西)搜索,到处找
verb /prəʊb/
to press something with your fingers or with a tool, especially in order to find something (用手或工具)探查
[T] to examine or move through an area, especially in order to find something 探索

Divers probed the murky waters inch by inch. 潜水员一英寸一英寸地探索漆黑的水域。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To study, check or examine something: study, check, examine...
rake through
phrasal verb [T] informal
[rake through something] to search a place quickly for something 仔细搜索

He raked through his pockets, trying to find a pen. 他仔细搜他的口袋,想找一支钢笔。

verb [T] /ˈraɪf(ə)l/



rifle through

to search quickly through something such as a container or a group of objects in order to find or steal something 在…中迅速翻找

She rifled through the contents of her wardrobe looking for the dress. 她在衣橱里快速翻找着裙子。

verb /ruːt/
[I] to search for something by putting your hand deep into a place and pushing things around 翻找;搜寻
root around/about :

He rooted around in his coat pocket for some change. 他在外衣口袋里翻找零钱。

root among/through :

She was desperately rooting through the papers on her desk. 她正在她书桌上的文件堆中拼命地搜寻着。

verb [I] British informal /ˈruːt(ə)l/
to search by moving things around in a quick and careless way 快速搜寻;随意翻找
verb [I] /ˈrʌmɪdʒ/
to search for something among a lot of other things 翻找;搜寻
rummage in/through :

She rummaged in a drawer for some aspirin. 她在抽屉里翻找阿司匹林。

verb [I/T] /ˈskævɪndʒ/
to search through things that other people have thrown away in order to see if there is anything that you want (从丢弃物中)寻找(可用之物)
verb [T] /ˈskaʊə(r)/
to search a place or document thoroughly for something 搜索;细查
scour something for something :

Jake scoured auction sales for the furniture they needed. 杰克四处寻查拍卖会,想找到他们需要的家具。

verb [I/T] /skaʊt/
to look for someone who has a lot of ability, especially for work in sports or entertainment 物色(尤指体育或娱乐)人才
scout for :

He's been scouting for a national football team. 他一直在为一个国家足球队四处物色人才。

scout out
phrasal verb [T]
to try to find something 搜索;寻找

He asked her to scout out job opportunities for him while she was in Dallas. 他要她在达拉斯的时候替他找工作。

verb [I] /ˈskræb(ə)l/
to make a lot of small quick movements with your fingers, especially when you are trying to find something that you cannot see 乱扒着找;急匆匆地翻
scrabble at :

We scrabbled at the moist earth with our fingers. 我们用手指在潮湿的泥土里乱抓。

scrabble for :

She scrabbled feverishly for her keys in the long grass. 她在高高的草里拼命乱扒,找她的钥匙。

scratch around for
phrasal verb [T]
[scratch around for something] to try to find something by looking everywhere, even in places that you would prefer not to look in 四处搜寻
verb [T] /siːk/
formal to try to find something or someone that you need in your life 探求;寻找

To be eligible, you must show that you are actively seeking employment. 为了取得资格,你必须表明你正在积极地寻找就业机会。

Many single people are seeking that special someone. 许多单身者正在寻找那个对他们来说很特别的人。

shake down
phrasal verb
[T] American informal to search a person or a place very carefully 彻底搜查(某人或某处)
shuffle through
phrasal verb [T]
[shuffle through something] to look for something in a group of things, in a container, or in your pockets 将…翻来翻去(以寻找某物)

He sat there, shuffling through the papers on his desk. 他坐在那里,把桌子上的文件翻来翻去。

verb [T] /sɪft/
to look in a pile of things in order to find a particular thing 翻查;仔细搜查

Bomb experts continue to sift the blast site. 炸弹专家继续检查爆炸现场。

spy out
phrasal verb [T] literary
to look around an area in order to find something 察看;探查

I'm going to spy out a suitable place to meet. 我准备去察看一下,找个合适的会面地点。

verb /swiːp/
[T] to shine a light in a circular or curved movement over an area, especially in order to search for something (用灯光)扫掠(某地方)
tear apart
phrasal verb [T]
to search a room or building very thoroughly, moving things in a careless way that causes damage 彻底搜查

The police tore the place apart looking for the money. 警方彻底搜查了这个地方,寻找赃款。

verb [I/T] /trɔːl/
to look for someone or something, for example by searching through a large amount of information 搜寻;搜罗

I've been trawling the Internet to find a new job. 我一直在因特网上找新工作。

He has trawled through hundreds of documents in the library. 他在图书馆查了数百份的文献资料。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
troll for
phrasal verb [T] informal
[troll for something] to try to find or get something in a relaxed way 试图轻松发现;试图轻松获取
verb /traɪ/
[T] to go to a particular place hoping to find someone or something 去(某处)找(某人或某物)

I tried the library for his new book. 我去图书馆找过他的新书。

turn something inside out
to search a place very thoroughly and quickly so that you make a mess 把某地方翻个底朝天

The police turned the place inside out looking for the stolen money. 警方为寻找被盗的钱财把这个地方翻了个底朝天。

turn to
phrasal verb
[T] [turn to something] to look for a particular page in a book 翻到(书中的某一页)

Turn to page 17 for our prices. 翻到第17页看我们的价格。

keep your eyes open/peeled (for)
to keep looking for someone or something that you hope to find 留意(某人或某物)

Keep your eyes open for a gas station. 留心看一下有没有加油站。

look/search/seek high and low
to search very thoroughly 到处找/彻底搜寻

I've searched high and low but without success.

put a tracer on something
to begin a process for finding something that is missing, for example a letter that someone has sent that has not been delivered

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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