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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

cast noun ACTORS

B2 [ C, + sing/pl verb ] the actors in a film, play, or show(一部電影、戲劇或演出的)全體演員

After the final performance the director threw a party for the cast.最後一場演出過後,導演爲全體演員舉辦了一場聚會。
Part of the movie's success lies in the strength of the supporting cast (= the actors who were not playing the main parts).影片的成功部分歸功於強大的配角陣容。

cast noun SHAPE

[ C ] an object made by pouring hot liquid into a container and leaving it to become solid鑄件,鑄造品

[ C ] a plaster cast 石膏繃帶,石膏夾

in a cast UK also in plaster

If a part of your body is in a cast, it has a plaster cast around it to protect it while a broken bone repairs itself.打着石膏

My leg was in a cast for about six weeks.我的腿打了6周左右的石膏。

cast verb ACTORS

C2 [ T ] to choose actors to play particular parts in a play, film, or show分配…扮演(某角色),爲…選派演員

He was often cast as the villain.他經常演反面角色。
In her latest movie she was cast against type (= played a different character than the one she usually played or might be expected to play).在最近拍的電影中,她改變了戲路。
figurative They like to cast the opposing political party as (= to say that they are) the party of high taxes.他們喜歡把敵對政黨說成是征收高額稅收的政黨。
See also

More examples

They cast a group of schoolchildren in the roles.

He always seemed to be cast as the villain.

The cast all lined up on stage to take their bow.

His latest movie featured an all-star cast.

It's one of those old Hollywood epics with a cast of thousands.

The cast were in overdrive, rehearsing for the first performance.

The movie's all-star cast should give it a lot of pull.

cast verb LIGHT

C2 [ T usually + adv/prep ] to send light or shadow (= an area of darkness) in a particular direction把(光或陰影)投向;投射

The moon cast a white light into the room.皎潔的月光灑進房間裏。
The tree cast a shadow over/on his face.樹影投在他的臉上。
figurative Her arrival cast a shadow over/on the party (= made it less pleasant).她的到場給聚會投上了一絲陰影。
cast light on sth

to provide an explanation for a situation or problem, or information that makes it easier to understand使更易理解;有助於說明

The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct.恐龍骨架的發現使人們對於恐龍滅絕的原因有了一些認識。

cast verb LOOK

cast a look, glance, smile, etc.

to look, smile, etc. in a particular direction看一眼(瞅一眼,沖…一笑等)

She cast a quick look in the rear mirror.她迅速看了一眼後視鏡。
cast an/your eye over sth

to look quickly at something迅速地看;匆匆浏覽

Could you cast an eye over this report for me?你能幫我看一眼這份報告嗎?

cast verb THROW

[ T + adv/prep ] literary to throw something扔;投;抛;擲

The knight cast the sword far out into the lake.騎士將劍遠遠地扔進湖中。

[ I or T ] (in fishing) to throw something, such as a line, into the water to catch fish with(釣魚時)抛,扔(漁線);撒(網)

He cast the line to the middle of the river.他把漁線抛向河中央。

cast verb DOUBT

cast doubt/suspicion on sb/sth

C2 to make people feel less sure about or have less trust in something or someone使對…産生懷疑

New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.新的證據讓人們對判罰有罪的裁決産生了懷疑。
cast aspersions on sb/sth formal

to criticize or make damaging remarks or judgments about someone or something诽謗;诋毀

His opponents cast aspersions on his patriotism.反對者诋毀他的愛國精神。

cast verb REMEMBER

cast your mind back

C2 to try to remember回想;追憶

If you cast your mind back, you might recall that I never promised to go.回想一下,你或許會記得我從未答應過要去。

cast verb VOTE

cast a/your vote

C2 to vote投票

All the votes in the election have now been cast and the counting has begun.這次選舉的投票現已全部結束,計票工作已經開始。

cast verb SHAPE

[ T ] to make an object by pouring hot liquid, such as melted metal, into a shaped container where it becomes hard(用熔化的金屬等)澆鑄,鑄造

cast verb MAGIC

cast a spell

C2 to use words thought to be magic, especially in order to have an effect on someone施魔法,念咒語;使…入魔

The old woman cast a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.老太婆對王子施了魔法,他變成了一只青蛙。
figurative When I was 17, jazz cast its spell on me (= I started to like it very much).我17歲的時候對爵士樂着了迷。

cast verb SKIN

[ T ] If a snake casts its skin, the outer layer of old skin comes off its body.(蛇)蛻(皮)

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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