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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 18987 COCA: 0
manoeuvringnounUK US maneuvering uk/məˈnuː.vər.ɪŋ/ us/məˈnuː.vɚ.ɪŋ/

manoeuvring noun CLEVER ACTION

[ C or U ] the action of cleverly planning something to get an advantage策略

The directors managed to secure a good deal for the company with a bit of subtle manoeuvring.董事们略施巧计,为公司赢得了一桩好买卖。
He claimed he knew nothing about the political manoeuvrings which had got him into power.他声称对帮他上台的政治花招一无所知。

manoeuvring noun MOVEMENT

[ U ] the action of moving, or of moving something, with skill and care精巧动作

With some careful manoeuvring, I was able to get the car into the narrow space.经过小心操作,我将汽车驶进了这个狭窄的空间。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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