pause ♦︎ break ♦︎ interruption ♦︎ lull ♦︎ gapThese are all words for a period of time when sth stops before starting again.这些词均表示停顿、间断。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a pause / a break / an interruption / a lull / a gap in sth◆after a pause / a break / an interruption / a lull / a gap◆without pause / a break / interruption◆a short pause / break / interruption / lull / gap◆a long pause / break / gap◆a sudden pause / break / lull◆to fill a pause / gap■pause [countable] (especiallywritten) a period of time during which sb stops talking or when sth stops before starting again停顿;停顿的时间◆There was a long pause before she answered.她停了好一会儿才回答。◆After a brief pause, they continued climbing.他们略停了一下就继续爬山。■break [countable] a period of time when sth stops before starting again; a pause for advertisements in the middle of a television or radio programme暂停;间断;(电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙◆I need a break in my daily routine.我需要脱离日复一日的常规生活,调剂一下。◆She wanted to take a career break in order to have children.她想暂时放下工作,去生孩子。◆More news after the break.广告后继续播报新闻。◆a commercial break广告时间ⓘ Break is often used to talk about people stopping work for a period of time. * break常指暂时放下工作。 see also break ⇨ restnoun2■interruption [countable] something that temporarily stops an activity or situation; a period of time when an activity is stopped before starting again阻断物;中断时间◆The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.儿子的出生使她的事业小小中断了一下。◆There's been an interruption in the power supply.曾经发生停电。◆I managed to work for two hours without interruption.我总算连续工作了两个小时。ⓘ An interruption to/in sth is often used in announcements or statements about the power supply/normal service/sb's career/activities/output/production being stopped for a period of time. * interruption to/in sth常用于关于服务或活动暂时中断的通告或声明,如interruption to/in the power supply/normal service/sb's career/activities/output/production(电力供应/正常服务/事业/活动/输出/生产的中断)。 see also interrupt ⇨ disrupt■lull [countable, usually singular] (especiallywritten) a quiet period between times of activity(活动间的)平静时期,间歇◆There was a lull in the conversation.谈话中出现了一段沉寂。◆Just before an attack everything would go quiet, but we knew it was just the lull before the storm(= before a time of noise or trouble).就在攻击开始前一切都变得沉寂,但我们知道这只是风暴前的平静。ⓘ Lull is often used in business contexts to talk about a period of time when people are not buying many products or services. * lull常用于商务语境,指业务淡季◆ (business商业) There will probably be a lull over the winter, followed by a resurgence of activity next spring.整个冬天都可能会是淡季,接着会在来年春天复苏。■gap [countable] (especiallyspoken) a period of time when sth stops before starting again, or between two events间断;间隔;间隙◆I waited for a gap in the conversation.我等待谈话中出现间隙。◆They met again after a gap of twenty years.他们阔别二十年后又见面了。NOTE辨析 Break, lull or gap?A break is often planned: you need a break in your own activities in order to have a rest or do sth different. A lull in a conversation, in fighting or in business activity is sth that just happens without being planned. A gap also usually happens without being planned: it is usually either a gap in the conversation or a period of time between two events. * break常常是计划好的,因活动期间需要间歇来休息或做些其他事情。lull指谈话、战事或商务活动中未经计划的间歇。gap通常也不是安排好的,通常用于gap in the conversation,或指两件事之间的间隔。pause
pause ♦︎ hesitate ♦︎ break off ♦︎ ditherThese words all mean to stop speaking or doing sth, or to be slow to speak or act, because you feel uncertain about how to continue.这些词均表示暂停、犹豫。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to hesitate / dither over sth◆to hesitate / dither between two things◆to pause / hesitate / break off (for) a moment◆to pause / hesitate briefly / momentarily / a little◆to pause / break off abruptly■pause [intransitive] to stop speaking or doing sth for a short time before continuing暂停;停顿◆Anita paused for a moment, then said, 'All right.'安妮塔略停了一会儿,然后说:“好吧。”◆The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath(= very quickly).那女人说话像放连珠炮似的。◆Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.他只停下来穿上件毛衣,就冲出了屋外。ⓘ Pause is often used with the adverbs briefly, (for) a moment, (for) an instant and momentarily. * pause常与副词briefly、(for) a moment、(for) an instant和momentarily连用。■hesitate [intransitive] to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous犹豫;迟疑不决◆She hesitated before replying.她犹豫了一下才回答。◆I didn't hesitate for a moment about taking the job.我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。 see also hesitate ⇨ hesitate, hesitant ⇨ hesitant▸hesitation
[countable, uncountable] ◆He spoke fluently and without unnecessary hesitations.他讲话很流畅,毫不支吾迟疑。■ˌbreak ˈoff
phrasal verb
(broke, broken) (especiallywritten) to suddenly stop speaking or doing sth for a time突然停顿;突然中断◆He broke off in the middle of a sentence.他话说了一半儿就不说了。ⓘ People often break offsuddenly or abruptly, often because of a sudden strong emotion. * break off常与suddenly或abruptly连用,常指因情绪强烈而中断◆She broke off and turned away to hide the tears.她突然不说了,转过身去,不愿别人看到她哭了。■dither ˈdɪðə(r) [intransitive] (especially BrE, ratherinformal, disapproving) to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide犹豫不决;踌躇◆She was dithering over what to wear.她拿不定主意穿什么好。◆Stop dithering and get on with it.别再犹豫了,干吧。ⓘ Dither is usually used in a disapproving way. A person who dithers is generally seen as being rather weak and irritating. * dither通常含贬义,指人懦弱和令人恼火。▸dither
[singular] ◆ (informal) She was in a total dither about the party.那个聚会简直让她不知所措。
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