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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Attentiveness and paying attention
noun /əˈtenʃ(ə)n/
[U] the interest or thought that you give to something you are listening to or watching 注意力

The speaker was dull and their attention soon wandered. 演讲者的演讲很乏味,所以他们很快就走神了。

May I please have your attention? 请大家注意!

turn your attention to something :

It's time now to turn our attention to the committee's recommendations. 现在该把我们的注意力转向委员会的建议了。

undivided/full attention :

Please give the demonstration your undivided attention. 请你们专心注意示范。

hold/keep your attention :

The conversation failed to hold my attention. 谈话的时候我没能全神贯注。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
interest, especially interest that the public has in a person, event, situation etc 公众的注意力;关注

Recent violence has focused attention on the issue of racism. 近期的暴力使公众的注意力集中于种族主义问题。

He avoided publicity and disliked the attention his acting brought him. 他处事低调,不喜欢让自己的行为引起公众的注意。

divert/distract attention from something :

They engineered a news story to divert attention from the scandal. 他们策划了一个新闻故事以转移人们对丑闻的注意力。

catch someone's attention :

What first caught my attention was his voice. 首先吸引我注意力的是他的声音。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
[U] the fact that you notice something, often something that causes problems 注意;留心

It had escaped my attention at the time. 它那时逃过了我的注意。

something comes to someone's attention :

I followed up his request the moment it came to my attention. 从他的要求引起我注意的那一刻开始,我就采取了适当的行动。

call/draw (someone's) attention to something :

I have been asked to draw your attention to the following matters. 有人要求我让你注意以下事情。

bring something to someone's attention :

a campaign to bring human rights abuses to the government's attention 一场让践踏人权的行为引起政府关注的运动

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun /rɪˈɡɑː(r)d/
[U] attention or care that you give to someone or something 重视;关心;考虑
regard for :

The road was built without regard for the safety of residents. 修建这条道路时没有考虑到居民的安全。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /ˈfəʊkəst/
showing approval concentrating on a particular aim and not wasting time or energy on other things 集中的;专注的;专心的

I'm much more focused this year. 今年我专心得多。

We need a more focused approach to finally eliminating polio. 我们需要一种更专门的方法最终消灭小儿麻痹症。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /əˈlɜː(r)t/
paying attention to what is happening and ready to react quickly if necessary 警觉的;警惕的
alert to :

Parents must be alert to the symptoms of the disease. 家长必须对这种疾病的症状保持警觉。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /əˈtentɪv/
listening to or watching something carefully 专注的;专心的

Jurors were attentive, taking notes during her testimony. 在她作证时,陪审员们聚精会神地作记录。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...


 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /kənˈsɜː(r)nd/
[never before noun] giving your attention to something because you think it is important 关注的;牵挂的
concerned with :

He's more concerned with what people think of him than anything else. 他最关心的是人们对他的评价如何。

concerned to do something :

The government is chiefly concerned to ensure control of the economy. 政府关心的主要是确保对经济的控制。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
attention span
noun [C]
the length of time that you can pay attention to one thing without becoming bored or thinking about something else 注意广度(集中注意力持续的时间长度)

a short/limited attention span 短暂/有限的注意广度

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /əbˈzɜː(r)v(ə)nt/
noticing everything that happens 善于观察的;观察力敏锐的

The burglary was foiled by an observant neighbour. 盗窃行为因一个留心观察的邻居而未能得逞。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /fɪkˈseɪtɪd/
so interested in someone or something that you do not pay attention to anything else 专注的;迷恋的
fixated on :

He seems fixated on losing weight. 他似乎迷恋上了减肥。

 Synonyms and related words
Feeling interested and excited: interested, excited, alive...
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
under someone's critical eye
with someone watching to make sure that everything is done correctly 在某人挑剔的眼光下

They trained under the critical eye of their new coach.

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
More Synonyms
all ears
phrase informal
ready to pay attention to what someone has to say 全神贯注地倾听;洗耳恭听

‘Are you listening to me?' ‘Yes, I' m all ears.'

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
all eyes are on
used for saying that everyone is paying attention to a particular person, event, or situation 目光都聚集在

All eyes were on Carla as she completed her final dive. 当卡拉完成最后一跳时,所有的目光都聚集在她身上。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun /keə(r)/
[U] the use of skill and effort to keep something in good condition 维护;照料

advice on the proper care of your new car 正确维护新车的忠告

a good skin-care routine 良好的日常护肤程序

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
centre stage
noun [U] mainly journalism
a position in which someone or something is attracting a lot of interest or attention (兴趣或注意力的)焦点

The economy is again at centre stage. 经济又一次成为焦点问题。

take centre stage :

The debate over the environment is likely to take centre stage. 关于环境问题的辩论很可能成为焦点。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /ˈkɒns(ə)nˌtreɪtɪd/
[only before noun] directed completely at one thing, person, or place 集中的

The presidential palace has been hit again by concentrated artillery fire. 总统官邸又一次遭到炮火的集中袭击。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adverb /ˈfɪksɪdli/
if you look at something or think about something fixedly, you do not pay attention to anything else 凝视地;专注地
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
the furthest thing from someone's mind
something that someone is not thinking about at all because they are thinking about other things 某人根本没有考虑的事物

Marriage was the furthest thing from her mind.

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /ˈɡəʊl ˌɔːrientɪd/
focused on achieving results as quickly and efficiently as possible

With this goal-oriented mindset, a sales person is trained to reject any and all distractions from the sales objective.

Are you self-motivated, goal-oriented and handy with a camera and a computer?

 Synonyms and related words
Determined and ambitious:determined, ambitious, persistent...
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention:attention, regard, focused...
noun /ɪˈmɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n/
[U] a situation in which someone spends most of their time doing something or thinking about it 沉浸;专心
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun [C/U] /ɪnˈtensɪti/
the degree to which something makes you concentrate a lot or use a lot of emotion 强烈程度;深刻程度

The intensity of their relationship had become exhausting. 他们的关系如此紧密,令人疲惫不堪。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /ɪnˈtent/
concentrating hard on something 专注的

an intent gaze/look 目不转睛的凝视/注视

intent on :

He was so intent on his gardening magazine, he didn't notice me come in. 他正专注于他的园艺杂志,一点儿没注意到我进来了。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...



He gazed intently at his watch. 他目不转睛地盯着手表。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adverb /ˈkiːnli/
if you look at someone keenly or watch them keenly, you look closely at them and notice everything about them (观察)敏锐地
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /lɒst/
[never before noun] too interested in something, or concentrating so hard on it, that you do not notice other things around you 沉湎其中的;专注的
lost in something :

Grayson became lost in the music. 格雷森沉浸在音乐中。

lost in thought :

Martin was lost in thought and did not hear the door open. 马丁陷入沉思之中,没有听到门打开了。

lost to the world :

Look at them watching their video. Completely lost to the world! 瞧他们俩看录像的样子。把整个世界完全抛诸脑后了!

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun /maɪnd/
your attention or thoughts 注意力;心思

Can you say that again? My mind was on something else. 你能再说一遍吗?我刚才在想别的事。

keep your mind on something :

I can't keep my mind on work when it's so sunny outside. 外面阳光如此明媚,我没法专心工作。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun /ˌɒbzə(r)ˈveɪʃ(ə)n/
[U] the process of watching someone or something carefully, in order to find something out 注意;观察;观测;监视

She's been admitted to hospital for observation. 她已入院观察。

observation of :

a detailed observation of the birds that visited the garden 对飞到花园里的鸟的详细观察

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
[U] the ability to notice things 观察力
powers of observation :

Most children have great powers of observation. 大多数孩子都有很强的观察力。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...


 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
on/off the radar (screen)
used for saying that someone notices or does not notice an issue or problem (问题)被/未被察觉到

The threat from terrorism had gone completely off the radar until that moment.

 Synonyms and related words
Not paying attention: inattentive, neglectful, preoccupied...
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
on the alert
paying attention to what is happening and ready to react quickly if necessary (对事态的发展)密切注意着,随时准备着

Police warned residents to be on the alert for bogus salesmen.

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
on the watch (for something)
paying careful attention so that you are ready to deal with something if it happens 提防(某事)

His family was always on the watch for early signs of the disease. 他的家人总是很注意提防出现这种病的早期症状。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
the public gaze
attention from the public 公众注意

They did their best to shield their children from the public gaze. 他们尽最大努力来使他们的孩子免受公众的关注。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun [C] /ˈspɒtˌlaɪt/
the attention of people in a group (某个群体的)注意力

Congress is turning the spotlight on the private lives of its members. 国会正把大家的注意力转移到其成员的私人生活上。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
under someone's eye
with a particular person watching or taking care of someone or something 在某人的眼皮底下;在某人的看护下

The girls sat on the ground under the watchful eye of their aunt. 女孩们坐在地上,她们的姨妈在留神看护着。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun [U] formal /ˈvɪdʒɪləns/
the activity of watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately 警觉;警惕;警戒
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective formal /ˈvɪdʒɪlənt/
watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately 警觉的;警惕的;警戒的
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...


 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
adjective /ˈwɒtʃf(ə)l/
looking at something carefully, or noticing everything that is happening 警惕的;警觉的
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
noun /ˈsentər/
[C] [usually singular] the person or thing that people pay a lot of attention to or show a lot of interest in 焦点;中心
center of attention :

He was very shy and hated being the center of attention. 他很害羞,不喜欢成为人们注意力的中心。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...
center stage
noun [U]
a situation in which someone or something is attracting a lot of interest or attention

The economy is again at center stage.

take center stage (=attract interest, attention, or activity):

The debate over our environmental policy is likely to take center stage again.

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention:attention, regard, focused...
eagle eye
noun [singular]
the ability to notice what other people might miss
 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention:attention, regard, focused...
staked out
waiting outside a building and watching it, especially because something exciting or illegal is happening 守候的;监视的;监控的

Reporters have been staked out in front of the building for days. 记者们已经在大楼前守候好几天了。

 Synonyms and related words
Attentiveness and paying attention: attention, regard, focused...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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