She inflicted ABH on a woman who approached her at the bar.
assault occasioning (=causing) ABH
an assault on a young student 对一个青年学生的人身攻击
He was charged with assault. 他被控犯侵犯人身罪。
guilty of indecent assault 犯强暴猥亵罪
His behaviour was considered likely to cause a breach of the peace so he was taken off the premises by the police. 他的行为涉嫌扰乱治安,所以被警察带走了。
a helpline for victims of domestic violence 家庭暴力受害者救助热线
As a consequence of the vicious attack which occasioned GBH, he was charged with attempted murder.
The entry into force of the treaty against gender violence is a milestone.
a new centre for women survivors of gender violence
the kidnap of a local businessman 对一名当地商人的绑架
a kidnapping victim 绑架受害人
He was convicted of malicious wounding pursuant to section 18 of the Act.
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net切換為繁體中文