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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

flock noun GROUP

[ C, + sing/pl verb ] a group of sheep, goats, or birds羊群;鳥群;人群

a flock of sheep/goats/geese一群綿羊/山羊/鵝
The shepherd is bringing his flock down from the hills.牧羊人正把羊群往山下趕。

[ C, + sing/pl verb ] a large group of people, usually people of a particular type(特定類型的)一群人

A noisy flock of tourists came into the building.一群吵吵嚷嚷的遊客走進了大樓。
The priest invited all the members of his flock (= all the people who go to his church) to attend the special service.牧師邀請教區的所有信徒參加這一特别儀式。

flock noun MATERIAL

[ U ] US also flocking soft material used for filling objects such as cushions, or soft material that forms a raised pattern on wallpaper or curtains(充填墊子等的)軟填料;(在牆紙或窗簾上制作凸起圖案用的)短絨,絨屑

flock verb MOVE IN GROUP

[ I usually + adv/prep ] to move or come together in large numbers聚集;蜂擁

Hundreds of people flocked to the football match.數百人蜂擁前來觀看足球比賽。
[ + to infinitive ] Crowds of people flocked to see the Picasso exhibition.大群人蜂擁去看畢加索畫展。

flock verb DECORATE

[ T ] to cover a surface with a soft material in order to decorate it用軟材料覆蓋表面裝飾

You can flock a living Christmas tree to achieve the effect of natural snow.你可以用軟材料覆蓋真聖誕樹的表面來達到模仿自然界下雪的效果。
a flocked greetings card軟面問候卡

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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