C1 neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength中等的;不過分的,適度的
More examples
A moderate intake of caffeine should not harm you.
Cook the sauce over a moderate heat.
They are looking for moderate economic growth.
The hotel was a moderate price.
Temperatures remained moderate throughout the day.
Moderate opinions, especially political ones, are not extreme and are therefore acceptable to a large number of people.(尤指政見)溫和的,不激烈的,不偏激的
a person whose opinions, especially their political ones, are not extreme and are therefore acceptable to a large number of people(尤指政見)溫和派,穩健派
More examples
The prime minister is looking towards the moderates for support.
She has always been known as a moderate.
He is a moderate when it comes to foreign policy.
C2 to (cause to) become less in size, strength, or force; to reduce something(使)緩和;(使)適中;減輕,減弱;節制
UK specialized education to make certain that all the people marking an examination use the same standards審核評分(以確保不同閱卷人的評分標準是一致的)
phrasal verb
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net