An occupied place is being controlled by an army or group of people that has moved into it.有人居住的;被佔領的,被侵佔的
occupied territory佔領區
She spent two years in occupied Paris (= Paris when it was under foreign control) during the war.戰爭期間她在淪陷的巴黎住了兩年。
being used by someone; with someone in it使用中的,有人使用的
The bathroom at the back of the plane was occupied, so I waited.飛機尾部的廁所有人使用,所以我等着。
busy or interested忙於;感興趣的
At that time I was fully occupied taking care of my elderly mother.那段時間我的時間都用來照顧我年邁的母親了。
All the new toys kept the kids occupied for hours.這些新玩具讓孩子們興致勃勃地玩了好幾個小時。