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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 21617 COCA: 19677

suffocating adjective NO AIR

informal Something that is suffocating makes you feel uncomfortably hot or unable to breathe.闷热的;憋气的

I've got to open the window - it's suffocating in here!我得把窗户打开——这里太闷了!
suffocating smoke/fumes令人窒息的烟/烟雾

suffocating adjective PREVENTING

preventing something or someone from improving or developing in a positive way束缚的,阻止发展的;遏制的

The book tells the story of a woman escaping from a suffocating marriage.这本书讲的是一个女人逃脱一段令人窒息的婚姻的故事。
It is a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.这个地方依然保留着陈规陋习和令人倍感压抑的传统习俗。
BNC: 21617 COCA: 19677
BNC: 21617 COCA: 19677
BNC: 21617 COCA: 19677
General words for warm and hot: warm, hot, burning...
Making you feel uncomfortable: uncomfortable, tight, unsettling...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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