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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 126 COCA: 152
old adj.
old1 (old habits) old2 (an old man/woman) former (my old house/school) the old days past


old habits 旧习惯an old man/woman 老翁;老妇formermy old house/school/jobpreviousthe old daysold ♦︎ ancient ♦︎ long-standing ♦︎ antiqueThese words all describe sth that has existed for a long time. 这些词均表示存在已久的、古老的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an old / an ancient / a long-standing tradition / belief / method / probleman old / ancient / antique chair / clock / coinan old / ancient custom / way / ritual / city / civilization old that has existed or been used for a long time 存在(或使用)时间长的;陈旧的;古老的This carpet's getting pretty old now.这块地毯现在已经很旧了。It's not easy to break old habits.改掉旧习惯不容易。He always gives the same old excuses.他总是找那些老掉牙的借口。It's one of the oldest remaining parts of the church.这是教堂现存最古老的部分之一。 OPP new new 1 2 ancient ˈeɪnʃənt that has existed for a very long time; that belongs to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past 古老的;古代的The area is still covered by huge ancient forests.该地区依然覆盖着大片大片的原始森林。This philosophy dates back to ancient Greece.这一学说可以追溯到古希腊时期。 (humorous) He's ancient-he must be at least fifty!他老得很了,肯定至少有五十岁!OPP modern recent see also historic famous ˌlong-ˈstanding [usually before noun] (rather formal) that has existed for a long time 存在已久的;悠久的The country's long-standing relationship with the US was finally under strain.这个国家与美国之间的悠久关系终于变得紧张起来。Long-standing grievances were aired at the meeting.由来已久的委屈在会上都说了出来。Long-standing can describe relationships, customs and feelings but not objects, places or people. * long-standing可以描述关系、习俗和感情,但不能描述物品、地方或人。 OPP recent recent antique ænˈtiːk [usually before noun](of furniture, jewellery, etc.) old and often valuable (家具、珠宝等)古老的,古董的It's an antique mahogany desk that belonged to my great-grandfather.这张古老的红木办公桌是我曾祖父留下来的。old2


old habits 旧习惯an old man/woman 老翁;老妇formermy old house/school/jobpreviousthe old daysold ♦︎ elderly ♦︎ aged ♦︎ long-lived ♦︎ matureThese words all describe sb/sth that has lived for a long time or that usually lives for a long time. 这些词均表示人年纪大的、长寿的或事物寿命长的、耐久的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an old / an elderly / an aged / a long-lived / a mature man / womanan old / an elderly / an aged / a mature gentleman / lady / couplesb's old / elderly / aged father / mother / aunt / uncle / relative old having lived for a long time; no longer young 老的;年纪大的;不年轻的She's getting old-she's 75 next year.她上年纪了,明年就75岁了。The old man lay propped up on cushions.老人靠在垫子上躺着。These are some of the oldest trees in the world.这些是世界上一些最老的树。OPP young young the old


[plural] The old (= old people) feel the cold more than the young.老年人比年轻人怕冷。
elderly (rather formal) (of people) used as a polite word for 'old' (人)年纪较大的,上了年纪的(old的委婉语)She is very busy caring for two elderly relatives.她在忙着照料两名上了年纪的亲戚。OPP young young the elderly


[plural] caring for the elderly照顾老人
aged ˈeɪdʒɪd (formal) (usually of people) very old (通常指人)年迈的,年老的Having aged relatives to stay in your house can be quite stressful.年迈的亲戚住在家里有时会让人相当紧张。 (informal, humorous) I'm not sure if my aged car can make it up that hill.我拿不准我的老爷车是否能爬上那座山。 OPP young young the aged


[plural] The authorities have a duty to provide services for the sick and the aged (= very old people).当局有责任为病人和老人提供服务。
ˌlong-ˈlived having a long life; lasting for a long time 寿命长的;长寿的;经久耐用的;持久的Trout are a long-lived species.鲑鳟鱼是长寿的物种。Everyone in my family is exceptionally long-lived.我们家每个人都特别长寿。Good management was essential to the creation of a long-lived, successful business.良好的管理对创建可长久经营的成功企业至关重要。 mature məˈtʃʊə(r), məˈtjʊ(r); NAmE məˈtʃʊr, məˈtʊrused as a polite or humorous way of saying that sb is no longer young (礼貌或幽默的说法)成熟的,不再年轻的The shop specializes in clothes for the mature woman.这家商店专营成熟女性的服装。He's a man of mature years.他已人到中年。 see also mature adult

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