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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
General words referring to time
adjective, adverb /ðen/
at a particular time in the past or in the future 当时;那时

‘Did you hear him when he left the house?' ‘Yes, I heard him then and when he came back.' “你听到他离开屋子了吗?” “是的,我当时听到了,而且还听到他回来。”

a political refugee who was then living in the United States 当时住在美国的政治难民

until/since/by/before then :

I can see you next weekend. Can you wait until then? 我下个周末可以见你,你能等到那个时候吗?

Back in 1950 Bourton was a sleepy little village, but things have changed a lot since then. 布尔顿在1950年时还是个寂静的小村庄,但打那以后发生了很大的变化。

 Synonyms and related words
used for referring to the person who had a particular job or position at a particular time in the past 当时的;那时是…的
the then president/governor/owner etc :

the then Secretary of State, Michael Forsyth 当时的国务卿迈克尔·福赛斯

My grandfather rented 120 Church Street from the then owners, W. Collins and Sons. 我祖父从当时的业主科林斯父子公司那里租到了教堂街120号的房子。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, determiner, preposition, pronoun /ɔːl/
the whole of a period of time (时间段)整个的

Sally had spent all her life working for others. 萨莉把一生都花在为别人工作上了。

all day/night/week/year etc :

I've been awake all night worrying. 我担心得彻夜未眠。

all the time (=very often or continuously) :

The situation is changing all the time. 局势一直在变化。

She needs to have someone looking after her all the time. 她需要有个人一直照顾她。

all through :

They stayed in London all through the war. 他们整个战争期间都待在伦敦。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb, determiner, noun, pronoun /lɑːst/
used for referring to a period of time that has continued up to the present (用于指持续到现在的一段时间)
the last week/month/year etc :

Over the last 15 years there has been a 50% increase in the traffic on our roads. 在过去的15年里,公路上的车流量增加了50%。

During the last hour we have been receiving reports of an explosion in the city centre. 在过去的一个小时里,我们不断收到有关市中心一起爆炸案的报告。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, conjunction /wen/
used when someone knows or says at what time something happens, or in what situation it happens 在…的时候;在…情况下

He didn't say when they would leave. 他没有说出他们什么时候将会离开。

It is important to know when you have had enough to drink. 知道自己能喝多少很重要。

 Synonyms and related words
at a point during the time that something else is happening 当…时

She claims she was at a friend's house when the shooting took place. 她声称发生枪击时,她在一个朋友家里。

 Synonyms and related words
used for talking about a particular time or situation 在…时,在…情况下(用于谈论某个时间或某种情况)

The biggest surprise for Josie was when she was chosen as team captain. 最令乔西感到意外的一刻是她当选为队长的时候。

the time/day/year etc when :

Do you remember the time when we took your mother camping? 你记得我们带你母亲去露营的时候吗?

There are some days when everything seems to go wrong. 有一段日子各种事情好象全都出错。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb /ˈsʌmtaɪm/
at a time in the past or the future that you do not know exactly or have not yet decided 某个时候

I'd love to visit Norway sometime. 我想有朝一日能游览挪威。

The album is expected to be released sometime next year. 唱片预计明年的某个时间发行。

Ewan returned from London sometime last Tuesday afternoon. 埃文是上个星期二下午的某个时候从伦敦返回的。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, conjunction /wenˈevə(r)/
every time that something happens 每当

Whenever I hear that song, I think of you. 每当我听到这首歌的时候,我就想起你。

He felt the pain in his knee whenever he kicked a ball. 每当他踢球的时候,他就觉得膝盖疼。

 Synonyms and related words
at any time or in any situation when something may be wanted, needed, possible etc 无论什么时候;无论什么情况

You can come and stay with us whenever you want. 只要你愿意,你任何时候都可以来和我们一起住。

or whenever (=or any other time that is possible) 或者其他任何时间 :

I must arrange another visit before going off to the wedding, or after I get back, or whenever. 在去参加婚礼之前或回来后或其他什么时候我必须再安排一次访问。

whenever possible/necessary :

Use fresh vegetables whenever possible. 只要可能尽量用新鲜蔬菜。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, interjection /hɪə(r)/
taking place at the present time or in the present situation 这时;现在

Summer is here at last. 现在总算到夏天了。

Christmas will soon be here. 马上就要到圣诞节了。

Here's your chance to win £10,000. 你赢取1万英镑的机会到了。

 Synonyms and related words
conjunction, preposition /ənˈtɪl/
happening or done up to a particular point in time, and then stopping 直到…为止

Baker is expected to be here until the end of the week. 贝克要在这里呆到周末。

I was employed by a manufacturing company until 1999. 我在一家制造公司一直干到1999年。

You'll just have to wait until they call your name. 你得一直等到他们叫你的名字。

up until :

Up until now, everything in Katherine's life has been taken care of for her. 直到现在,凯瑟琳的生活起居一直是由他人照料。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, conjunction, preposition /bɪˈfɔː(r)/
used for saying how much time passes until something happens (用于表示在某事发生之前已经过去多长时间)

Several years went by before I realized that David had lied to me. 几年之后我才意识到戴维对我撒了谎。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, determiner, pronoun /ðɪs/
used for referring to the present time 时下;目前

I don't get much spare time these days. 我最近没什么空。

Why haven't you phoned me before this? 你在这之前为什么不给我打电话?

I'm going to be away the whole of this week. 我这一星期都将出门在外。

this morning/afternoon/evening (=the morning/afternoon/evening of today) 今天上午/下午/晚上 :

Benson was late again this morning. 本森今天早上又迟到了。

 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
adjective, adverb /əˈpɑː(r)t/
used for saying how much time there is between events (时间)相隔

The two brothers were born six years apart. 两兄弟相差6岁。

Two surveys carried out 30 years apart show little change in attitudes to childcare. 相隔30年的两项调查显示对儿童照管的态度变化不大。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, preposition /bɪˈtwiːn/
in the period after one time or event and before the next 在(两个时间或事件)之间

The office will be closed between Christmas and New Year. 办事处将在圣诞节至新年期间停止办公。

The show opens next Monday. Between now and then we'll be rehearsing every day. 演出下星期一开始。从现在到下星期一我们每天都要排练。

in between :

Try to avoid snacks in between meals. 在两餐之间尽量不要吃零食。

I have two classes this morning, with a short break in between. 我今天上午有两节课,中间休息一会儿。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, preposition /baɪ/
not later than a particular time or date 不迟于

The meeting should have finished by 4.30. 会议本来应该在 4:30 之前结束。

Application forms must be received by 31st March. 申请表必须在3月31日之前收到。

 Synonyms and related words
used for saying that time passes, or how it passes (时间)过去

As time went by, people's attitudes changed. 随着时间的推移,人们的态度改变了。

The days seem to fly by. 一天天似乎飞逝而去。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb /ˈfɜː(r)ðə(r)/
used when saying how long before or after a particular time something is (时间上)更久远,更往前

Most of the songs date back no further than the last century. 这些歌曲大多只能追溯到上个世纪。

further on/back :

His problems started a lot further back than his divorce. 他的问题早在离婚以前很久就已出现。

Six years further on and still there's been no decision. 6年又过去了,依然没有定论。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective [only before noun] /ˈɡɪv(ə)n/
a given period has previously been decided on (时间)给定的,限定的

Many people pay off the money owed within a given time. 很多人都在限定的期限内还钱。

 Synonyms and related words
half-way/part-way through
in the middle of an activity, process, or period of time 进行到一半;半途

Work stopped half-way through the project when the funding ran out. 工程进行到一半时由于资金用完而停止了施工。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb, preposition /ɪn/
within a period of time 在(一段时间)之后

Unemployment has risen by over 15% in the past year. 失业率在去年一年内上升了15%以上。

In the last few minutes we have received reports of an explosion on board an oil tanker. 过去几分钟里,我们接到了油轮上发生爆炸的报告。

Ernie had suffered two heart attacks in the space of a week. 厄尼一周内经历了两次心脏病发作。

 Synonyms and related words
during the time that someone is involved in something, or is experiencing something 在(某人参与或经历某事件的时期)中

Owen's brother died in the war. 欧文的兄弟在战争中牺牲了。

I sometimes look back and think of all the things I've done in my life. 有时我会回头想想我这一生所做过的事。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb, preposition /ˈɪnˌsaɪd/
done in less than a particular amount of time 在(某个时间段)之内

All the remaining business could be completed inside half an hour. 余下的所有业务能在半小时内完成。

He swam the 200 metres just inside the European record. 他游完200米刚好破了欧洲纪录。

inside of :

They can usually give you an answer inside of an hour. 他们通常能在一小时内给你答复。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, pronoun /ˈlætə(r)/
used for describing the later part of a period of time (一段时间或一个时期)后半部分的

She maintained her interest in Latin during her latter years. 在她的后半生中,她仍然保持着对拉丁语的兴趣。

Total profit was £550 million in the latter half of 2003. 2003年下半年的总利润为5.5亿英镑。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb, preposition /ɒf/
used for saying how much time there is between the present and a time or event in the future (时间)离,距

Christmas is only three weeks off. 离圣诞节只有3个星期了。

a long time off :

Retirement is still a long time off. 离退休还有好长一段时间。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, preposition /ɒn/
formal used for saying that an event is followed immediately by another event or that the two events happen at the same time 一…就;和…同时

On being made aware of complaints, he informed the committee. 一察觉到有怨言他就立即上报委员会。

They exchanged a firm handshake on parting. 他们分手时紧紧地握了握手。

Report to the reception desk on arrival. 到达后请即到接待处报到。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective, adverb, conjunction /ˈəʊnli/
no earlier than a particular time, day, week etc (在时间上)不早于,刚刚

I met him for the first time only last week. 我上个星期才第一次见到他。

only now/then :

It is only now that the technology exists to transmit high quality images. 直到现在才有传送高质量图像的技术。

I picked some roses and only then did I notice that my mother's favourite vase was missing. 我采了一些玫瑰花,直到那时我才发现我母亲最喜欢的那个花瓶不见了。

only when :

Only when the government stops interfering will we see any improvement in our schools. 只有当政府停止干预时,我们才有希望看到学校有所改进。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, preposition /pɑːst/
used for saying that a period of time passes (时间)流逝

The months went past, and still no word from her. 几个月过去了,她还是杳无音信。

The days seem to be just whizzing past. 光阴似箭,岁月如梭。

 Synonyms and related words
conjunction, preposition /tɪl/
until: ‘Till' is less formal than ‘until' and is used less often in writing 直到…为止(till没有until正式,较少用于书面语中)

You'll have to wait till tomorrow. 你得等到明天。

Just sit here till I come back. 就坐在这儿等我回来。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
adverb, preposition strong /tuː/ weak /tə, tʊ/
until a particular time or date 直到

To the end of her life, she was a tireless campaigner for peace. 她为和平不知疲倦地奔走呼吁,直到生命的最后时刻。

from...to :

The shop stays open from 7 am to 9 pm. 这家商店从上午7点营业到晚上9点。

The siege of Monrovia lasted from October 1992 to February 1993. 蒙罗维亚从1992年10月一直被围困到1993年2月。

 Synonyms and related words
used for saying how much time passes before a particular date, time, or event 在…之前

Sales increased during the 13 weeks to September 30th. 销售量在9月30日前的13周里有所增长。

Only another 18 days to the final exam! 只剩下18天就要期末考试了!

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, preposition /wɪðˈɪn/
before the end of a period of time 在(某段时间)之内

We expect an announcement within the next 24 hours. 我们期待在24小时之内能有通告。

The military government has promised to hold free and fair elections within six months. 军政府已经答应在6个月内举行自由公正的选举。

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, conjunction /jet/
not before a particular time [always in negatives or questions] used for talking or asking about something that has not happened or is not true at a particular time but will probably happen or be true in the future 还,尚(用于表示某事在某一时间尚未发生,但未来也许会发生)

I'm amazed that you haven't told him anything yet. 我很惊讶你还什么都没有告诉他。

She hasn't yet decided if she wants to come or not. 她还没有决定是否要来。

Our divorce had not been settled yet. 我们离婚的事尚未解决。

Are you a member of the club yet? 你已经加入了那个俱乐部吗?

not yet :

‘Are you feeling hungry?' ‘Not yet.' “你觉得饿吗?”“还不饿。”

 Synonyms and related words
not now, but later [always in negatives or questions] used for saying that something cannot or should not be done now, but will be done at a time in the future (现在)还,尚(用于表示现在不能或不应该做某事,但将来会)

I can't leave the hospital yet – the doctor says maybe tomorrow. 我现在还不能出院,医生说可能要明天。

Don't get too excited just yet. None of these plans are definite. 现在还不能太激动。这些计划都还没确定。

I'm going back to New York, but not yet. 我要回纽约,但还没走。

 Synonyms and related words
used for stating the length of time before something happens used after words referring to a period of time for saying how much time will pass before something happens or finishes 再;还需;还差

The election won't take place for three weeks yet. 选举要再过3周才举行。

Ron and Charlene will be in Florida for another six days yet. 罗恩和夏琳还要过6天才去佛罗里达。

 Synonyms and related words

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
Site Uptime