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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 799 COCA: 703

note noun WRITING

A1 [ C ] a short piece of writing短笺,便条

He left a note to say he would be home late.他留下字条说他会晚点回家。
There's a note on the door saying when the shop will open again.门上钉着一张便条,上面写着商店何时将重新开张。

B2 [ C ] a short explanation or an extra piece of information that is given at the bottom of a page, at the back of a book, etc.(页底)注释,说明;(书的)封底介绍

For more information see Note 3.详细解释参见注释3。
See also
notes [ plural ]

A2 information written on paper记录,笔记

The wind blew my notes all over the room.风把我的笔记吹得满屋子都是。
The reporter took notes throughout the interview.采访过程中记者一直在作笔记。

More examples

I managed to compress ten pages of notes into four paragraphs.

He took copious notes during the lecture.

There are explanatory notes with the diagram.

I'd lost my notes and had to extemporize.

I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam.

More examples

He sent her a note of congratulation on her election victory.

The book was delivered yesterday with a note saying the bill for it would follow in a day or two.

I'd better leave a note so they'll know I'll be late.

I have a pad and pencil for taking notes.

She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.

note noun SOUND

C2 [ C ] a single sound at a particular level, usually in music, or a written symbol that represents this sound音;音符

high/low notes高/低音
She played three long notes on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了3个长音。
The engine noise suddenly changed its note and rose to a whine.引擎噪音突然越来越响,变成了尖叫声。

More examples

I can't reach the high notes.

I just can't hit those high notes like I used to.

The musical notes on the lines go EGBDF - use the mnemonic 'every good boy deserves fun'.

Ann blew a few notes on the trumpet.

Accent the first note of every bar.


C1 [ S ] an emotion or a way of expressing something语调;口气

There was a note of caution in her letter.她的信中带着一丝谨慎。
His speech struck just the right note.他发言的语调恰如其分。
The meeting ended on an optimistic note.这次会议在一片乐观的气氛中结束。

note noun MONEY

B1 [ C ] UK US bill a piece of paper money纸币

a €20 note20欧元的纸币
He took a wad of notes from his pocket.他从口袋中拿出一叠钞票。

note noun IMPORTANCE

C2 [ U ] formal importance, or the fact that something deserves attention重要性;值得注意之处

There was nothing of note in the latest report.最近的这份报告中并无值得关注之处。

B1 to notice something留意,注意

They noted the consumers' growing demand for quicker service.他们留意到消费者对便捷服务与日俱增的需求。
[ + (that) ] Please note (that) we will be closed on Saturday.请注意我们周六不营业。
[ + question word ] Note how easy it is to release the catch quickly.注意看,迅速拉开插销有多么容易。

to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a written record of it谈到,论及

[ + that ] He said the weather was beyond our control, noting that last summer was one of the hottest on record.他说天气超出了我们的掌控范围,并提到去年夏天是有史以来最炎热的一个夏天。
In the article, she notes several cases of medical incompetence.在文章中,她提到了几起医疗事故的案例。

More examples

She noted his epicene features - the long eyelashes, the full lips.

Will patrons kindly note that this shop will be closed on 17 July.

The report notes that 40 percent of lawyers entering the profession are women.

He noted what time the train was due to get in.

Did you note what number bus we need to catch?

Phrasal verb(s)

TOEFL BNC: 799 COCA: 703


1short letter短信函ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOTE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief, little, quick, short便條;便箋;留言條;短箋Just a quick note to wish you luck.只是一個草草留言,祝你幸運。handwritten, scribbled手寫的便條;草草寫下的留言cover, covering, credit, delivery, love, promissory, ransom, sick, suicide, thank-you附信;欠條;送貨單;情書;期票;贖金通知;病假條;絕命書;致謝便函Post-it, sticky (especially NAmE) 報事貼;便利貼Never write your password on a sticky note!千萬不要將密碼寫到便利貼上!crumpled皺巴巴的便條VERB + NOTEscribble (sb), write (sb)(給某人)寫便箋send (sb)寄短信(給某人)leave (sb)留便條(給某人)She left me a note to say my dinner was in the oven.她給我留了個便條,告訴我晚飯在烤箱裏。pass傳遞便條I saw you two passing notes during class.我看到你倆在上課時傳紙條了。sign在便條上簽字PHRASESa note of thanks致謝便條


2(often notes) words that you write down quickly筆記ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOTE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief簡短的筆記copious, detailed, extensive大量筆記;詳細筆記lecture講稿field野外記錄case, clinical, medical (especially BrE) 病歷;臨牀筆記;醫療筆記VERB + NOTEjot down, keep, make, take草草寫筆記;記筆記;做筆記She kept detailed notes of her travels.她記了詳盡的遊記。go through, look through, read through, sift through瀏覽筆記;通讀筆記;細查筆記compare (usually figurative) 交換意見Let's compare notes on our experiences.讓我們就各自的經歷交換一下看法吧。PREPOSITIONnote of⋯的記錄I've made a note of the book's title.我記下了書名。note on有關⋯的記錄The booklet has full notes on each artist.這本小冊子裏有每一位藝術家的詳盡資料。PHRASESmake a mental note (of sth/to do sth)心裏記下(⋯)She made a mental note to call them in the morning.她心裏記下要在早晨給他們打電話。


3(usually notes) extra piece of information額外的信息ADJECTIVEdetailed, extensive詳細的/豐富的註釋explanatory, helpful, informative註釋;有幫助的註釋;知識性註解interesting有趣的註釋introductory介紹性說明marginal, side頁邊註;邊註biographical生平簡介booklet, liner, sleeve (BrE) 說明性小冊子;(唱片)封套內容簡介briefing, programme/program簡介;節目單


4 (especially BrE) piece of paper money紙幣 see also bill ADJECTIVE | ... OF NOTES ADJECTIVEfive-pound, ten-euro, etc. * 5 英鎊、10 歐元等的紙幣crumpled皺巴巴的紙幣... OF NOTESbundle, roll, wad一捆錢;一沓錢a thick wad of notes厚厚的一沓鈔票


5single musical sound音符ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOTE ADJECTIVEhigh, top高音符She's a little wobbly on the top notes.她唱高音時有點兒打顫。low低音right正確的音wrong錯誤的音musical音符dissonant不諧調的音whole, half, quarter, eighth, etc. (all NAmE) 全音符、半音符、四分之一音符、八分之一音符等VERB + NOTEplay, sing演奏⋯音;唱⋯音hit, strike彈奏⋯音hold使⋯音連續


6quality/feeling性質;感覺ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOTE | NOTE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrighter, cheerful, happier, hopeful, lighter, optimistic, positive, upbeat更歡快的口氣;歡快的口氣;充滿希望的語氣;輕快的氣氛;樂觀的聲調;積極的意味On a brighter note...更樂觀地講⋯related, unrelated相關的/不相關的口氣On a completely unrelated note...完全不相關地講⋯discordant, false, sad, sombre/somber, sour不和諧的/虛假的/悲哀的/憂鬱的/不高興的口氣faint微弱的感覺a faint note of bitterness in his voice他聲音中一絲淡淡的悲憤serious嚴肅的意味right合適;得體His opening remarks struck the right note.他的開幕詞講得十分得體。odd古怪的感覺cautionary, warning提醒的意味;警告的色彩He sounded a cautionary note.他的聲音帶有一種提醒的意味。personal個人特徵VERB + NOTEhit, sound, strike帶有⋯意味;帶有⋯色彩inject, introduce帶入⋯的語氣His remarks injected a note of levity into the proceedings.他的話給整個活動增添了一絲輕率的意味。detect察覺⋯的意味I detected a faint note of weariness in his voice.我從他的聲音中察覺出一絲倦意。end on以⋯的調子結束The conference ended on an optimistic note.會議在樂觀的氛圍中結束。NOTE + VERBcreep into sb's voice, enter sb's voice某人的聲音中漸有/某人的聲音中出現⋯的意味PREPOSITIONnote of⋯的意味A note of suspicion entered his voice.他聲音裏開始帶有一絲懷疑。PHRASESa note in sb's voice某人聲音中⋯的意味There was a sad note in her voice.她聲音裏帶着一絲悲傷。


7notice/attention注意ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOTE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcareful留心VERB + NOTEtake留心He took careful note of the suspicious-looking man in the corner of the bar.他十分注意酒吧角落裏那個形跡可疑的人。PHRASESworthy of note值得關注The sculptures are worthy of note.這些雕塑值得關注。


ADVERB | VERB + NOTE | PHRASES ADVERBcarefully小心注意briefly, in passing簡略/順便提到He noted in passing that the government's record on unemployment was not very good.他順便提到政府在失業問題的處理上不盡如人意。duly適時注意Your objections have been duly noted.你的反對意見我們已及時注意到了。Her lapse was duly noted by the stage manager and reported to the director.她的失誤被舞台監督及時發現並報告了導演。above, already, earlier, previously如上所說;已經提到;先前提到;前面提到These policies, as noted above, are not always successful.前文提及的這些政策並不總是成功的。approvingly滿意地看到ruefully悲傷地看到drily, pointedly, wryly冷冰冰地/尖刻地/挖苦地提到VERB + NOTEshould應該注意Visitors should note that the tower is not open to the public.參觀者應該注意,塔樓不對公眾開放。be important to注意到⋯很重要be interesting to注意到⋯有趣be pleased to看到⋯高興I was pleased to note that my name had been spelled correctly for once.我很高興看到我的名字總算拼對了一次。PHRASESbe worth noting值得注意There are a few points here that are worth noting.這兒有幾點值得注意。it must be noted that..., it should be noted that...必須/應該注意⋯a point to note需要注意的地方There are two other points to note from this graph.這個圖表中還有兩點需要注意。
TOEFL BNC: 799 COCA: 703
note noun
note (play a note on the piano) letter (a quick note to say thank you)
note verb
comment (He noted in passing that…) notice (Please note that…)


note ♦︎ sound ♦︎ pitch ♦︎ key ♦︎ tone ♦︎ timbreThese are all words for a characteristic of the sound made by the voice or a musical instrument. 这些词均表示人声或乐器所发出的声音特征,如音调、音高、音质等。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a high / higher / low / lower note / pitcha deep / rich tone / timbrea / the wrong note / key note [countable] a single musical sound made by the voice or a musical instrument; the written or printed sign for a musical note 单音;音调;音符She played the first few notes of the tune on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了这支曲子的头几个音。I played a lot of wrong notes because I was so nervous.因为太紧张,我演奏错了好多个音。 sound [countable, uncountable] the effect that is produced by the music of a particular singer or group of musicians 嗓音;音乐风格He has a sound unlike any other guitarist.他的弹奏风格不同于任何别的吉他手。I like their sound.我喜欢他们的音乐风格。 pitch [singular, uncountable] how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note (尤指乐音的)音高The pitch of the drum can be raised by tightening the skin.可以通过绷紧鼓皮来提高鼓的音高。 key [countable] a set of related notes, based on a particular note The sonata was written in the key of E flat major.这首奏鸣曲是降E大调的。This piece changes key many times.这支曲子变了多次调。Pieces of music are usually written using a particular key, from which the notes of the piece are taken. 作曲时通常用特定的调(key),乐曲的音皆用此调。 tone [countable] the quality of a sound, especially the sound of a musical instrument or one produced by electronic equipment (尤指乐器或电子音响设备的)音质,音色The rich tone of the oboe is intended to give this piece a sad mood.双簧管低沉的音色旨在为这支曲子营造出悲伤的气氛。The tone and volume controls allow you to adjust the sound of the radio.收音机的声音可以通过音质和音量控制装置来调节。 timbre ˈtæmbə(r) [countable, uncountable] (formal) the quality of sound that is produced by a particular voice or musical instrument 音质;音色;音品She thought she could listen forever to the warm, deep timbre of his voice.她原以为她永远都能听到他饱含温情的低沉嗓音。Timbre is what makes one instrument or voice sound different from another.不同的乐器或嗓音所发出的声音各有差异,这就是音质上的不同。NOTE 辨析 Tone or timbre?These words are very close in meaning. Tone has a wider range, and is often used when the quality of sound can be adjusted, for example when playing or recording music electronically. Timbre is formal, and refers more to the essential quality of the sound that a voice or musical instrument has. 这两个词的含义非常接近。tone应用的范围更广,常用于音质可以调节的情形,如用电子设备播放或录制音乐时。timbre是正式用语,多指嗓音或乐器所发出的声音的本质特征。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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