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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 2781 COCA: 28142

favour noun SUPPORT

B2 [ U ] the support or approval of something or someone支持;贊同

These plans are unlikely to find favour unless the cost is reduced.這些計劃除非縮減費用,否則不大可能得到支持。
The Council voted in favour of a £200 million housing development.政務委員會投票贊成耗資兩億英鎊新建住宅區的計劃。
She is out of favour (= unpopular) with her colleagues.她在同事當中人緣不好。
Her economic theories are in favour (= popular) with the current government.她的經濟理論獲得現任政府的贊同。
He sent her presents in an attempt to win her favour.他向她贈送禮物,企圖博得她的好感。
be in favour of sth/doing sth

to support or approve of something贊同…/贊同做…

Are you in favour of a ban on smoking?你贊同禁煙嗎?
I'm not in favour of hitting children.我不贊同打孩子。
in your favour

C1 When something is in your favour, it gives you an advantage.對…有利,使…處於有利的位置

This candidate has a lot in her favour, especially her experience of teaching.這位求職者有很多優勢,尤其是她執教的經歷。
find in sb's favour

If a judge finds in someone's favour, he or she says that that person is not guilty.判決…無罪

More examples

The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.

He claimed that he had been pushed aside in favour of a younger person.

The system of benefits is weighted in favour of those who have children.

Delegates have voted in favour of the motion.

54% of voters were in favour, 30% against, and the rest were undecided.

favour noun KIND ACT

B1 [ C ] a kind action that you do for someone幫助,善意行爲;恩惠

She called to ask me a favour.她打電話來讓我幫個忙。
Could you do me a favour - would you feed my cat this weekend?你能幫我個忙——這周末幫我喂貓嗎?

[ C usually plural ] an advantage that you give to someone, such as money or a good job, especially when this is unfair特别照顧,優惠;偏袒

Several politicians were accused of dispensing favours to people who voted for them.幾名政客被指責向投票支持他們的人提供好處。

More examples

He never even thanked me, so that's the last time I do him a favour.

Can I ask you a favour?

Could you do me a favour and pass these sandwiches round?

The reason (that) I'm calling is to ask a favour.

It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.

favour noun PRESENT

[ C usually plural ] a small present that you give to every guest at a wedding, party, etc.(在婚禮、聚會等上發給客人的)小禮物

wedding favours婚禮贈客禮品

to support or prefer one particular possibility贊同;較喜歡

These are the running shoes favoured by marathon runners.這些是馬拉鬆選手喜愛的跑鞋。
In the survey, a majority of people favoured higher taxes and better public services over (= rather than) tax cuts.調查顯示,大多數人贊同提高稅收並改善公共服務事業,不贊成削減稅收。
[ + -ing verb ] I generally favour travelling by night, when the roads are quiet.我一般喜歡夜裏趕路,那時路上比較清靜。

to give an advantage to someone or something, in an unfair way優惠;偏袒;特别照顧

A strong wind will favour the bigger boats.強風對大船有利。
She always felt that her parents favoured her brother.她總覺得父母偏愛弟弟。

More examples

The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.

Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.

They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.

The committee favours the cheapest option.

Which of the proposals do you favour?

IELTS BNC: 2781 COCA: 28142


1 (BrE) (NAmE favor) sth that helps sb幫助ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAVOUR/FAVOR ADJECTIVEbig, great, huge大的幫助;巨大的支持little, small小的幫助special特別照顧personal給個人的幫助As a personal favour to me, please don't release my story to the press.請不要將我的事告訴媒體,算是幫我的忙吧。last最後的幫助She had one last favour to ask her brother.她最後還要請她的哥哥幫一個忙。political, sexual政治上的支持;同意性交VERB + FAVOUR/FAVORask請求幫助I came here to ask you a big favour.我來這兒想請你幫個大忙。expect期望得到幫助I don't expect any favours from my friends on the tennis court.我不指望我的朋友在網球場上給我什麼照顧。bestow, do, grant sb給某人恩惠Rodrigo accepted the favours bestowed on him by the new king.羅德裏戈接受了新任國王賜予他的恩賞。Do yourself a favour and cut your credit cards in half.幫幫自己,把信用卡的數量減少一半吧。owe sb欠某人人情I'll ask Jane. She owes me a favour.我去找找簡,她欠我個人情。repay, return償還/報答恩情Thanks very much. I'll return the favour one day.非常感謝,有一天我會報答你的。seek尋求幫助need需要幫助He needed another favour from her.他還需要她幫一個忙。get, obtain得到/獲得幫助accept, receive接受幫助


2 (BrE) (NAmE favor) approval or support for sb/sth支持ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAVOUR/FAVOR | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood, great, high, particular不錯的/很大的/高度的/不一般的支持Traditionally, vigilante groups have found greater favour on the political right.按慣例,治安維持團體能獲得政治右派的更多支持。He stood in high favour at the court of Lewis the Pious.他在虔誠者劉易斯的宮廷裏深受賞識。divine, government, political, royal神祐;政府的支持;政治上的支持;王室的支持In the Christian tradition, the world exists only as an act of divine favour.在基督教的傳統觀念中,世界之所以存在只是因為有神靈庇祐。public公眾的支持This did not meet with public favour.這沒有獲得公眾的支持。VERB + FAVOUR/FAVORbe in, enjoy, have得寵;受寵;有人寵愛The bishop was said to have enjoyed the king's favour.據說主教得到了國王的支持。find, gain, win發現有人讚許;獲得支持;贏得支持Her political views have not found favour in recent years.近年來,她的政治觀點沒有獲得支持。court, curry, seek取悅某人以獲取其支持;討好;謀求支持Why are we trying to court the favour of critics?我們為什麼要試圖博取評論者的支持呢?He tried to curry favour with the teachers.他盡力巴結老師。Artists sought the favour of wealthy patrons.藝術家謀求富有的贊助人的支持。show偏袒As an examiner, she showed no favour to any candidate.作為考官,她不偏袒任何考生。be out of不受歡迎fall from, fall out of, lose不再受歡迎;失寵The senior officials were punished and rapidly fell from favour.這些高級官員受到懲罰,很快失寵。This idea has long since fallen out of favour.這一觀點很早以前就不再受歡迎了。be back in, bring sth back into, come back into重新得到支持;使⋯重新得到支持;回到有人支持的情況A style of art can go out of fashion and then come back into favour fifty years later.一種藝術風格可能會變得不再流行,但 50 年後又可能再次受到青睞。argue in, speak in贊成She argued in favour of this policy.她在爭論中贊成這項政策。speak out in說好話支持⋯No one was willing to speak out in favour of their colleague.沒有人能願意出來替自己的同事說句話。come down in, come out in, decide in, find in, resolve in, rule in, vote in決定支持;決定擁護;判決勝訴;投票支持The committee came down in favour of setting up a national body.委員會決定支持建立一個國家機構。The court found in favour of the plaintiffs.法院判定原告勝訴。work in為⋯而努力Environmental conservation generally works in favour of maintaining the status quo.環境保護組織通常都會為維持現有環境狀況而努力。go in垂青The golf tournament went in the Americans' favour (= they won).美國隊在高爾夫錦標賽中獲勝。PREPOSITIONin favour of支持He is strongly in favour of capital punishment.他強烈支持死刑。Early in his musical career he abandoned blues in favour of jazz.他在音樂生涯的早期就放棄了布魯斯音樂而選擇了爵士樂。in sb's/sth's favour對⋯有利This piece of software has two points in its favour: it's fast and inexpensive.這個軟件有兩大優勢:一是運行速度快,二是價格低廉。favour among得到⋯的支持This argument found favour among advocates of multiculturalism.這一主張得到了多元文化倡導者的支持。favour with受⋯的歡迎She is too popular with the public to find much favour with the critics.她太受公眾喜愛了,卻不大受評論界青睞。PHRASESan argument in sb/sth's favour對⋯有利的主張an argument in favour of censorship支持審查制度的主張a bias in sb/sth's favour對⋯的偏愛look with favour on sb/sth, look with favour upon sb/sth重視⋯Depth of training is looked upon with favour by many employers.許多僱主看重培訓的深度。without fear or favour (= in a fair way) 大公無私


(BrE) (NAmE favor) ADVERB | VERB + FAVOUR/FAVOR | PREPOSITION ADVERBgreatly, heavily, overwhelmingly, strongly大大地/激烈地/極力/有力地支持We strongly favour reform of the system.我們大力支持體制改革。especially, particularly特別/尤其喜愛Haitians especially favour seafoods.海地人特別喜歡海鮮。clearly明顯偏愛increasingly越來越喜愛Pot plants are increasingly favoured as gifts by guests.客人們越來越喜歡把盆栽植物作為禮物。slightly稍微對⋯有利The polls slightly favour the Republicans.民意調查結果對共和黨人稍稍有利。consistently一貫支持personally個人偏愛I personally favour this last option.我個人喜歡最後的這個選擇。traditionally傳統上支持VERB + FAVOUR/FAVORappear to, be known to, be likely to, be thought to, seem to, tend to從表面上看/盡人皆知地/很可能/被認為/似乎/傾向於支持The prime minister is thought to favour an early referendum on the issue.人們認為首相支持對此儘早舉行全民公決。continue to繼續支持She continues to favour large-scale developments.她繼續支持大規模開發。PREPOSITIONat the expense of以⋯為代價支持He favoured some individuals at the expense of others.他為了支持某些個人而犧牲了其他人。for為⋯支持The Democrat candidate is favoured for re-election.人們支持這位民主黨候選人參加重選。over更加支持⋯而非⋯News coverage should not favour one party over another.新聞報道不應厚此薄彼。
IELTS BNC: 2781 COCA: 28142
favour (also favor) noun
approval (find favour with sb) in favour (of sb/sth) in favour (of sb/sth) phrase
favour (also favor) verb

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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