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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 5352 COCA: 5252

C1 an extremely strong feeling of dislike憎恨,憎恶

What is very clear in these letters is Clark's passionate hatred of his father.这些信非常清楚地表明了克拉克对他父亲的深切痛恨。
The motive for this shocking attack seems to be racial hatred.看起来这起令人震惊的攻击事件的动机像是种族仇恨。

More examples

He's been accused of stirring up racial hatred in the region.

Seeing the damage made hatred flame within her.

She gave me a look of intense hatred.

The fighting between the different social groups has become a terrifying spiral of death and hatred.

His relationship with his mother left him with a psychotic hatred of women.

TOEFL BNC: 5352 COCA: 5252


ADJECTIVE | VERB + HATRED | HATRED + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbitter, deep, intense, passionate, pure, violent深仇大恨;深深的仇恨;強烈的憎恨She shot him a look of pure hatred.她滿含怨恨地狠狠瞪了他一眼。absolute, implacable絕對的/無法消除的仇恨blind, irrational盲目的憎恨;不理智的仇恨class, ethnic, race, racial, religious階級仇恨;種族仇恨;宗教仇恨mutual彼此間的仇恨VERB + HATREDbe filled with, be full of, feel, have滿懷仇恨;感到憎恨;懷有仇恨She was full of hatred and bitterness.她滿腔仇恨和辛酸。He has a deep hatred of the police.他對警察懷有深仇大恨。incite, preach, stir up煽動仇恨;激起仇恨He is accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被指控煽動種族仇恨。breed, fuel滋生/助長仇恨Ignorance can breed hatred.愚昧會滋生仇恨。express表達怨恨HATRED + VERBflare (especially NAmE) 仇恨陡升Hatred flared inside her.她心中頓生怨恨。PREPOSITIONin hatred, with hatred帶着仇恨She stared at it in hatred.她怨恨地盯着它。hatred against對⋯的仇恨They were blamed for inciting hatred against religious minorities.他們被指責煽動對宗教少數派的仇恨。hatred between⋯之間的怨恨the intense hatred between the two communities兩個團體之間的強烈仇恨hatred for對⋯的仇恨I felt no hatred for him.我對他沒有任何怨恨。hatred of對⋯的仇恨his hatred of women他對女人的憎恨hatred towards/toward對⋯的仇恨their hatred towards / toward the oppressors他們對壓迫者的仇恨PHRASESa feeling of hatred恨意
TOEFL BNC: 5352 COCA: 5252


hatred ♦︎ dislike ♦︎ hate ♦︎ aversion ♦︎ loathingThese are all words for a strong feeling of not liking sb/sth. 这些词均表示憎恨。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达憎恨的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配hatred / dislike / hate / loathing for / of sb / sthdeep hatred / dislike / aversion / loathingabsolute hatred / hate / loathingto be filled with hatred / hate / loathingto develop a hatred / an aversion / a loathingfear and hatred / hate / loathing hatred [uncountable, countable] a very strong feeling of not liking sb/sth 憎恨;仇恨;厌恶She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.她对攻击她的人只有恨。He was accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被控挑起种族仇恨。The debate simply revived old hatreds.这场辩论只不过再次挑起了夙仇。OPP love love noun 2 dislike [uncountable, countable] a feeling of not liking sb/sth; a thing that you do not like 不喜爱;厌恶;讨厌的事物He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss.他没有想要掩饰自己对上司的不满。She took an instant dislike to the house and the neighbourhood.她一下子就对那栋房子和邻近地区产生了反感。I've told you all my likes and dislikes.我喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,都对你说了。 OPP liking love noun 2 , likes Your likes are the things that you like, but the word is only really used in the phrase sb's likes and dislikes. * likes指喜欢的事情,但只用于短语sb's likes and dislikes中。 hate [uncountable] a very strong feeling of dislike for sb, that makes you want to harm them (对某人的)厌恶,憎恶,仇恨His eyes were flashing with hate and anger.他的眼睛喷发着仇恨和愤怒的火焰。He had received racist hate mail.他收到了充满种族仇恨的诋毁信件。OPP love love noun 2 NOTE 辨析 Hatred or hate? Hatred is more frequent, slightly more formal and used especially in writing. Although it can be used to refer to the abstract concept, it is more often used to describe a very strong feeling of dislike for a particular person or thing. * hatred较常见,稍正式,尤用于书面语。尽管可以指抽象的概念,但hatred更多指对具体的人或事物的憎恨或厌恶Her deep hatred of her sister was obvious.很明显她对她姐姐恨之入骨。a cat's hatred of water猫对水的厌恶You are more likely to use hate when you are talking about this feeling in a general way. * hate多用于泛指厌恶或憎恨a look of pure hate纯然憎恨的目光people filled with hate充满仇恨的人们 Hate is more often used in informal or spoken contexts. It can also be used before another noun, as in a hate campaign or a hate figure. * hate较常用于非正式或口语语境,还可修饰其他名词,如a hate campaign(中伤行动)或a hate figure(眼中钉)。 aversion əˈvɜːʃn; NAmE əˈvɜːrʒn [countable, uncountable] a strong feeling of not liking sb/sth, that makes you want to avoid them/it 厌恶,憎恶(以致想要极力避免)He had an aversion to getting up early.他十分讨厌早起。She has a deep-rooted aversion to dogs, almost amounting to a phobia.她对狗厌恶至极,几乎到了恐惧的地步。 loathing ˈləʊðɪŋ; NAmE ˈloʊðɪŋ [singular, uncountable] (formal) a very strong feeling of hatred and disgust for sb/sth 憎恨;憎恶;仇恨Many soldiers returned with a deep loathing of war.许多士兵回来时都对战争深恶痛绝。She looked at her attacker with fear and loathing.她看着袭击她的歹徒,既怕又恨。
TOEFL BNC: 5352 COCA: 5252
Feelings of hatred or disliking: hatred, dislike, contempt...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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