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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 3437 COCA: 3381


B1 [ S or U ] Something or someone that is a mess, or is in a mess, looks dirty or untidy.肮髒;雜亂;不整潔的人

He makes a terrible mess when he's cooking.他做飯時總是把周圍弄得亂七八糟的。
UK Jem's house is always in a mess.傑姆的房子總是又髒又亂。
Go and clean up that mess in the kitchen.去把廚房裏亂七八糟的東西清理幹淨。
UK Freddy can't stand mess.弗雷迪忍受不了淩亂。
mainly UK I look a mess - I can't go out like this!我看上去衣衫不整的——我不能這樣子出去!
My hair's such a mess today!我的頭發今天亂糟糟的!

[ C ] an animal's solid waste(動物的)糞便

Fido left another mess on the carpet.菲多又在地毯上拉屎了。

More examples

I hope something good can come out of this mess.

I made a complete and utter mess of it!

My Dad gets cross (with me) if I leave the kitchen in a mess.

I wish you'd do something about your bedroom - it's a real mess.

I gave Jim very clear instructions, but even then he managed to make a mess of it.

mess noun PROBLEMS

B2 [ S ] a situation that is full of problems困境;混亂局面

She said that her life was a mess.她說她的生活是一團糟。
I got myself into a mess by telling a lie.我因撒了一個謊而闖禍了。
The company's finances are in a mess.這家公司的財務狀況一團糟。

[ S ] a person whose life is full of problems they cannot deal with處於困境的人

After the divorce he was a real mess and started drinking too much.離婚後他潦倒透頂,而且開始酗酒。
make a mess of sth also mess sth up

to do something badly or spoil something把…弄糟;搞砸

I made a real mess of my final exams.我期末考試徹底考砸了。

mess noun ROOM

[ C ] US also mess hall a room or building in which members of the armed forces have their meals or spend their free time(軍人的)食堂,交誼廳

The captain was having breakfast in the mess hall.上尉正在食堂吃早飯。
They spent their evenings in the officers' mess, drinking and playing cards.他們在軍官食堂裏喝酒、打牌,度過了許多夜晚。

[ C ] Indian English a large public room where people have their meals集體用餐的大屋

[ T ] mainly US UK mess up informal to make something untidy把…弄亂

Don't you dare mess my hair!看你敢把我的頭發弄亂!

[ I ] to leave solid waste somewhere排便

The neighbour's dog has messed on our lawn again!隔壁家的狗又在我們的草坪上拉屎了!
IELTS BNC: 3437 COCA: 3381


ADJECTIVE | VERB + MESS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEabsolute, complete, fine, hopeless, real, royal, total, utter髒亂不堪;完全一團糟I got myself into a complete mess.我惹上了天大的麻煩。entire, whole一團糟You started this entire mess!是你起頭把這弄得一團糟!appalling, awful, horrible, nasty, stupid, terrible, ugly, unholy亂得嚇人;亂得一塌糊塗;亂得不像樣big, giant, huge大混亂The whole situation is a giant mess.整個情形混亂一片。I'm in a huge mess. I don't know what to do.我身陷巨大的混亂之中,不知如何是好。complicated, confusing, incoherent雜亂無章的一團;毫無頭緒的混亂The plot is an incoherent mess.那情節是一團毫無條理的亂麻。chaotic混亂一團jumbled, muddled, tangled, untidy (BrE) 亂蓬蓬的一團;亂糟糟的一團;髒兮兮的一團Her hair was a tangled mess.她的頭髮亂成一團。bloody, disgusting, gooey, muddy, slimy, sloppy, soggy, sticky血淋淋的/叫人惡心的/黏軟的/泥乎乎的/黏滑的/又髒又濕的/濕乎乎的/黏糊糊的一團Soon both fighters were a bloody mess of flying punches.很快兩個鬥士就亂拳揮舞打成了一團,只見到處是血。Why don't you clean up this disgusting mess?你幹嗎不把這些亂七八糟的東西清理一下?emotional情感上的混亂He's been an emotional mess since his girlfriend left him.自從女朋友離開他後,他感情上就陷入了一片混亂。economic, financial經濟困境;財政上的混亂狀態VERB + MESSleave, make使處於混亂狀態;弄亂Must you always leave such a mess?你非要總搞得這麼亂嗎?She felt she was making a terrible mess of her life.她感覺她正把自己的生活搞得一團糟。clean up, clear up, tidy up, wipe up打掃乾淨;收拾整齊;擦掉髒東西look, look like (especially NAmE) 看上去亂糟糟become變得一團糟My life's becoming a big mess.我的生活正變為一團亂麻。get (sb) into, get (sb) out of(使某人)陷入/(使某人)脫離困境Who got us into this mess in the first place?究竟是誰使我們陷入了這一困境?cause, create, start引起麻煩;製造麻煩;引起混亂That was what caused this whole mess in the first place.那就是導致這一切混亂的禍首。deal with, fix, resolve, sort out, straighten out處理混亂的局面;解決麻煩事I have to try to fix the mess you caused.我不得不努力收拾你弄的這個爛攤子。PREPOSITIONin a mess處於混亂狀態The kitchen's in an awful mess.廚房裏一片狼藉。We found ourselves in a real mess.我們發現自己深陷麻煩之中。mess of一團⋯She searched through the mess of papers on her desk. (especially NAmE) 她把自己桌上那堆雜亂的文件翻了個遍。PHRASESmake a mess of things把事情搞得一團糟I've really made a mess of things!我真把事情搞糟了!
IELTS BNC: 3437 COCA: 3381
mess noun
mess1 (The room was in a mess.) mess2 (The economy is in a mess.)


The room was in a mess. 房間雜亂不堪。The economy is in a mess. 經濟陷入了困境。mess ♦︎ clutter ♦︎ jumble ♦︎ disorder ♦︎ muddleThese are all words you can use when a place or group of things is very untidy. 這些詞均表示雜亂、混亂、亂七八糟。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a mess / clutter / jumble / muddle of sthto be in a mess / a jumble / disorder / a muddle(a) complete mess / jumble / disorderto be a mess / jumble / muddlea bit of a mess / jumble mess [countable, usually singular] (sometimes disapproving) an untidy state in which things have been left in the wrong place or spread around 雜亂;不整潔The room was in a mess.房間雜亂不堪。Sorry, this place is a bit of a mess.對不起,這兒有點兒亂。The kids made a mess in the bathroom.孩子們把浴室搞得一塌糊塗。'What a mess!' she said, surveying the scene after the party.看着聚會後的情景,她說:“真是一片狼藉!”My hair's a real mess!我的頭發太亂了! see also messy dirty , messy untidy ˌmess sth ˈup

phrasal verb

I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.我不想讓你弄髒我整潔的廚房。
clutter [uncountable, singular] (rather informal, disapproving) a lot of things that make a place look untidy, especially when they are not needed or are not being used 雜亂的東西(尤指不需要或無用的)There's always so much clutter on your desk!你桌子上總有那麽多亂七八糟的東西!There was a clutter of bottles, glasses and ashtrays on the table.桌子上胡亂地堆滿了瓶子、玻璃杯和煙灰缸。Clutter is sth that people often talk about trying to remove. Common collocates of clutter include avoid, get rid of, shed, free sth from and clear sth of. * clutter指人們經常說要扔掉的東西,常見的搭配詞有avoid、get rid of、shed、free sth from和clear sth of。 see also cluttered untidy clutter


[transitive] Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams.别用太多的圖表來堆砌版面。I don't want all these boxes cluttering up the place.我不想看到那麽多盒子亂堆在這個地方。
jumble [singular] a lot of different things mixed together without any order and in an untidy way 雜亂的一堆;混亂的一團The room was a jumble of books, toys and sports equipment.房間裏胡亂地堆放着書籍、玩具和運動器械。 see also jumble jumble verb , jumbled untidy NOTE 辨析 Clutter or jumble? Clutter is a more disapproving term than jumble, which is more simply descriptive. * clutter較jumble貶義更重,jumble僅僅是描述性的。 disorder [uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which a place is untidy because there is no order in the way things are arranged 雜亂;混亂;淩亂The room was in a state of disorder.房間淩亂不堪。He loves tidying up, making order out of disorder.他喜歡整理東西,把雜亂無章的地方拾掇得井井有條。OPP order efficiency see also disordered untidy muddle [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a state of confusion in which things are put together without any order and in an untidy way, so that it is difficult to find what you want 混亂;亂七八糟My papers are all in a muddle.我的文件混亂不堪。My desk was the usual muddle of books, files and papers.我的桌子上像往常一樣胡亂地堆滿了書籍、卷宗和文件。


The room was in a mess. 房間雜亂不堪。The economy is in a mess. 經濟陷入了困境。 See also the entry for chaos 另見chaos條mess ♦︎ dilemma ♦︎ plight ♦︎ predicament ♦︎ vicious circle ♦︎ corner ♦︎ straitsThese are all words for a difficult situation. 這些詞均表示困境、窘境。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a mess / a dilemma / a plight / a predicament / a vicious circle / a corner / ... straitsa real / terrible mess / dilemma(a) dire predicament / straits(a) financial mess / dilemma / plight / predicament / straitsa moral / personal dilemma / predicamentto find yourself in a dilemma / a predicament / ... straitsto put sb in a dilemma / predicamentto be caught in a dilemma / vicious circle mess [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a situation that is full of problems, usually caused by lack of organization or mistakes that sb has made 麻煩,困境,混亂(通常因組織欠佳或人爲錯誤所致)The economy is in a mess.經濟陷入了困境。The whole situation is a mess.整個局勢一團糟。I feel I've made a mess of things.我覺得我把事情搞糟了。Let's try to sort out the mess.咱們來收拾一下殘局吧。 messy


The divorce was painful and messy.那次離婚令人痛苦而又糾纏不清。
dilemma dɪˈlemə, daɪˈlemə [countable] a situation which causes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance (進退兩難的)窘境,困境She faced a dilemma about whether to accept the offer or not.她左右爲難,不知道是否該接受提議。This poses a difficult dilemma for teachers.這給教師造成了進退兩難的困境。I could see no way of resolving this moral dilemma.我想不出解決這一道德困境的辦法。 plight plaɪt [singular] (especially written) a difficult or sad situation, especially one involving a person or group of people 苦難;困境;苦境He has expressed deep concern about the plight of the flood victims.他對洪災受害者的困境深表關切。A neighbour heard of her plight and offered to help.一位鄰居聽說了她的苦境,主動提出幫忙。 predicament prɪˈdɪkəmənt [countable] (rather formal) a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do 尴尬的處境;困境;窘境Other companies are in an even worse predicament than ourselves.其他公司的處境甚至比我們更糟糕。 ˌvicious ˈcircle [singular] a situation in which one problem causes another problem which then makes the first problem worse 惡性循環He was trapped in a vicious circle of addiction and petty crime.他深陷毒瘾和輕罪的惡性循環。 corner [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a difficult situation, especially one which it is difficult to find a way out of (尤指難以找到出路的)困境,窘境She was used to talking her way out of tight corners.她慣於憑借口才擺脫困境。He had her backed into a corner a couple of times with new facts she didn't know.他用她所不了解的新的事實數次將她逼入困境。 straits [plural] (always used after an adjective 總是用於形容詞後) a very difficult situation, especially caused by lack of money (尤指經濟拮據引起的)困境,境況窘迫The factory is in dire straits.工廠岌岌可危。She found herself in desperate financial straits.她發覺自己的經濟狀況極爲窘迫。
IELTS BNC: 3437 COCA: 3381
Untidiness and untidy situations: omnishambles, mess, chaos...
Dirt: dirt, dust, grime...
Difficult situations and experiences: crisis, battle, nightmare...
General words relating to army life: base, billet, detail...
To be cruel or unkind to someone: abuse, mistreat, oppress...
To have sex: sleep with, consummate, copulate...
To make things dirty: dirty, pollute, smear...
To make things untidy: muddle, tangle, clutter...
Psychological processes: catharsis, complex, conditioning...
To damage or spoil something: damage, spoil, mark...
To make someone angry or annoyed: annoy, provoke, anger...
To take risks: risk, dare, jeopardize...
To make someone feel sad or upset: upset, wound, disturb...
To make someone unable to concentrate or think clearly: discombobulate, confuse, distract...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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