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TOEFL BNC: 4285 COCA: 3719

praise verb [ T ] SHOW APPROVAL

B2 to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing赞扬,表扬

He should be praised for his honesty.他应该因为诚实而获得表扬。
My parents always praised me when I did well at school.我在学校里表现好时父母总是夸奖我。
He was highly praised for his research on heart disease.他因在心脏病方面的研究而受到高度赞扬。

More examples

His friends praised his generosity, wit, and learning.

He praised her professionalism and dynamism.

The police praised motorists for driving sensibly in the appalling conditions.

The speech praised those who had displayed gallantry in the liberation of their country.

I tried to boost his ego by praising his cooking.

praise verb [ T ] WORSHIP

to honour, worship, and express admiration for a god赞颂,赞美(神)

They sang hymns praising God.他们唱颂歌来赞颂上帝。

praise noun [ U ] APPROVAL

C1 things that you say that express your admiration and approval of someone or something赞扬,表扬

They deserve praise for all their hard work.他们如此辛苦地工作,理应受到表扬。
His economic policies have won widespread praise for reducing government debt.他的经济政策因减少了政府债务而受到广泛赞誉。
Praise from Adrian is (high) praise indeed. (= praise from him is particularly special because he rarely praises anyone.)能得到阿德里安的表扬可真是不容易。

More examples

His boss showered him with praise.

The committee lavished praise on the project.

He is sparing with his praise .

His efforts are certainly deserving of praise.

A young child needs plenty of praise and encouragement.

praise noun [ U ] GOD

formal an expression of respect and worship to a god赞颂,赞美(神)

As we give praise to God, let us remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves.在我们赞颂上帝时,让我们缅怀那些没我们幸运的人。
TOEFL BNC: 4285 COCA: 3719


ADJECTIVE | VERB + PRAISE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, effusive, extravagant, fulsome, glowing, great, high, lavish, special, unstinting, warm相當多的/熱情洋溢的/過分的/帶有恭維的/熱烈的/大肆的/高度的/過度的/特殊的/慷慨的/熱情的表揚The speech earned him lavish praise from the press.他的講話為自己贏得了媒體慷慨的讚揚。faint輕描淡寫的幾句表揚My comment sounds like damning with faint praise (= praise so little that you seem to be criticizing).我的評論聽起來就像夾雜着些許讚美之詞的批評。widespread廣泛的讚譽universal普遍的讚揚critical (= praise from the critics of art, music, etc.) 評論界的讚譽The novels have won widespread critical praise.小說贏得了評論界的廣泛讚譽。public公眾的一致好評His accomplishments won him wide public praise.他的成就為他贏得了公眾的廣泛好評。VERB + PRAISEbe full of, be fulsome in, be gushing in, be unstinting in, gush with (especially NAmE) 充滿/完全是/奔湧/不吝/洋溢着讚美之詞The critics were full of praise for the movie.評論家對影片交口稱譽。The director is equally gushing in his praise of the actor.導演對男演員同樣進行了讚不絕口的誇獎。He was unstinting in his praise of his teacher.他對自己的老師讚不絕口。She gushed with praise for the winners.她對優勝者的稱讚滔滔不絕。give sb, have, offer讚揚(某人)He has great praise for his co-stars.他高度讚揚了與他一起合作演出的明星。single sb out for單獨表揚某人The team's coach singled his goalkeeper out for praise.該隊的教練單獨表揚了守門員。heap, lavish, shower (sb with)(對某人)備加讚揚an article heaping praise on the government對政府大加讚揚的文章come in for, receive受到表揚/稱讚attract, draw, earn, garner, get, win獲得表揚;贏得讚揚The play has attracted universal praise.這齣戲得到了普遍的好評。deserve值得讚美These artists deserve praise for the clarity of their visions.這些藝術家視野清晰,值得讚揚。PREPOSITIONbeyond praise讚揚不盡This book is beyond praise.這本書怎麼讚揚也不過分。in praise of以讚揚⋯He wrote many poems in praise of his wife.他寫了許多讚美妻子的詩。praise for因⋯的讚揚They earned praise for their efforts.他們由於努力而獲得表揚。praise from來自⋯的讚揚The decision also won praise from local people.這項決議還贏得了當地人的讚揚。praise of對⋯的讚揚her praise of his skill她對他技能的讚揚praise to對⋯的讚美much joyous singing and praise to God許多歡樂的歌聲和對主的讚美PHRASESa chorus of praise, a paean of praise (literary) 一曲讚歌The French manager led the chorus of praise for the German team.法國隊的主教練首先對德國隊唱起了讚歌。have nothing but praise for sb/sth對⋯稱讚不已The patients interviewed had nothing but praise for the hospital staff.接受採訪的病人對醫院的工作人員全是讚揚之詞。sing sb's praises高度讚揚某人The newspapers were singing the president's praises.各家報紙都高度讚揚了總統。a word of praise讚揚之詞There were words of praise for the show's designer.演出設計者受到了稱讚。


ADVERB | VERB + PRAISE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBeffusively, highly, lavishly, warmly熱情洋溢地/高度/大加/熱烈地讚美He praised all his staff highly.他高度讚揚了所有的員工。publicly公開表揚justly, rightly恰當地表揚Her achievements in this field have been rightly praised.她在這一領域的成就得到了恰如其分的讚揚。repeatedly多次稱讚She repeatedly praised him and his works.她一再稱讚他和他的作品。VERB + PRAISEbe quick to迅速地表揚The defeated captain was quick to praise the winning team.敗北的隊長反應很快,馬上讚揚了獲勝隊。PREPOSITIONfor因為⋯而表揚They praised him for his cooking.他們誇他烹飪技術高超。PHRASESbe unanimously praised, be universally praised, be widely praised獲得一致讚譽;受到普遍稱讚The album has been universally praised for its creativity.這張專輯的創新性得到了普遍好評。praise sb/sth to the skies把⋯捧上天Her manager praised her to the skies.她的經理把她捧上了天。
TOEFL BNC: 4285 COCA: 3719
praise verb
praise (praise sb's performance) pray (praise God)


 See also the entry for flatter 另见flatter条praise ♦︎ congratulate ♦︎ hail ♦︎ applaud ♦︎ celebrate ♦︎ acclaim ♦︎ commend ♦︎ glorify ♦︎ compliment ♦︎ raveThese words all mean to express admiration or approval of sb/sth. 这些词均表示称赞、赞扬。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达赞美的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to praise / congratulate / applaud / commend sb for (doing) sthto congratulate / commend / compliment sb on sthto praise / hail / acclaim sb / sth as sthto praise / hail / applaud / commend a decision / planto praise / applaud / commend sb's effort / courageto praise / congratulate / applaud / commend sb warmlyto be highly / widely / universally praised / acclaimed / commendedsb is to be / should be congratulated / applauded / commended praise [transitive] to express your approval or admiration for sb/sth 表扬;赞扬;称赞He praised his team for their performance.他称赞了队员们的表现。They were praised by police for reporting the theft.他们报告了失窃案,受到警方的表扬。Critics praised the work as highly original.评论家称赞这部作品独树一帜。OPP criticize blame congratulate kənˈgrætʃuleɪt [transitive] to tell sb that you are pleased about their success or achievements (向某人)道贺;祝贺I congratulated them all on their results.他们取得了好成绩,我向他们所有人表示祝贺。The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.作者们创作出这样一部清晰易懂的权威性作品,应该向他们表示祝贺。 congratulations kənˌgrætʃuˈleɪʃnz


[plural] Congratulations on your exam results!祝贺你考出了好成绩!
NOTE 辨析 Praise or congratulate?The object of the verb praise can be a person, or their qualities, abilities or achievements, but the object of congratulate must be a person. 动词praise的宾语可以是人、品质、能力或成就,但是congratulate的宾语必须是人I praised / congratulated him.我表扬/祝贺他。I praised his ability to stay calm under pressure.我赞赏他在压力下保持冷静的能力。I congratulated his ability to stay calm. You might praise a child, an employee or sb else that you are responsible for or have authority over. You would not usually praise your friend, partner, boss or sb who is older than you or has authority over you. * praise的宾语可以是归自己照管或管辖的儿童、雇员等人,但通常不可以是朋友、搭档、老板、比自己年长的人或管辖自己的人He praised / congratulated his son / class / team.他表扬/祝贺他的儿子/班级/团队。He congratulated his colleague.他向同事表示祝贺。He praised his colleague. You would congratulate sb on sth they have achieved on a particular occasion, especially when there is an obvious result. * congratulate可以表示就某项成就表示祝贺,尤其是成就比较明显时She congratulated me on passing my driving test.她祝贺我通过驾照考试。She praised me for the way I deal with difficult customers.她称赞我面对难缠顾客的处理方法。
hail [transitive, usually passive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to describe sb/sth publicly as being very good or special (公开)赞扬,称赞The conference was hailed as a great success.这次会议被称颂为一个巨大的成功。Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning.因救起一名溺水儿童,少年马特•布朗被誉为英雄。 applaud əˈplɔːd [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (formal) to express praise for sb/sth because you approve of them/it 称赞;赞许;赞赏We applaud her decision.我们称赞她的决定。I applaud her for having the courage to refuse.我赞赏她敢于拒绝。Common collocates of applaud are decision, effort, attitude, determination and courage. * applaud的常见搭配词有decision、effort、attitude、determination和courage。 celebrate [transitive] (formal) to publicly express admiration of sb/sth, especially in a film, song or work of art (尤指以电影、歌曲或艺术品的形式)赞美,歌颂,颂扬songs that celebrate the joys of romantic love颂扬浪漫爱情的喜悦的歌曲It was a movie celebrating the life and work of Martin Luther King.那是一部颂扬马丁•路德•金生平事迹的影片。 acclaim əˈkleɪm [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to praise or welcome sb/sth publicly, especially a book, film, performance, etc. or a writer or performer 称誉(书、电影、表演等或作家、表演者)Mario Vargas Llosa, the internationally acclaimed novelist马里奥•巴尔加斯•略萨,在国际上受到广泛称誉的小说家The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.这个作品被誉为大师之作。 commend kəˈmend [transitive] (formal) to praise sb/sth, especially publicly or officially (尤指公开或正式地)表扬,赞扬,称赞She was commended on her handling of the situation.她因妥善处理了那个局面而受到表扬。His designs were highly commended by the judges (= they did not get a prize but they were especially praised).他的设计受到评委的高度赞扬。 glorify [transitive] (often disapproving) to describe or show sth in a way that makes it seem better or more important than it really is 吹捧;吹嘘;美化He denies that the movie glorifies violence.他否认该影片美化暴力。If violence, crime, drug-taking, war, etc. is glorified, it is not exactly praised, but it is shown in a positive way that may encourage people to think it is good or acceptable. The word is most often used about the way violence, etc. is shown in films, on television or in books. 当暴力、犯罪、吸毒、战争等作glorify的宾语时,并非表示颂扬,而是以肯定的态度对待,让人觉得这些事物没什么不好,是可以接受的。这个词最常表示电影、电视或书籍对暴力等的处理方式。 glorification


[uncountable] the glorification of war对战争的颂扬
compliment [transitive] to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their behaviour or their appearance 赞美;称赞;钦佩She complimented him on his excellent German.她夸他德语棒极了。Compliment is most often used to describe what individuals say to each other rather than a public or official expression of praise. * compliment最常指个人之间相互称赞,而非公开或正式地赞扬。 see also compliment tribute noun , complimentary good 6 rave [intransitive] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to talk or write about sth in a very enthusiastic way 热烈谈论;(撰文)热情赞扬The critics raved about his performance in 'Hamlet'.评论家热烈赞扬他在《哈姆雷特》中的表演。Rave is often used to talk about sb's reaction to a film, book, play, etc., especially in newspapers and magazines. * rave常用于谈论对电影、书籍、戏剧表演等的反响,尤用于报章杂志。


praise ♦︎ credit ♦︎ approval ♦︎ acclaim ♦︎ flattery ♦︎ adulation ♦︎ a pat on the backThese are all words for feelings or words that express admiration for sb's actions, achievements or appearance. 这些词均表示赞赏、赞扬、赞美。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配praise / credit / approval / acclaim / a pat on the back for sth / doing sthpraise / approval / acclaim / adulation / a pat on the back from sbgreat praise / credit / acclaimpublic praise / approval / acclaim / adulationuniversal / widespread praise / approval / acclaimto deserve praise / credit / acclaim / a pat on the backto earn / win praise / approval / acclaimto get praise / credit / approval / a pat on the backto receive praise / credit / approval / acclaimto give sb praise / credit / approval / a pat on the back praise [uncountable] ( less frequent praises [plural]) words that show that you admire sb/sth or are pleased with what they have done 赞扬;称赞;赞美His teachers are full of praise for the progress he's making.老师们对他的进步赞不绝口。She wrote poems in praise of freedom.她写诗赞美自由。His latest movie has won high praise from the critics.他的最新影片得到了评论家的高度赞扬。They always sing his praises (= praise him very highly).他们总是对他大加赞赏。 credit [uncountable] praise for sb because they are responsible for sth good that has happened 赞扬;称赞;认可I can't take all the credit for the show's success-it was a team effort.演出成功不能都算成我一个人的功劳-这是集体努力的成果。We did all the work and she gets all the credit!工作都是我们干的,而功劳却都归了她!At least give him credit for trying (= praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed).至少该表扬他努力过。OPP blame fault NOTE 辨析 Praise or credit? Praise describes what you actually say, for example * praise指称赞的话,如Well done!干得好!You did a great job.你做得非常好。I think he's a wonderful cook.我觉得他饭做得棒极了。 Credit more often refers to an opinion or a feeling of admiration, not the actual words you say. * credit较常指赞赏的看法或态度,并非赞美之词We should give due credit to the organizers of this event (= we think they did a good job).我们该感谢这次活动的组织者。 Credit can suggest that you are rewarded for the good thing you have done. * credit可意味着对出色表现给予奖励Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar (= you will get extra marks).考试中拼写和语法出色者将获得加分。 approval [uncountable] the feeling that sb/sth is good or acceptable; a positive opinion of sb/sth 赞成;同意Do the plans meet with your approval?这些计划你赞成吗?Several people nodded in approval.几个人点头表示同意。OPP disapproval criticism see also approve in favour (of sb/sth) acclaim əˈkleɪm [uncountable] (rather formal) public praise for sb/sth, especially an artistic achievement (尤指对艺术成就的)称誉,高度评价Her latest novel has received widespread critical acclaim.她最新出版的小说受到了评论界的普遍称誉。The play opened last week to universal acclaim.该剧上周开演,受到一致好评。 flattery [uncountable] praise that is not sincere, especially in order to get what you want from sb 奉承;阿谀;讨好You're too intelligent to fall for his flattery.你很聪明,不至于让他的阿谀奉承迷惑吧。Flattery will get you nowhere (= it will not get you what you want).阿谀奉承无济于事。 see also flatter flatter adulation ˌædjuˈleɪʃn; NAmE ˌædʒəˈleɪʃn [uncountable] (formal) great admiration and praise for sb, especially for sb famous (尤指对名人的)称赞,吹捧,奉承The band enjoy the adulation of their fans wherever they go.乐队无论走到哪里,都受到崇拜者的极力追捧。 Adulation often suggests too much admiration. * adulation常表示过度赞赏He found it difficult to cope with the adulation from those around him.他疲于应付周围人的阿谀讨好。 a ˌpat on the ˈback


(rather informal) praise or approval for sth that you have done well 表扬;赞许He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.他付出了很大努力,值得嘉许。Give yourself a pat on the back!表扬一下自己吧!
TOEFL BNC: 4285 COCA: 3719
To praise someone or something: praise, congratulate, compliment...
Praise and admiration: praise, admiration, recognition...

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