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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
standverbuk/stænd/ us/stænd/ stood, stood

stand verb VERTICAL

A2 [ I or T ] to be in a vertical state or to put into a vertical state, especially (of a person or animal) by making the legs straight(使)直立;(使)站立;竖放;(尤指)站起来

Granny says if she stands for a long time her ankles hurt.奶奶说她站久了脚踝会疼。
As a sign of politeness you should stand (up) when she comes in.她进来时你应该站起来以示礼貌。
Stand still and be quiet!站好了,不要出声!
After the earthquake not a single building was left standing in the village.地震之后,村子里所有的房子都倒了。
Stand the bottles on the table over there.把瓶子放在那边的桌子上。
See also

More examples

Don't stand out there in the cold - come in here and get warm.

The audience clapped and cheered when she stood up to speak.

They stood on the street corner handing out leaflets.

We stood huddled together for warmth.

She stood up to address a hushed courtroom.

stand verb STATE

C1 [ I, L only + adj ] to be in, cause to be in, or get into a particular state or situation(使)处于,进入(特定状态或境况)

How do you think your chances stand (= are) of being offered the job?你认为你得到那份工作的机会有多大?
The national debt stands at 55 billion dollars.国家债务达550亿美元。
The house stood empty for years.这座房子空置多年了。
Martina is currently standing second in the world listings.玛丁纳目前世界排名第二。
[ + to infinitive ] Our firm stands to lose (= will lose) a lot of money if the deal is unsuccessful.如果这笔交易不成的话,我们公司会损失一大笔钱。
We really can't allow the current situation to stand (= to exist in its current form).我们确实不能允许目前的状况再继续下去了。
Newton's laws of mechanics stood (= were thought to be completely true) for over two hundred years.牛顿力学定律曾在200多年间无人撼动。
Leave the mixture to stand (= do not touch it) for 15 minutes before use.将混合物静置15分钟再用。
It would be difficult for her to stand much lower/higher in my opinion (= for me to have a worse/better opinion of her) after the way she behaved at the party.她在聚会上的表现让我对她的印象不能再差/再好了。
She's very blunt, but at least you know where you stand with her (= you know what she thinks and how she is likely to behave).她很直接,但是你至少知道她是怎么想的、会怎么做。
formal You stand accused of murder, how do you plead?你被控谋杀,你如何申辩?
stand trial

C2 to be put on trial in a law court受审

Two other men are to stand trial next month for their part in the bombing.另外两名男子因涉嫌参与这起爆炸案将于下个月接受审判。

More examples

Inflation currently stands at three percent.

The current total stands at £30,000.

He stands to benefit from the situation.

Eight years later the building stands empty.

The theatre has been left to stand derelict.

stand verb PLACE

B2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ] to be in, cause to be in, or put into a particular place在;位于;放

The room was empty except for a wardrobe standing in one corner.房间里除了墙角有个衣柜外,别无他物。
Stand the paintings against the wall while we decide where to hang them.先把画靠墙放好,我们来看看挂在哪里好。
The photograph shows the happy couple standing beside a banana tree.照片上那对幸福的夫妇站在香蕉树旁。

[ I usually + adv/prep ] Vehicles that are standing are waiting.(车辆)停,停靠

The train now standing at platform 8 is the 15.17 for Cardiff.现在停靠在8站台的是15点17分开往卡迪夫的列车。
no standing US UK no waiting

used on signs to mean vehicles are not allowed to park, even for short periods of time禁止停车

The sign by the side of the road said "no standing".路边的标志牌上写着“禁止停车”。

More examples

His walking stick stood by the door.

You'll have to stand the sofa on its end to get it through the door.

Could you stand the bookcase against that wall, please?

There was a big chest of drawers standing in one corner.

In the centre of the hall stood a colossal wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.

stand verb ACCEPT

B1 [ T usually in negatives ] to successfully accept or bear something that is unpleasant or difficult承受住,经受住

I can't stand her voice.我受不了她的声音。
Our tent won't stand another storm like the last one.我们的帐篷经受不起像上次那样的风暴了。
[ + -ing verb ] I can't stand hearing her cry.我听不得她哭。

More examples

Personally, I can't stand her.

I can't even stand the smell.

I can't stand being cold.

He can't stand the sight of her.

I can't stand the thought of waiting so long.

stand verb POLITICS

C2 [ I ] UK US also UK run to compete, especially in an election, for an official position参加竞选

The president has announced she does not intend to stand for re-election.总统宣布她无意参加竞选谋求连任。
stand a chance

C2 to have a chance of success有成功的希望

She stands a good chance of passing her exam if she works hard.她努力学习的话,通过考试的希望很大。

stand verb HEIGHT

[ L only + noun ] to be a stated height高度为,高达

Even without his shoes he stood over two metres tall.即便不穿鞋,他身高也超过了两米。

stand verb BUY

[ T + two objects ] to buy something, especially a meal or a drink, for someone请(某人)客;请(某人)吃饭

I couldn't get to the bank, so could you stand me lunch?我没法去银行,你能请我吃午饭吗?

stand verb OPINION

C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ] to have as an opinion想,认为;有…观点(或看法)

How/Where does he stand on foreign policy issues?他在外交政策问题上是什么立场?

stand noun SPORT

[ C ] UK a large structure at a sports ground, usually with a sloping floor and sometimes a roof, where people either stand or sit to watch a sports event看台

stands [ plural ]

a stand看台

Fighting broke out in the stands five minutes before the end of the match.比赛结束前5分钟看台上发生了打斗。

stand noun OPINION

[ C ] an opinion, especially one that is public(尤指公开的)观点,立场,态度

What's her stand on sexual equality?她对男女平等持什么态度?

stand noun COURT

US UK witness box [ C ] the place in which a person stands in a law court when they are being asked questions证人席

The witness took the stand (= went to the place in a court where you stand and answer questions).目击者出庭作证。

stand noun SHOP

C1 [ C ] a small shop or stall or an area where products can be shown, usually outside or in a large public building, at which people can buy things or get information售货亭;摊位;展台

a hotdog stand热狗摊
Over three thousand companies will have stands at this year's microelectronics exhibition.今年的微电子产品展览会上将会有3000多家公司参展。
See also

stand noun FRAME

C2 [ C ] a frame or piece of furniture for supporting or putting things on(支撑或摆放物品的)架,座,台

a music stand乐谱架
a hatstand衣帽架

stand noun OPPOSITION

C2 [ C usually singular ] an act of opposition, especially in order to defend someone or something反对;抵抗,抵制;(尤指)捍卫

Environmental groups are making a stand against the new road through the valley.环保团体正在采取行动,反对修建穿过山谷的新公路。


[ C usually singular ] US a particular number or period of performances(在某地的)停留演出;停留比赛

The Orioles will be in town for a three-game stand.黄鹂队将来城里进行3场比赛。


1be on your feet/be upright站立;直立ADVERB | VERB + STAND | PHRASES ADVERBerect, tall, upright站直motionless, still站着不動Stand still while I take your photo.我給你照相時站着別動。barefoot, naked赤腳/赤身站着on tiptoe踮着腳尖She stood on tiptoe to reach the shelf.她踮着腳尖伸手去夠架子。awkwardly, meekly, uncertainly尷尬地/溫順地/猶豫地站着He stood awkwardly in the doorway, not sure what to say.他尷尬地站在門口,不知道該說什麼。rigidly, stiffly僵硬地/僵直地站着quietly, silently安靜地/默默地站着proudly驕傲地站着Her parents stood proudly at her side.她的父母驕傲地站在她身旁。around, there無所事事;閒站着Don't just stand there-do something.別光站在那兒,做點兒什麼。I stood there staring at him.我無所事事地立在那兒,盯着他看。VERB + STANDbe able to, can能站立be unable to, cannot不能站立The roof was so low I couldn't stand upright.屋頂太矮,我都沒法站直。can barely, can hardly幾乎不能站立He felt so weak he could hardly stand.他覺得非常虛弱,幾乎站不起來。PHRASESbe left standing仍然立着After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震過後只有幾幢房屋還立着。stand rooted to the spot生了根似的站着不動She stood rooted to the spot, too afraid to move or speak.她生了根似的立在那兒,不敢動,也不敢出聲。


2tolerate sth忍受VERB + STANDcan能忍受I don't know how you can stand the heat.我不知道那麼熱你怎麼能受得了。cannot不能容忍I can't stand that man!我受不了那個人!can hardly幾乎不能容忍


3 (especially BrE) be a candidate in an election參選 see also run ADVERB | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBsuccessfully, unsuccessfully成功地成為候選人;落選VERB + STANDdecide to決定參選be allowed to得到參選許可PREPOSITIONagainst與⋯競選Two candidates will be standing against her.兩名候選人將與她競爭。as作為⋯參加競選She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.在地方選舉中她沒有勝出。for競選⋯He is standing for Oxford East in the election.他在選舉中競選東牛津候選人。PHRASESsb's decision to stand某人參加競選的決定stand for election參加競選


stand byADVERBidly, passively袖手旁觀Surely the world cannot stand idly by and let this country go through the agony of war yet again?國際社會當然不能袖手旁觀,讓這個國家再度經歷戰爭的傷痛吧?VERB + STAND BYcan能袖手旁觀stand upADVERBstraight站直You'll look taller if you stand up straight.你站直了會顯得高一些。abruptly, quickly, suddenly猛然/迅速/突然站起來slowly慢慢站起來immediately立即站起來VERB + STAND UPtry to試圖站起來I tried to stand up and found myself in agony.我試圖站起身來,卻發現疼痛難忍。


1effort to resist opposition抵抗ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrave, defiant, determined, firm, strong, tough勇敢的抵制;公然違抗;堅決的抵制;強硬的抵制moral, principled道德上的/原則性的抵制last, last-ditch最後的抵抗public公開的抵制VERB + STANDmake, take抵抗;抵禦PREPOSITIONstand against抵制⋯to make a stand against industries that contribute to river pollution抵制導致河流污染的行業stand on在⋯上的抵制立場He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.在濫用醫院資金的問題上,他採取公開的反對態度。


2 (especially NAmE) small shop小店 see also stall ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconcession, farm, market (all NAmE) (體育場、劇場等的)小賣部;農產品櫃枱;集市攤roadside (NAmE) 路邊小攤news (usually news-stand) , newspaper報刊亭;報攤
fruit, hamburger, hot-dog, lemonade (NAmE) , etc.水果攤、漢堡攤、熱狗攤、檸檬水攤等VERB + STANDset up擺攤PREPOSITIONat a/the stand在攤點We can get a magazine at the newspaper stand.我們可以在報刊亭買本雜誌。PHRASEShit the stands開始在報刊亭出售The magazine will hit the stands in April.本雜誌將於 4 月份開始在報刊亭出售。


3 (especially BrE) table at an exhibition展台ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdisplay, exhibition, trade (BrE) 展位;展台;交易台information信息台;問訊台VERB + STANDhave有展台Our company has a display stand at this year's fair.在今年的交易會上我們公司有一個展台。set up設立展台man照看展台We took it in turns to man the exhibition stand.我們輪流在展台值班。PREPOSITIONat a/the stand, on the stand在展台上I'll be on the stand for two hours.我將在展台上照看兩個小時。You'll find brochures of our new products on the stand.展台上有關於我們新產品的小冊子。


4furniture/equipment for putting sth on傢具;設備ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcoat, hat (usually hatstand) , umbrella衣帽架;帽架;傘架
mic (informal) , microphone, mike (informal) 麥克風架
music樂譜架night (usually nightstand) (NAmE) 牀頭櫃wooden木支架PREPOSITIONin a/the stand, on a/the stand在架子上There was some music open on the music stand.樂譜架上有打開的樂譜。
stand noun
attitude (take a tough stand on sth) stall (a news stand)
stand verb
stand1 (stand by the window) stand2 (I can't stand it when you do that.) hate (I really can't stand him.) lean2 (Stand the ladder against the wall.) remain (an offer still stands) withstand (His heart won't stand the strain.) stand your ground resist stand in awe of sb/sth respect stand on your own (two) feet take care of yourself


stand by the window 靠窗站着I can't stand it when you do that. 你那样做,我忍受不了。 See also the entries for lie verb and sit 另见lie动词词条和sit条stand ♦︎ get up ♦︎ stand up ♦︎ rise ♦︎ get to your feet ♦︎ be on your feet ♦︎ pick yourself upThese words all mean to be in an upright position with your weight on your feet, or to put yourself in this position. 这些词均表示站立、起立。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get up / stand up / rise / pick yourself up from sth stand (stood, stood) [intransitive] to be in an upright position with your weight on your feet; to put yourself in this position 站立;直立;站起来;起立She was too weak to stand.她虚弱得站都站不住。He was standing on a chair, trying to change a light bulb.他站在椅子上,想要换个灯泡。Stand still when I'm talking to you!我跟你说话时你站着别动!The kids were standing around chatting.孩子们分散在各处站着闲聊。Everyone stood when the president entered the room.总统进屋时每个人都站了起来。 Stand is usually used with an adverb or prepositional phrase to show where or how sb stands, but sometimes another phrase or clause is used to show what sb does while they are standing. * stand通常与副词或介词短语连用,表明站立的地点或姿势,但有时用另一个短语或从句来表示站着做某事We stood talking for a few minutes.我们站着谈了几分钟。He stood and looked out to sea.他站着遥望大海。 OPP sit sit ˌget ˈup

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 起身;站起;起来He got up and strolled over to the window.他站起身来,溜达到了窗口。Please don't get up!请不要起立!OPP sit down sit
ˌstand ˈup

phrasal verb

(stood, stood)to be in a standing position; to stand after sitting 站立;站起;起立Stand up straight!站直了!He stood up and put on his coat.他起身穿上外套。OPP sit , sit down sit NOTE 辨析 Stand, get up or stand up? Stand usually means 'to be in a standing position' but can also mean 'to get into a standing position'. Stand up can be used with either of these meanings, but its use is more restricted: it is used especially when sb tells sb or a group of people to stand. Get up is the most frequent way of saying 'get into a standing position', and this can be from a sitting, kneeling or lying position; if you stand up, this is nearly always after sitting, especially on a chair. If you want to tell sb politely that they do not need to move from their chair use get up. * stand通常表示站立、直立,但也可表示站起来、起立。stand up可用于上述两种含义,但其用法较受限制,尤用于让某人或一些人起立的场合。get up是表示站起来的最常用的说法,可指从坐、跪或躺的姿势站起身来;stand up几乎总是指从坐的姿势,特别是从椅子上站立起来。如果想礼貌地告诉某人不必起立,就用get upPlease don't stand up!
rise (rose, risen) [intransitive] (formal) to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 起身;站起;起来They rose from the table.他们从餐桌旁站了起来。She rose to her feet.她站起身来。 ˌget to your ˈfeet


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (written) to stand up after sitting, kneeling or lying 站起身;起立I helped her to get to her feet.我帮她站了起来。
be on yourˈ feet


to be standing up 站着;直立I've been on my feet all day.我一整天没歇脚了。
ˌpick yourself ˈup

phrasal verb

to stand up again after you have fallen (跌倒后)站起来He just picked himself up and went on running.他爬起来继续跑。She picked herself up off the dusty ground.她从那布满灰尘的地上爬了起来。


stand by the window 靠窗站着I can't stand it when you do that. 你那样做,我忍受不了。stand ♦︎ endure ♦︎ take ♦︎ bear ♦︎ put up with sb/sth ♦︎ tolerateThese words all mean to accept or deal with sth unpleasant or annoying. 这些词均表示忍受、容忍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(can't / not) stand / endure / bear doing sth(can't / not) stand / bear / put up with sb / sth doing sthto stand / endure / bear / put up with painto not stand / take / tolerate any nonsenseto take / tolerate criticismsb can't stand / bear sthsb has to endure / bear / put up with / tolerate sthsb can no longer stand / endure / bear / tolerate sthsb can hardly stand / bear sth stand (stood, stood) [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses; used with can/could in negative sentences and questions 不用于进行时;与can/could一起用于否定句和疑问句) to be able to accept and deal with sth unpleasant 容忍;忍受I can't stand his brother.他弟弟让我受不了。I can't stand it when you do that.你那样做,我忍受不了。She couldn't stand being kept waiting.叫她等着,她会受不了。I can't stand people interrupting all the time.我不能容忍老是有人打岔。How can you stand it here?这种地方你怎么忍受得了呢? endure ɪnˈdjʊə(r); NAmE ɪnˈdʊr [transitive] (formal) to experience and deal with sth that is painful or unpleasant, especially without complaining (尤指没有怨言地)忍耐,忍受He had to endure the racist taunts of the crowd.他不得不忍受群众对他的种族歧视性的奚落。She could not endure the thought of parting.一想到分别她就无法忍受。 see also endurance strength take (took, taken) [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses; used especially in negative sentences 不用于进行时;尤用于否定句) to be able or willing to accept or deal with sth unpleasant 忍受;容忍;承受She can't take criticism.她受不了批评。I don't think I can take much more of this heat.我觉得再也忍受不了这种高温了。I find his attitude a little hard to take.我觉得他的态度有点令人难以容忍。 bear (bore, borne) [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses; used especially with can/could in negative sentences and questions 不用于进行时;尤与can/could一起用于否定句和疑问句) to be able to accept and deal with sth unpleasant 承受;忍受The pain was almost more than he could bear.这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。How can you bear to eat that stuff?你怎么吃得下那种东西?She bore it all with her usual patience.她以一贯的耐心承受了这一切。NOTE 辨析 Stand or bear?In many cases you can use either word, but bear is slightly stronger and slightly more formal than stand. Stand is never used in positive statements. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但bear的语气比stand稍强,稍正式。stand从不用于肯定陈述She stood it all with her usual patience.  See also the entry for hate 另见hate条 ˌput ˈup with sb/sth

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put) (rather informal, especially spoken) to accept sb/sth that is annoying or unpleasant without complaining (没有怨言地)容忍,忍受I don't know how she puts up with him.我不明白她怎么受得了他。
tolerate ˈtɒləreɪt; NAmE ˈtɑːləreɪt [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to put up with sb/sth (没有怨言地)容忍,忍受There is a limit to what one person can tolerate.一个人的容忍是有限度的。 see also tolerance patience
The condition of something: state, condition, composition...
To remain in a place or situation: remain, stay, wait...
To remain the same, or to keep something the same: maintain, withstand, stabilize...
Willingness and to be willing: will, volition, volunteer...
What liquids can do: break, burst, cast up...
Cook food or be cooked: bake, barbecue, baste...
To do something: do, perform, conduct...
To spend or to pay money: disburse, spend, pay...
Opinions and attitudes: opinion, attitude, view...
An attempt to do something: attempt, effort, struggle...
Markets and market stalls: bazaar, bookstall, boot fair...
Parts of law courts: bench, bullpen, chambers...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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