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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 220 COCA: 207


A2 [ I or T ] to (cause to) change position(使)改变位置,动;(使)移动

I'm so cold I can't move my fingers.我太冷了,手指都动不了了。
Will you help me move this table to the back room?你能帮我把这张桌子搬到后面的房间里吗?
Can we move (= change the time of) the meeting from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. ?我们能将会议时间由下午两点改到三点半吗?
Don't move! Stay right where you are.别动!就呆在那儿。
I thought I could hear someone moving about/around upstairs.我好像听到楼上有人走动。
If you move along/over/up (= go further to the side, back, or front) a little, Tess can sit next to me.如果你往边上/往后/往前挪一点儿,特丝就能坐在我旁边了。
Police officers at the scene of the accident were asking people to move along/on (= to go to a different place).事故现场的警官让路人走开。
Come on, it's time we were moving (= time for us to leave).快点,我们该走了。
Let's stay here tonight, then move on (= continue our journey) tomorrow morning.我们今晚住这儿吧,明早再继续赶路。

[ I or T ] to change the position of one of the pieces used in a board game(棋盘游戏中)走棋,走子,(棋子)被移动

In chess, the pieces can only move in certain directions.下棋必须按棋规所定的方向走子。

More examples

You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

I didn't want to move in case I woke her up.

In the summer, the shepherds move their sheep up into the hills .

Could I possibly ask you to move your chair a little?

The poor things were kept in small cages without room to move.

move verb CHANGE PLACE

B1 [ I ] to go to a different place to live or work搬家;搬迁;迁移

We're moving to Paris.我们要搬到巴黎去了。
They've bought a new house, but it will need a lot of work before they can move into it/move in.他们买了套新房子,但搬进去之前还有许多工作要做。
I hear Paula has moved in with her boyfriend (= gone to live in his house).我听说葆拉搬去和她男朋友住了。
The couple next door moved away (= went to live somewhere else) last year.隔壁的那对夫妇去年搬走了。
A lot of businesses are moving out of London because it's too expensive.许多企业因为费用太高而迁出了伦敦。
move house UK

B1 to leave your home in order to live in a new one搬家

We're moving house next week.我们下周要搬家。

More examples

When we retire, we're going to move to a warmer climate .

We would dearly love to sell our flat and move to the country.

They decided to move abroad and make a fresh start.

Now that the children are settled at school , we don't really want to move again.

After nine years in Cambridge, Susannah and Guy moved to Watlington, where they lived happily ever after.

move verb PROGRESS

[ I or T ] to (cause to) progress, change, or happen in a particular way or direction(使)进展;(使)发展

The judge's decision will allow the case to move forward.法官的决定将使诉讼得以继续进行。
If you want to move ahead in your career, you'll have to work harder.如果你想在事业上有所发展,就必须更努力地工作。
Share prices moved up/down slowly yesterday.昨天股价缓慢上涨/下跌。
Sophie has been moved up/down a grade at school.索菲在学校里跳/留了一级。
It's time this company moved into (= started to take advantage of the benefits of) the digital age.这家公司该实行数字化了。

More examples

I don't really like working on a computer, but you have to move with the times, I suppose.

Traffic moved forward at a crawl.

The company has moved into plastics.

The procession moved through the streets at a steady pace.

By lap 26, Hamilton had moved into second position.

move verb CAUSE

[ T ] to cause someone to take action促使,驱使

[ + obj + to infinitive ] formal I can't imagine what could have moved him to say such a thing.我想象不出是什么促使他说了这种话。


[ I or T ] to (cause to) change an opinion or the way in which you live or work(使)改变观点(或做法)

He's made up his mind, and nothing you can say will move him on the issue.他决心已定,你说什么也不能改变他对这件事的看法。
More and more people are movingaway from/towards vegetarianism.越来越多的人不再是/正成为素食主义者。

move verb FEELINGS

B2 [ T ] to cause someone to have strong feelings, such as sadness, sympathy, happiness, or admiration感动;引起,激起(情感)

She said that she was deeply moved by all the letters of sympathy she had received.她说她被收到的所有慰问信深深打动了。
It was such a sad film that it moved him to tears (= made him cry).这部电影十分伤感,令他落泪。

move verb SELL

[ I or T ] informal to sell卖掉,使脱手

No one wants to buy these toys - we just can't move them.没人想买这些玩具——根本就卖不出去。
This new shampoo is moving really fast.这种新洗发水销得很快。

move verb BE WITH PEOPLE

[ I + adv/prep ] to spend time with people进行社交活动;交往

She moves in/among a very small circle of people.她的社交圈子很小。

move verb SUGGEST

[ I or T ] specialized politics, law to suggest something, especially formally at a meeting or in a law court(在会议上)提出;提议;(向法庭)提出请求,申请

A vote was just about to be taken when someone stood up and said that they wished to move an amendment.正要开始表决,有人站起来说他们想提出修正案。
[ + that ] I move that the proposal be accepted.我提议接受这项建议。
Your Honour, we wish to move for dismissal of the charges.尊敬的法官大人,我们请求驳回这些指控。

move verb PASS

[ I or T ] polite word (used especially by doctors and nurses) to pass the contents of the bowels out of the body(尤为医护人员用语)(使)(肠道)排泄粪便

The doctor asked him if he'd moved his bowels that day.医生问他那天是否排过便。


C2 [ S ] an act of moving动;动作;移动

She held the gun to his head and said, "One move and you're dead!"她拿着枪对着他的头,说:“动一下你就没命了。”
I hate the way my boss watches my every move (= watches everything I do).我讨厌老板总是监视我的一举一动。

[ C ] in some board games, a change of the position of one of the pieces used to play the game, or a change of position that is allowed by the rules, or a player's turn to move their piece一步棋;(按规则)棋的可走方法

It takes a long time to learn all the moves in chess.要学会棋的各种走法需要花很长时间。
It's your move.该你走棋了。

More examples

She sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game.

My cactus seems to be benefiting from its move from the living room to the kitchen windowsill.

The cattle have had a move from the top field down into the meadow, I see.

"Where have the reference books gone?" "Oh - they've had a move. They're by the door now."

Agassi's move to the net was perfectly timed, and he is rewarded with two match points.


C1 [ C ] an occasion when you go to live or work in a different place搬家;迁移

We've had four moves in three years.我们3年里搬了4次家。

More examples

They helped us with our move to Norwich.

We have had three office moves in five years.

The move to Scotland was a big wrench for the children.

The film follows one family's move to Spain.

move noun ACTION

C1 [ C ] an action taken to achieve something行动;步骤;措施

Buying those shares was a good move.买那些股票是明智之举。
This move towards improving childcare facilities has been widely welcomed.这项改善保育设施的措施受到广泛欢迎。
[ + to infinitive ] The city council is making a move to improve traffic flow in the city.市议会正采取措施改善市区交通状况。
make the first move

to be the first to take action率先行动

Neither side seems prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace agreement.双方似乎都不愿为达成和平协议而率先迈出一步。

informal to start a romantic or sexual relationship with someone(对某人)主动展开追求

She's liked him for a long time, but doesn't want to make the first move.她喜欢他很长时间了,但不想主动追求他。

More examples

It was a shrewd move to buy your house just before property prices started to rise.

Quitting that job was the smartest move I ever made.

The newspaper made the bold move of publishing the names of the men involved.

"The children are getting rather bored, so shall we take them to the park?" "Yes, I think that would be a good move."

It was a brave move to stand up and question the boss's figures, but you certainly made him notice you!

BNC: 220 COCA: 207


1action to achieve sth; change in ideas, etc.行動;看法的改變ADJECTIVE | VERB + MOVE | MOVE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, important, major, radical, significant重要行動;根本的步驟;重大舉措decisive決定性的行動astute, brilliant, clever, good, inspired, sensible, shrewd, smart, wise高明的一招;英明之舉;聰明的一招;妙招;理智的行動;明智之舉bad糟糕的行動risky冒險之舉right正確的行動She wondered whether she had made the right move in telling the truth.她不知道講了實話是否做得對。false, wrong錯誤的行動One false move could lead to war.走錯一步就有可能引發戰爭。dumb (informal, especially NAmE) , stupid, unwise愚蠢之舉;不明智的舉動positive積極的行動aggressive咄咄逼人的舉動audacious, bold, brave, daring, strong大膽的行動;勇敢之舉;強有力的行動defensive防禦之舉serious認真之舉desperate, drastic不顧一切的舉動;極端之舉dramatic, shock (used in journalism新聞用語) , surprise, surprising, unexpected突然的舉動;令人震驚的舉動;驚人之舉;出人意料的舉動The company was put up for sale yesterday in an unexpected move by management.資方作出令人震驚之舉,竟在昨天宣佈要出售公司。unprecedented史無前例的舉動obvious明顯的舉動interesting有趣的舉動unusual不尋常的舉動controversial有爭議的行動conciliatory (especially BrE) 安撫性的行動popular受歡迎的行動gradual逐漸的改變rapid迅速的行動new新舉措current (BrE) 當前的轉變the current move towards / toward networked organizations當前向實現機構聯網邁出的一步latest, recent最新的行動next下一步行動first, initial第一個行動If he wants to see me, he should make the first move.如果他想見我,他該先採取主動。strategic, tactical戰略/戰術行動logical合理的行動unilateral單邊行動diplomatic, legal, military, political外交/法律/軍事/政治行動pre-emptive先發制人的行動cost-cutting降低成本的舉措career事業上走出的一步Getting a job in advertising was a good career move.在廣告業找一份工作是事業上的明智之舉。VERB + MOVEbe, represent是⋯的行動;代表着⋯的一步The talks represented the first significant move towards / toward peace.會談代表着向實現和平邁出了有實際意義的第一步。make採取措施The management has made no move to settle the strike.資方沒有採取措施解決罷工問題。pull (informal) 做出動作Don't you dare pull a move like that again.你再敢做出那樣的破事來。prompt促使行動initiate發起行動signal標誌着⋯行動The new legislation signals a move away from government involvement in telecommunications.新法規標誌着政府在退出電信業方面邁出了一步。spearhead帶頭行動The move is spearheaded by a prominent lawyer.這次行動是由一位知名律師牽頭的。back, encourage, support支持/鼓勵/擁護行動applaud, welcome讚揚/歡迎舉措condemn, criticize譴責/批評行動oppose, reject, resist反對/拒絕/抵制行動block阻止行動consider, contemplate, ponder考慮/深思/思考行動calculate, plan, plot籌劃/計劃/謀劃行動Now we must plot our next move.現在我們必須策劃下一步行動了。decide, decide on決定行動They are waiting for the results of the opinion polls before deciding their next move.他們在等待民意測驗的結果,然後決定下一步行動。anticipate預見行動announce宣佈舉措The government announced its move to ban smoking in public spaces.政府宣佈了在公共場所禁煙的舉措。MOVE + VERBtake place行動發生be afoot, be underway (especially BrE) 舉措在醞釀中;行動在進行中Moves are afoot to increase car insurance premiums.現在正醞釀着提高汽車保險費。fail行動失敗pay off行動取得成功prove sth舉動證明⋯The move proved a disaster.這次行動最終成了一場災難。be aimed at sth, be designed to do sth措施的目的在於⋯;措施旨在⋯a move designed to control inflation旨在控制通貨膨脹的措施allow (sb/sth) sth行動允許(⋯)⋯give (sb) sth行動給予(某人)⋯The move gave her career a boost.這一舉措對她的事業起了推動作用。mean sth行動意味着⋯The move meant lower costs.這一舉措意味着成本會更低。reflect sth舉措反映⋯The move reflects a change in approach to research.這項舉措反映了研究方法的改變。surprise sb舉動令某人驚訝PREPOSITIONin a/the move在行動中In a move which surprised everyone, the bosses fired several managers.老闆們解雇了好幾位經理,這一舉動令大家吃驚。move against反對⋯的行動a move against drug dealers打擊販毒的行動move away from背離⋯的措施a move away from the old Hollywood style of movie背離傳統好萊塢電影風格的做法move back to退回到⋯的做法a move back to old teaching styles倒退至老式教學法的舉動move to, move towards/toward邁向⋯的行動a move towards / toward greater trade liberalization邁向更大程度的貿易自由化的措施PHRASESa move in the right direction在正確方向上邁出的一步The new environmental regulations represent a move in the right direction.新的環境條例意味着向正確方向邁進了一步。


2change of place位置的變化ADJECTIVE | VERB + MOVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfalse錯誤的移動One false move and I'll shoot!亂動一下我就開槍!sudden突然的移動quick, swift快速的/迅速的移動smooth平滑的移動deft, nifty靈巧的/巧妙的移動graceful優雅的挪動finishing最後的移動acrobatic, dance, wrestling雜技動作;舞步;摔跤中的移步VERB + MOVEmake離去We should make a move (= leave).我們該走了。execute, perform移動bust (informal) 縱情熱舞Flavio and I were busting some moves on the dance floor.弗拉維奧和我當時正在舞場上縱情熱舞。complete完成動作practise/practice練習動作master掌握動作block阻止移動The soldier blocked the move with his free hand.那位士兵用空着的那隻手擋住了這一招式。PREPOSITIONmove to, move towards/toward朝⋯的移動She made a move towards / toward the door.她朝門口走去。PHRASESon the move在行進中His career as an engineer has kept him on the move (= moving from place to place).工程師這一職業使得他常年在各地奔波。follow sb/sth's every move, watch sb/sth's every move觀察⋯的一舉一動The cubs watched their mother's every move.這些幼崽緊盯着它們母親的一舉一動。get a move on趕緊We're leaving, so you'd better get a move on (= hurry).我們要走了,你最好抓緊。make a move for sth (informal) 朝⋯移動He made a move for (= in the direction of) the door.他朝着門口走去。


3change of house/job搬家;工作變動ADJECTIVE | MOVE + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEpermanent永久的變動lateral, sideways (BrE) 平級調動His new job was a lateral / sideways move rather than a promotion.他的新工作只是平調,沒有提升。house搬家off-season (NAmE, sport體育) 非賽季轉會impending逼近的變動MOVE + VERBtake place變動發生PREPOSITIONmove from, move to搬離⋯;搬到⋯a move from Ohio to Kansas從俄亥俄州搬到堪薩斯州


4in a board game棋盤遊戲ADJECTIVE | VERB + MOVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrilliant, good妙棋bad壞棋opening開局第一步棋chess棋步VERB + MOVElearn學習棋的走法She learned all the chess moves when she was four.她 4 歲時就學會了國際象棋的各種走法。play走一步棋PREPOSITIONon a/the move在某步棋上She captured the queen with her bishop on the 32nd move.她在第 32 步時用象吃掉了對方的后。
BNC: 220 COCA: 207
move noun
action (this latest move by the government) movement (Don't make any sudden moves.) make a, your, etc. move act verb get a move on hurry verb
move verb
move (Don't move!) act (move quickly to do sth) develop1 (Things are not moving as fast as we'd hoped.) go1 (traffic moves slowly) impress (moved by her plight) leave2 (move house) propose (I move that a vote be taken.)


move ♦︎ shift ♦︎ stir ♦︎ dislodge ♦︎ budgeThese words all mean to change position or make sb/sth else change position. 这些词均表示改变位置、移动或使改变位置。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to move / shift / stir / dislodge / budge (sth) from sthto move / shift (sth) from sth to sthwon't / wouldn't / refuse to move / shift / stir / budgeto hardly / barely move / shift / stir / budgeto move / shift / stir / budge slightly / a little move [intransitive, transitive] to change position; to make sb/sth else change position (使)改变位置;移动Don't move-stay perfectly still.别动,一点都别动。The bus was already moving when I jumped onto it.我跳上公共汽车的时候,车已经开动了。He could hear someone moving around in the room above.他听见楼上房间里有人走动。I can't move my fingers.我的手指动不了了。Move your chairs a little closer.把你们的椅子挪近一点。 shift [intransitive, transitive] (especially written) to move your body or your eyes from one position or place to another (将身体或目光)转移,移动She shifted uncomfortably in her chair.她在椅子上不安地动来动去。The little girl shifted her weight from one foot to another.小女孩把身体的重心从一只脚换到另一只脚上。He shifted his gaze from the child to her.他把目光从孩子身上移到她身上。In informal British English shift can also mean 'to move sth by picking it up and carrying it'. 在非正式英式英语中,shift亦可表示“挪动、搬动” (informal) Can you help me shift these boxes?你能帮我挪一下这些箱子吗? stir (-rr-) [intransitive, transitive] to move slightly or make sth move slightly 轻微移动;使微动She could hear the baby stirring in the next room.她听见婴儿在隔壁房间动弹。A slight breeze was stirring the branches.微风吹动着树枝。 dislodge dɪsˈlɒdʒ; NAmE dɪsˈlɑːdʒ [transitive] (rather formal) to force sth from a position in which it was fixed or stuck 强行去除;取出;移动The wind had dislodged one or two tiles from the roof.大风从屋顶上刮下来一两片瓦。 budge [intransitive, transitive] (usually used in negative statements 通常用于否定陈述) (rather informal) to move slightly or make sth move slightly, especially from a fixed position 轻微移动;使(从固定的位置)微动;挪动I pushed hard at the door but it wouldn't budge.我使劲推门,门却一动不动。We all heaved on the rope, but still couldn't budge the car from the mud.我们大家一起用力拉绳子,但还是没能把轿车从泥里拉出分毫。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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