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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To give your opinion
verb [T] /ɪkˈspres/
to tell someone about a feeling, opinion, or aim by speaking or writing about it (用言辞)表达,陈述(情感、想法或目标)

thoughts that he could not clearly express in words 他那无法用言辞表达清楚的想法

His teachers expressed concern about his progress at school. 他的老师们对他的学习进步情况表示关注。

The government has reportedly expressed an interest in the scheme. 据报道,政府已经对该计划表示出了兴趣。

I would like to express my thanks to my parents for their support. 我想感谢我的父母对我的支持。

The opinions expressed in this book are purely my own. 该书中所表达的纯粹是我个人的观点。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
used about a letter, book, or other piece of writing (通过信、书或其他文字)表达

a poem expressing grief at the death of a friend 一首表达对友人之死的悲恸之情的诗

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [I/T] /ˈkɒment/
to make a written or spoken remark, especially giving an opinion 评述;评论;(尤指对…)发表意见

The spokesman declined to comment. 发言人拒绝发表评论。

comment on :

I'm not in a position to comment on the matter. 我无权对这件事发表评论。

comment that :

Researchers who read the report commented that it had many errors. 读了这份报告的研究人员说里面错误百出。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
speak out
phrasal verb [I]
to state your opinion firmly and publicly about something, especially in order to protest against or defend something 坚定而公开地发表意见(尤指反对某事或为某事辩护);大胆地说

He had always spoken out in favour of gay rights. 他总是坚定而公开地为同性恋者的权利辩护。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /ɑː(r)ˈtɪkjʊleɪt/
[T] to express thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively 清楚地表达

It's difficult to articulate what I felt then. 很难说清楚我当时的感受。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
pronounce on
phrasal verb [T]
[pronounce on/upon something] to give your opinion on something, especially in a formal way (尤指正式地)对…发表看法

It is too early to pronounce on the success or failure of the reforestation project. 对重新造林项目的成败下定论还为时过早。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
sound off
phrasal verb [I]
to express your opinions loudly, especially in an unreasonable way (尤指无理地)大发议论,发泄不满
sound off about :

Maria's always sounding off about politics. 玛丽亚总是对政治大发议论。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /eə(r)/
[T] to say in public what your opinions or complaints about something are 公开表达

In an interview, the singer aired his views on family life. 在一次采访中,这位歌手公开表达了他对家庭生活的看法。

We hold meetings where residents' problems can be aired. 我们举行能公开居民问题的会议。

air your grievances (=complain) 抱怨;发牢骚 :

Employees should be given the opportunity to air their grievances. 雇员们应该有机会发发牢骚。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] /ˈfɔː(r)mjʊleɪt/
to express an idea or opinion in a careful organized way 准确地说明;系统地阐述

It took her a moment to formulate a reply. 她用了一段时间系统地进行了答复。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
put forward
phrasal verb [T]
to offer an idea, opinion, reason etc, especially so that people can discuss it and make a decision 提出(想法、观点、理由等)

He rejected all the proposals put forward by the committee. 他拒绝了委员会提出的所有建议。

 Synonyms and related words
To make a suggestion: suggest, put forward, propose...
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
run by
phrasal verb [T]
[run something by someone] to tell someone your ideas so that they can give you their opinion 与(某人)探讨(某事)

Can I run a few ideas by you? 我可以和你探讨一些看法吗?

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
More Synonyms
verb [T] very formal /əˈvɜː(r)/
to say something in a very determined way because you believe strongly in it or you are certain it is true 断言;坚称
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
come out
phrasal verb [I]
to state a decision or opinion officially or publicly 公布;宣布
come out in favour of/against (doing) something :

The commission has come out against the takeover. 委员会宣布反对这次接管。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
commit yourself
to give a definite opinion or make a definite decision 表态

She won't commit herself either way. 她不置可否。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
 Synonyms and related words
To make a decision: decide, determine, arrive at...
noun /ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪz(ə)m/
[U] the activity of giving your professional opinion about things such as new books, plays, or films 评论;批评

literary criticism 文学批评

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] formal /krɪˈtiːk/
to express your opinion about something after examining and judging it carefully and in detail 给…写评论;评论
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [I] /ˌedɪˈtɔːriəˌlaɪz/
to let your opinions show in a piece of writing where you should only be giving facts (在报道中)发表主观评论
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [I/T] very formal /ɪkˈspaʊnd/
to explain something or to express your opinion about it in detail 详细说明;解释;阐述

It will be an opportunity to expound the ideas he has been developing. 这将是一次机会,让他可以详细解释自己正逐步形成的那些想法。

expound on/upon :

He continued to expound on the failings of our educational system. 他继续阐述我们的教育体制的缺陷。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /ˈdʒenər(ə)laɪz/
to give an opinion about a group of people or things based on too few facts or only on a small number of instances (以偏概全地)推论
generalize about :

You can't generalize about the entire population like that. 你不可以那样以偏概全地对全部人口的情况进行推论。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
get/be on your soapbox
to tell other people your opinions in an annoying way 高谈阔论

He's always getting on his soapbox about student poverty.

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
have your say
to get the chance to say what you think about something 有发言机会

I'm speaking now. You can have your say later! 现在我在说话,过后你会有机会发言的!

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
lay/put your cards on the table
to tell people exactly what you are thinking or what you are intending to do 摊牌

I'm going to lay my cards on the table and say that I don't like the idea.

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
not pull any/your punches
to express your feelings and opinions, especially criticism, very clearly 直截了当地表达感受(尤指批评)

James did not pull any punches in his criticism of our work. 詹姆斯直截了当地表达了对我们工作的批评。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
 Synonyms and related words
To show or express emotions: show, display, manifest...
verb [T] /əbˈzɜː(r)v/
formal to make a written or spoken comment about someone or something 评述;评论;说

‘You always arrive at the right time,' he observed drily. “你总是来得这么巧。”他冷冰冰地说道。

observe that :

In his book he observes that the President was an able diplomat. 在书中他评述说总统是个外交能手。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] very formal /əʊˈpaɪn/
to state your opinion 认为;发表意见说
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /pɑːs/
[T] to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something 提出(批评或意见)
pass (a) comment (on/about) :

He was asked for his opinion but refused to pass comment. 人们问过他的看法,但他不置可否。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
pitch in
phrasal verb [I] informal
to give your opinion, ideas etc during a conversation (在谈话中)发表看法,阐述观点
pitch in with :

My brother pitched in with an offer to lend us some money. 我弟弟提出借给我们一些钱。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [I] formal /pɒnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/
to give your opinions in a way that shows you think you are definitely right, especially when this annoys other people 自以为是地发表意见;武断地作出判断
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
pronounce yourself satisfied/unsatisfied etc
to formally state that you are satisfied/not satisfied etc 宣称自己满意/不满意等

He pronounced himself delighted with the results. 他宣称自己对结果感到高兴。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] formal /prəˈpaʊnd/
to offer an idea or theory for other people to consider 提出(观点或理论)供考虑
 Synonyms and related words
To make a suggestion: suggest, put forward, propose...
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /prəˈtest/
[T] to try to make other people believe that something is true 分辩;声言;申明

To this day she still protests her innocence. 到今天她还分辩说她是清白的。

protest that :

He protested that he had no knowledge of their criminal activities. 他分辩说他对他们的犯罪活动一无所知。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
put forth
phrasal verb [T]
formal to state or offer an idea, opinion, plan etc 提出;建议

The government has put forth a modest plan to streamline the whole system. 政府已提出一个精简整个系统的谨慎计划。

 Synonyms and related words
To make a suggestion: suggest, put forward, propose...
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
raise your voice
to make your opinion clearly known 明确地发表意见

Voices were raised in protest at the proposed changes. 有人对所提议的种种变动表示了坚决的抗议。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /ˈredʒɪstə(r)/
[T] formal to make your opinion known publicly or officially 正式(或公开)发表(观点)

demonstrators seeking to register a protest against the new law 进行公开抗议反对新法律的示威者们

I decided to register a complaint with the manager. 我决定正式向经理投诉。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] /rɪˈmɑː(r)k/
to say a few words that give the facts or your opinion about something 评论;意见

‘This is quite delicious,' she remarked to her host. “真是太好吃了。”她对主人说。

remark on/upon :

People often remark on how alike John and Malcolm look. 人们经常谈论约翰和马尔科姆长得多么像。

remark that :

My father remarked that I looked unhappy. 我父亲说我看起来不开心。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /ˌreprɪˈzent/
to express the views and opinions of a group of people 代表(一群人)的意见(或观点)

a newspaper that claims to represent ‘Middle England' 一份声称代表“英格兰中产阶级”观点的报纸

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb /rɪˈvjuː/
[T] to write an article giving your opinion of a play, book, art exhibition etc 为(戏剧、书、艺术展等)写评论文章

The paper's music critic reviewed the production and was overwhelmed by its beauty. 该报纸的音乐评论家撰文评论这部音乐作品,并被它的美妙之处所深深折服。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
say your piece
to say what you really think about something 说出你的想法

Right, I've said my piece, so now you know what I think. 好了,我说了我的想法,你现在知道我怎么想了。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
speak up
phrasal verb [I]
to say what you think instead of saying nothing 大胆地说;说出来

If anyone has a better idea, please speak up. 如果有更好的想法,请说出来。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
spread the word/gospel/message
to tell a lot of people about an idea that you believe in 传播消息/教义/信息

They are spreading the word on the need for healthy eating. 他们正在宣传关于健康饮食的必要性的信息。

Campaigners worked tirelessly to spread the environmentalist message. 活动家们不知疲倦地工作,宣传环保信息。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
stake out
phrasal verb [T]
[stake out something] to explain your opinion clearly and defend it in a determined way 清楚阐述并坚决捍卫(自己的观点)

Political leaders are busy staking out their positions on this issue. 政治领导人们纷纷忙于表明自己在这个问题上的立场。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] /steɪt/
to express something in speech or writing, especially in a definite or formal way (尤指以明确或正式的方式)陈述,说明

‘Jemma is going back with me,' George stated firmly. “杰玛会和我一起回去,”乔治坚决地说。

The candidates stated their case at a series of meetings. 候选人在一系列的会议上陈述了他们的情况。

state that :

He stated that the project would be completed by April. 他说工程将于4月之前完工。

state a fact/opinion :

I'm not making excuses: I'm simply stating a fact. 我不是在找借口,我只是在陈述事实。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
stick/put/shove your oar in
phrase British informal
to give your opinion about something that other people are discussing without being asked to 多嘴;插嘴

We were fine until you stuck your oar in. 你没多管闲事以前我们挺好的。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
take a firm stand/line
to state your opinion and refuse to change it 采取强硬的立场/路线

The government has taken a firm line on illegal immigration. 政府已对非法移民采取强硬政策。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] /ˈventɪleɪt/
formal to express or discuss an opinion 发表,讨论(意见)
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
verb [T] /vɔɪs/
formal to express your opinions or feelings about something, especially negative feelings 表达,吐露(尤指消极情绪)

Human rights groups have voiced their concern over the treatment of refugees. 人权团体对难民待遇表示关切。

Matthew voiced some doubts about our plan. 马修对我们的计划表示有点怀疑。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
 Synonyms and related words
To show or express emotions: show, display, manifest...
 Synonyms and related words
verb /vəʊt/
[I/T] to formally express an opinion by choosing between two or more issues, people etc 投票;表决
vote on :

The Council will vote on the proposal next Friday. 市议会下周五将对这一提议投票表决。

vote for/in favour of/against :

68 per cent of the union voted against striking. 工会中68%的人投票反对罢工。

I'm going to vote for Jackson. 我打算投杰克逊的票。

vote to do something :

The committee voted unanimously to ban alcohol from the concert. 委员会一致决定在音乐会上禁酒。

vote with someone (=in the same way as someone) 与某人一样 :

The smaller parties will be voting with the government. 较小的党派将跟随政府。

vote Conservative/Labour etc :

I voted Labour at the last election. 我在上次选举中投了工党的票。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
vote with your feet/wallet
to express an opinion through your actions, for example by not going to a place or by deciding not to spend money 以行动表示不去/不买

Cinemagoers started voting with their feet. 电影院的常客开始不再去看电影了。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
put in/toss in/give your two cents' worth
phrase American
to give your opinion about something, even if people do not want to hear it
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion:express, comment, speak out...
stick your oar in
phrase British informal
to give your opinion about something that other people are discussing without being asked to 多嘴;插嘴
 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
vote with your feet/wallet/pocketbook
to express an opinion through your actions, for example by not going to a place or by deciding not to spend money 以行动表示不去/不买

Moviegoers started voting with their feet. 常看电影的人开始不再去看电影了。

 Synonyms and related words
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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