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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 3 COCA: 4
ofprepositionukweak /əv/ ukstrong /ɒv/ usweak /əv/ usstrong /ɑːv/

of preposition POSSESSION

A1 used to show possession, belonging, or origin(用于表示归属或来历)…的,属于

a friend of mine我的一位朋友
the president of the United States美国总统
employees of the company这家公司的雇员
the colour of his hair他头发的颜色
a habit of mine我的一个习惯
that revolting dog of hers她那条可恶的狗
the love of a good woman一个善良女人的爱
the complete plays of (= written by) Lorca洛尔卡戏剧全集

More examples

Those seats are reserved for senior members of the club.

He was elected Member of Parliament for Rushcliffe.

What's the name of that plant?

Sean doesn't like the smell of garlic.

Troops shot dead the leader of the rebels in an attack last night.

of preposition AMOUNT

A1 used after words or phrases expressing amount, number, or a particular unit(用于表示数量、数字或某一单位的词或短语之后)

a kilo of apples1公斤苹果
loads of food许多食物
hundreds of people数百人
most of them他们中的大多数
none of them他们中没有人
both of us我们俩
a third of all people所有人中的1/3
a speck of dust一粒灰尘
a drop of rain一滴雨

More examples

Do all of us agree on the matter?

He broke the world record by a tenth of a second.

Some of the players are not performing as well as they could.

I bought her a bunch of flowers for her birthday.

She failed the exam because she got two of the questions wrong.

of preposition CONTAINING

A1 containing含有…的

a bag of sweets一袋糖果
a bottle of beer一瓶啤酒
a book of short stories一本短篇小说集
a class of idiots一群白痴

More examples

I'll have a cup of coffee please.

He gave two bags of old clothes to the charity shop.

She smokes two packets of cigarettes a day.

He dropped a jar of peanut butter onto the floor.

The family looked through an album of old photographs.

of preposition POSITION

A2 used in expressions showing position(表示方位)

the top of his head他的头顶
the back of your dress你衣服的背部
on the corner of the street在街角
the front of the queue队伍的前部
I've never been north of Philadelphia.我从未去过费城以北的地方。

More examples

He hit the ball over the top of the trees.

They have recently painted the front of the house yellow.

He built a shed at the bottom of the garden.

The accident left him with a scar on the side of his face.

Use the index in the back of the book.

of preposition TYPICAL

typical or characteristic of…特有的,具有…特点的

She has the face of an angel.她有一张天使般的面孔。
That guy's got the personality of a dead fish!那个男人实在是无聊透顶、麻木不仁。

More examples

He's got the mental age of a three-year-old.

That was a stroke of genius.

She has all the attributes of a great player.

He has the patience of a saint.

She plays the piano with the skill of a professional.

of preposition DAYS

A1 used to refer to a particular date in a month(表示某月的某一天)

the eleventh of March3月11日
the first of the month这个月的1号

More examples

My birthday's on the fifth of July.

Today is the first of April.

Employees get paid on the last day of each month.

The book is published on the tenth of September.

of preposition MADE OF

made or consisting of; having由…制成的;由…组成的;含有…的

dresses of lace and silk蕾丝和丝绸制成的衣裙
plates of gold and silver金银制成的盘子
a land of ice and snow冰天雪地
a woman of great charm极富魅力的女子
a subject of very little interest了无趣味的话题

More examples

The barman made a cocktail of vodka and fruit juices.

He wore a coat of many colours.

The car was a wreck of twisted metal after the collision.

A feeling of great sadness came over him.

The captain inspired a sense of pride in his team.


used to connect particular adjectives and verbs with nouns(用于连接特定的形容词和名词)

fond of swimming喜爱游泳
sick of his excuses厌烦了他的借口
scared of spiders害怕蜘蛛

More examples

I'm bored of this game.

Paul is scared of heights.

He's very sure of himself.

He was wary of dogs since he was bitten as a child.

I'm tired of your complaining.

of preposition JUDGMENT

B2 used after an adjective when judging someone's behaviour(用于形容词后表示对某人行为的评判)

It was mean of you to mention her weight.你提到她的体重真是有点太刻薄了。
Thank you so much for my present. How thoughtful of you.谢谢你给我的礼物。你想得真周到。

More examples

It was careless of him to leave the door open.

It was sweet of her to tidy up afterwards.

It was reckless of her not to take precautions.

It was very heroic of him to dive into the cold water.

They agreed that it was naughty of him not to have asked permission.

of preposition RELATING TO

C1 about; relating to关于;与…有关的

Speaking of Elizabeth, here she is.说伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白就到。
One of the advantages of travelling by train is being able to read.乘火车旅行的好处之一就是能看书。
Let us consider the events of the last five months.让我们考虑一下过去5个月中发生的事情。
Of her childhood we know very little.我们对她的童年知之甚少。
formal And what of (= tell me about) young Adrian? How is he?小阿德里安的情况如何?他好吗?

More examples

Good luck in the exam. I'll be thinking of you.

He bought a map of the area so that he wouldn't get lost.

Going to the gym is not my idea of fun.

I think you've got the wrong impression of Tony.

Andrew didn't think much of the film, but I liked it.

of preposition THAT IS/ARE

that is/are(表示同位)…的…

the problem of homelessness无家可归的问题
a rise of two percent in inflation通货膨胀率上升2%
the skill of negotiating谈判的技巧
the difficulty of bringing up twins抚养双胞胎的艰难
the pain of separation分离的痛苦
At the age of six she could read a newspaper.6岁时她已能读报。

More examples

It was one of the advantages of being tall.

The students didn't understand the aim of the exercise.

He was taught the importance of wearing a helmet when cycling.

What is the meaning of that symbol?

He discovered the pleasure of gardening after he retired.

of preposition DONE TO

done to对…所做的

the massacre of hundreds of innocent people对数以百计无辜百姓的屠杀
the oppression of a nation对一个民族的压迫
the destruction of the rain forest对雨林的破坏

More examples

A crowd had gathered the watch the demolition of the building.

The agreement marked the creation of a new state.

The newspapers reported the sacking of the manager.

The photos show the abuse of prisoners.

We watched the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.

of preposition FELT BY

felt or experienced by…感受的;…经历的

the suffering of millions数百万人的苦难
the anguish of the murdered child's parents被杀孩子的父母的痛苦

More examples

To the delight of the supporters, the team equalized in the last minute.

The joy of the new parents was obvious to everyone.

The company's results confirmed the confidence of the board.

The singer fell off stage, much to the amusement of the crowd.

The teacher had earned the respect of the class.

of preposition THROUGH

B1 through; having as the cause通过;由于,因为

He died of cancer.他死于癌症。
I didn't have to go there - I did it of my own free will.我本不必去那里——我这么做完全出于自愿。
I want to know how it happened because it certainly didn't happen of itself.我想知道它是怎么发生的,因为它肯定不是自己就发生了。

More examples

He later died of his wounds.

She went of her own accord. No one asked her to go.

I'm tired of teaching. I'm going to look for a new job.

You did that out of spite.

He acted out of respect for his parents.

of preposition COMPARING

A2 used when comparing related things(用于比较)

I liked the green one best of all .我最喜欢绿色的那个。
Worst of all was the food!最差劲的是食物!
He's the best looking of the three brothers.他是三兄弟中长得最帅的一个。
I think that of all his books it's my favourite.我觉得在他所有的书中我最喜欢这一本。

More examples

Of all the places we visited, New Zealand was the most amazing.

Crete is the largest of the Greek islands.

The Eiffel Tower is the most famous of all Paris's landmarks.

In my opinion, it's the best of all the novels he's written.

The blue whale is the largest of all the animals.

of preposition TIME

US used in saying what the time is(用于表示时间)

It's ten (minutes) of five (= ten minutes before five o'clock).5点差10分。

More examples

It's twenty five of four.

We got there at five of nine.

of preposition SEPARATE FROM

used in expressions showing distance from something in place or time(表示空间或时间上的距离)离,距

We live within a mile of the school.我们住在距学校不到1英里的地方。
She came within two seconds of beating the world record.她离打破世界纪录差了不到两秒。

More examples

The firm is within a week of going bankrupt.

Does she live within walking distance of her parents?

The game was much enlivened when both teams scored within five minutes of each other.

The city was within range of the enemy missiles.

I came within an inch of losing my life on the rocks below.

of preposition LOSS

used in expressions showing loss(用于表示损失)

They were robbed of all their savings.他们的全部积蓄都被抢走了。
I feel I've been deprived of your company.我感觉我和你在一起的机会全被剥夺了。

More examples

They robbed the company of £2 million.

A last-minute injury robbed me of my place on the team.

She was desolated at the loss of her sister.

In hospital, she felt stripped of all her dignity.

He was stripped of his knighthood after he was convicted of stealing from the company.

of preposition DURING

old-fashioned during在…期间

I like to relax with a pipe of an evening.我喜欢在晚上抽一斗烟放松放松。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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