A2 [ I ] to push yourself suddenly off the ground and into the air using your legs跳,躍;跳躍
A2 [ I or T ] to push yourself suddenly off the ground in order to go over something跳躍;躍過
More examples
The children have jumped on the couch so much that they've ruined the springs.
In desperation, they jumped out of the window to escape the fire.
This will be her third try at jumping the bar.
My little daughter started jumping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn't go.
The rider was thrown as the horse jumped the fence.
B1 [ I usually + adv/prep ] to move or act suddenly or quickly突然(或快速)行動(或移動)
B2 [ I ] If a noise or action causes you to jump, your body makes a sudden sharp movement because of surprise or fear.(受驚等後)猛地一跳,突然一跳
More examples
I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.
He released the handbrake and the car jumped forwards.
I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower.
Whenever anyone criticizes her husband, she immediately jumps to his defence.
I enjoyed the movie but I found it quite bitty, jumping from one family's story to another.
[ I ] to increase suddenly by a large amount暴漲;激增
More examples
The price of petrol suddenly jumped 5p per litre.
Tell the children to be careful because the depth of the water jumps quite unexpectedly.
This year my son's height has jumped dramatically - he's taller than his sister now.
The price of the shares jumped after the takeover announcement.
I wouldn't expect the interest rate to jump again for some time.
[ I usually + adv/prep ] If a story, film, play, etc. jumps, it moves suddenly between different parts of it.(故事、電影、戲劇等在不同部分間)突然轉換,跳躍
[ T ] to avoid or leave out a point or stage from the correct order in a series略去,省掉
[ T ] informal to attack someone suddenly突然襲擊
[ T ] to go past or away from something illegally or wrongly逃離;逃避
to fail to appear for a court trial after being released until the trial in exchange for payment保釋後逃逸
If a place is jumping, it is crowded and full of life.擁擠熱鬧的
B1 a sudden movement off the ground and into the air一躍而起
a sudden sharp movement because of surprise or fear(受驚等後)猛地一跳,突然一跳
More examples
Only one competitor made a clear jump of the highest fence.
She copped out of the parachute jump at the last minute with some feeble excuse.
The athlete's third, and winning, jump was an exhibition of skill and strength.
He needs a good jump to score more than 9000 pts.
I was going to do a parachute jump but I wimped out at the last minute.
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net