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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1206 COCA: 1088
be born

A2 to come out of a mother's body, and start to exist出生

She was born in 1950.她生於1950年。
We saw a lamb being born.我們看到小羊羔降生。
Diana was born into an aristocratic family.黛安娜生於貴族之家。
Ann was born and brought up in Delaware.安出生於特拉華州並在那兒長大。

More examples

Their baby was born last December.

As soon as the baby is born he'll start to take an interest in the world around him.

Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.

He was born in the small town of Castleford, in Yorkshire.

Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only one kilogram.

having started life in a particular way(以某種方式)出生,出世

The toll of babies born with AIDS is rising.出生即爲艾滋病攜帶者的嬰兒在不斷增加。
Stevie Wonder was born blind.史蒂維·旺德先天失明。

C2 formal or literary If an idea is born, it starts to exist.(想法)産生,形成

born of sth formal

existing as the result of something來自於…,産生於…

With a courage born of necessity, she seized the gun and ran at him.迫於情勢,她平生出一股勇氣,拿起槍向他沖去。

having a natural ability or liking天生的;命中注定的

a born writer/athlete天生的作家/運動員
[ + to infinitive ] I felt born to take care of animals.我感到我天生擅長照料動物。

born in the way, place, or order mentioned…出生的;…産生的

Ben Okri is a Nigerian-born poet and novelist.本·奧克利是出生於尼日利亞的詩人和小說家。
the first-born son長子
BNC: 1206 COCA: 1088


be born ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBprematurely早產PREPOSITIONinto生於⋯之家She was born into a wealthy family.她生在有錢人家。of (formal) 生於⋯to be born of noble parents生於貴族之家to⋯所生babies who are born to very young mothers非常年輕的媽媽生的孩子with與生俱來Their child was born with a serious medical problem.他們的孩子生來就有嚴重的疾病。PHRASESbe born alive, be born dead生下來時是活的/死的be born and bred, be born and brought up, be born and raised (especially NAmE) 出生並被養育I was born and bred in Texas.我生於得克薩斯,長於得克薩斯。be born blind, deaf, etc.先天盲、先天聾等be born out of wedlock, be born outside marriage, be born outside of marriage (especially NAmE) 非婚生
BNC: 1206 COCA: 1088
born adj.
be born and bred bring sb up phrasal verb

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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