A2 [ U ] some but not all of a thing部分,局部
C2 partly, or to some degree部分地;在一定程度上
to an important degree在很大程度上,多半
More examples
Exercise has become part of my daily routine.
They've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.
Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
Taking responsibility for yourself is part of the process of growing up.
Unfortunately, accidents are part of life.
A1 [ C ] a separate piece of something, or a piece that combines with other pieces to form the whole of something构成部分,组成部分
B2 [ C ] one of the pieces that together form a machine or some type of equipment零件,部件
[ C ] a single broadcast of a series of television or radio programmes or a division of a story(电视连续剧或连播剧的)集,节,段;(小说的)部,篇
[ C ] one of two or more equal, or almost equal, measures of something一等份
B1 [ C ] one of the characters in a film, play, or dance, or the words, actions, or movements that are said or done by that character角色;台词,表演
[ C ] the music that a particular musician plays in a group部;声部
used to refer to an area of the country地区,区域
More examples
The old city around the cathedral is the most colourful part of town.
Detach the lower part of the form from this letter and return it to the above address.
This part of the book isn't very interesting, so I'm going to skip over it.
It's a real fiddle to assemble because of all the small parts.
Each part of the organization operates independently of the others.
B1 to be involved in an activity with other people参加,参与
[ U ] involvement in or responsibility for an activity, or action职责,作用
C2 [ I or T ] to separate or cause something or someone to separate(使)分开
[ T ] If you part your hair, you arrange it so that it falls on either side of your head by separating it with a line down the middle or on one side.梳分(头发)
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net