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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Ends, finishes and final stages
noun [C] /end/
the final part of a period of time (时间的)最后一段,末尾
at the end of something :

You're going on holiday at the end of this month, aren't you? 你月底要去度假,是不是?

by the end of something :

The work should be completed by the end of the year. 这项工作应该在年底前完成。

the very end :

It was only at the very end of the 19th century that this practice was abolished. 直到19世纪末这一惯例才被废除。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the final part of something such as a book, film, or piece of music (书、电影、音乐等的)结尾

You don't really know what it's all about until the end. 直到结尾你才真正明白这到底讲的是什么。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops 结束;终止

Are you going to stay till the end of the game? 你要呆到比赛结束吗?

This agreement could mean the end of the nuclear threat. 这一协议也许意味着核威胁的结束。

at the end of something :

At the end of the war the government made many promises for a better future. 在战争结束时,政府许下了许多关于创造更美好未来的诺言。

the end of the world :

Astrologers have been predicting the end of the world ever since the Middle Ages. 自中世纪以来,占星家就一直在预测世界末日。

an end to something :

We want to put an end to discrimination. 我们要终结歧视。

no end in sight to something (=something seems likely to continue) 某事没有要中止的迹象 :

There is still no end in sight to the slaughter and the suffering. 屠杀与苦难似乎还没有要中止的迹象。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] /ˈendɪŋ/
a time when something stops permanently 终结;终止
ending of :

Officials have announced the ending of price controls. 官员们已经宣布了物价控制的终止时间。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] /ˈfɪnɪʃ/
the end of something 结束;终结

A swim in the sea seemed a perfect finish to the day. 到海里去游泳似乎为那天画上了完美的句号。

I didn't see the finish of the game. 我没有看到比赛结束。

from start to finish :

The holiday was absolute bliss from start to finish! 这个假期自始至终过得都快乐极了!

a close/tight finish :

Turnbull came in second in a very close finish. 特恩布尔以极微小的差距获得第2名。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /kənˈkluːʒ(ə)n/
[singular] formal the end of something 结束
conclusion to :

The team has enjoyed a highly successful conclusion to the season. 这支球队在本赛季取得了非常圆满的结局。

bring something to a conclusion :

The sooner the war is brought to a satisfactory conclusion the better. 战争越快完满结束越好。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/
[C/U] the act of stopping something or of taking something away 取消;停止;拿走
withdrawal of :

Their withdrawal of support forced the minister to resign. 他们不再支持部长,这使他被迫辞职。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /ˈkləʊʒə(r)/
[U] the end of something such as a discussion, piece of writing, activity, or event (讨论、写作、活动或事件的)结尾,末尾
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
[U] the feeling that an unpleasant experience has ended or been settled (对不愉快经历的)解脱感
bring/achieve closure :

The investigation should bring some closure to the relatives of those who have died. 调查应当能给死者亲属带来一些解脱感。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [U] /ˈpɑːsɪŋ/
the process by which something ends or stops existing 结束;消失
passing of :

It's sad to see the passing of their traditional way of life. 目睹他们传统生活方式的消亡,真是令人伤感。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [singular] /kləʊz/
the end of something such as a period of time, event, or activity 末尾;结尾
close of :

towards the close of the 18th century 临近18世纪末

at the close of business/trading :

Shares were unchanged at 48p at the close of business today. 今天到收盘时,股价仍然保持在48便士不变。

draw/come to a close :

The event occurred at the time when the Stone Age was drawing to a close. 事件发生在石器时代即将结束的时候。

bring/draw/call something to a close :

I will do anything to help bring this matter to a close. 我将尽力帮忙解决这件事。

It's time to call this meeting to a close. 到了结束会议的时候了。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [U] British /ɪkˈspaɪəri/
the end of a period of time during which an agreement, offer, or official document exists or can be used 终止;期满;到期

the expiry of a lease 租约的期满

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
back end
noun [singular] /ˈbæk ˌend/
the end of a period of time

We saw a noticeable improvement in trading conditions towards the back end of our financial year.

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages:end, ending, finish...
More Synonyms
noun [U] /ˌæbəˈlɪʃ(ə)n/
the official end to a law, system, practice etc 废止;废除

the abolition of the death penalty 死刑的废除

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
a clean break
a sudden complete end to something such as a relationship or a period of time spent in a place 决裂;彻底破裂
make a clean break :

After the divorce, I decided to make a clean break and moved to a new town. 离婚后,我决定来个彻底的了断,搬到别的城市去。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
a grinding halt
a situation in which something gradually stops operating completely 逐渐地完全停止;逐渐地彻底停顿

A transport strike brought the capital to a grinding halt. 交通系统的罢工使首都完全陷入了瘫痪状态。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [singular] /əˈpɒkəˌlɪps/
a time when the whole world will be destroyed 世界末日
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /ˌkænsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
[C/U] a decision to stop something that has been arranged from taking place 取消

the cancellation of yesterday's game 昨天比赛的取消

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C/U] formal /seˈseɪʃ(ə)n/
an end to something 终止;停止
cessation of :

a cessation of hostilities 停战

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] /ˈkəʊdə/
something that happens at the end of a series of events (一系列事件的)结局
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /kəmˈpliːʃ(ə)n/
the time when an activity or job is finished 完成期

The completion date for the tunnel is December 2010. 该隧道的竣工日期定在2010年12月。

nearing completion :

Restoration work on the church is nearing completion. 教堂的修缮工作即将完成。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [U] formal /ˌkɒnsəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/
the time at which something is finally completed 完成;圆满;实现

the consummation of her whole life's work 她毕生努力最终取得的圆满成功

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /deθ/
[singular] the time when something ends or the fact that it ends 结束;终止;消亡
death of :

the death of apartheid in South Africa 南非种族隔离制度的终结

spell the death of something (=cause the end of it) 引起某物的消亡 :

These regulations could spell the death of the industry. 这些规定可能会使该行业消亡。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
death blow
noun [C]
an action or event that causes the sudden and complete end of something important 导致突然结束的行为;导致突然失败的事
deal a death blow to something :

The injury dealt a death blow to his hopes of winning the final. 受伤使他赢得决赛的希望顿时化为泡影。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
death knell
noun [singular]
an event or situation that is a sign of the end of something 事物完结的信号;丧钟
sound the death knell of/for something :

The arrival of supermarkets sounded the death knell of small shops. 超级市场的到来敲响了小商店的丧钟。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
death throes
noun [plural]
the final stages of something before it comes to an end or fails completely (某事终结或失败前的)最后阶段
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [singular] very formal /dɪˈmaɪz/
the time when something stops existing 消亡;不复存在

the demise of the typewriter in this computer age 在这个计算机时代打字机的消失

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] formal /deɪˈnuːmɒ̃/
the end of a book, play, or series of events, when everything is explained (书籍、戏剧或一系列事件的)结局,收场
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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
 Synonyms and related words
the time in the future when some people believe that the world will end 世界末日
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the dying moments/seconds of something
the period of time just before something ends 某事行将结束的时候

He scored in the dying moments of the game.

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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the eleventh hour
the last possible moment that you can do something, especially prevent something bad from happening (尤指可以阻止坏事发生的)最后一刻,最后关头

An agreement was reached at the eleventh hour. 协议在最后一刻才达成。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /ˈembə(r)/


[plural] the last moments or parts of something 最后时刻;最后部分

the embers of the past 历史的余烬

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [U] /ɪˈmɜː(r)dʒ(ə)ns/
the process of stopping being involved in a difficult situation or period of time 摆脱(困境)
emergence from :

the company's emergence from bankruptcy 公司摆脱破产的困境

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
end game
noun [C]
the final part of a game, battle, or political process when the result is decided (比赛、战争或政治进程的)最后阶段
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the end of the road/line
phrase spoken
the moment when someone or something has to stop, for example because they cannot succeed or improve (由于失败或无进展等)停止,结束

It looks like the peace process has come to the end of the line.

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [U] American /ˌekspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/
the expiry of something 结束;到期
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the fag end of something
the last and worst part of something 最糟糕的末尾部分

The debate will be held in the run-up to the general election at the fag end of the Parliament.

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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the final curtain
mainly literary the end of something, especially life (尤指生命的)终结
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] /fɪˈnɑːli/
the last event in a series of events, especially one that is very exciting or impressive (尤指激动人心或令人印象深刻的一系列事件的)结尾
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [U] formal /faɪˈnæləti/
the fact or feeling that something has ended and has no possible future 终结;定局;终结感;定局感

the finality of death 死亡的定局

There was a terrible air of finality about the whole occasion. 整个场面有一种可怕的终结气氛。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
finishing/final touch
something that you add or do to make something complete 最后的修饰;最后的润色

The band is putting the finishing touches to their third album. 该乐队正在对他们的第3张专辑进行最后的润色。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the finishing touch/touches
the last small details that make something complete 最后的润饰;最后的加工

The organisers are currently putting the finishing touches to this autumn's events.

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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
grand finale
noun [C]
an impressive end to something (某事)令人难忘的结局
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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the home straight
noun British
the last part of an activity or process (活动或进程的)最后部分

It's been a long job but we're finally on the home straight. 这活儿干很久了,但总算到最后阶段了。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [singular] /nel/
a death knell 事物完结的信号;丧钟
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the last/final straw
the last of a series of events that causes an angry or violent reaction 最后一根稻草;(一系列事件中)最终使人无法忍受的事

When he didn't come home that night, it was the last straw. 他那晚没回家,事情已让人忍无可忍了。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
last gasp
the end of something 最后时刻;结尾

the last gasp of economic activity in this depressed part of the country 这个国家经济萧条地区最后的经济活动

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the last lap
the last stage of something long and difficult (漫长而艰难的某事物的)最后一个阶段(或时期)
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
loose end
noun [C] [usually plural]
the final details or parts of something that you have not yet completed or dealt with 未了结的部分;未了结的零星事物
tie up the loose ends (=complete them) 完成某事;收拾残局 :

There are just one or two loose ends of the case to tie up. 此案只有一两个零星问题有待了结。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [singular] literary /kwaɪˈiːtəs/
an end to something, usually something unpleasant (通常指不愉快的事的)结束,了结
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the tail end
the very last part of something 末尾;结尾;尾部;尾端

We just caught the tail end of the show. 我们只赶上了表演的结尾部分。

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /tɜː(r)m/
formal the end of the period of time that something lasts, especially a legal, business, or financial agreement (尤指法律、商业或财务协定的)到期,终止
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun /ˌtɜː(r)mɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/
[C/U] the end of an agreement, job, or situation 结束;终止
termination of :

The board may order the termination of all research activities. 董事会可能会下令终止所有的研究活动。

He is now suing his employer for wrongful termination.

 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] /ˈwaɪnd ˌdaʊn/
the time or process when you gradually do less of an activity because you are preparing to stop completely 逐渐减少;慢慢终止
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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
noun [C] /ˈwaɪnd ʌp/
the process of ending something 结束;终结
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Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...
the home stretch
the last part of an activity or process (活动或进程的)最后部分
 Synonyms and related words
Ends, finishes and final stages: end, ending, finish...

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