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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Fame and renown
noun [U] /feɪm/
the state of being famous 名声;声望;名誉

Kundera achieved international fame while banned in his own country. 昆德拉在自己的祖国遭禁,却获得了国际声望。

fame and fortune (=a lot of money) 名利 :

Fame and fortune have come easily to Jo. 乔轻而易举地名利双收。

rise/shoot to fame (=become famous quickly) 一举成名 :

Albert Finney rose to fame in the British cinema of the early Sixties. 艾伯特·芬尼在 60 年代初的英国电影界一举成名。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [U] formal /rɪˈnaʊn/
the state of being famous and admired for a special skill or achievement 名望;声誉
 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun /səˈlebrəti/
[U] formal the state of being famous 出名;著名

Unlike many actors, he never enjoyed his celebrity. 和许多演员不同的是,他从不喜欢出名。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [U] /ˈprɒmɪnəns/
the state of being important or well known 重要;著名

This case gave new prominence to the problem of domestic violence. 这件事情使家庭暴力问题重新获得了关注。

His family rose to prominence in the 1990s. 他的家族在20世纪90年代上升为名门望族。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [U] /ˈɡreɪtnəs/
a position of power, success, or respect (权势、成就或荣誉的)显赫,伟大,崇高

a woman destined for greatness 注定有所建树的女人

 Synonyms and related words
Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...
 Synonyms and related words
General words for success: success, luck, triumph...
 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [U] /ˈstɑː(r)dəm/
the state of being very famous, especially as a film star or entertainer 明星身份

She seems destined for stardom. 她似乎注定要成为明星。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [U] /ˌɪmɔː(r)ˈtæləti/
the fact of being immortal or being famous enough to be remembered for a long time 永生;不朽;永存;流芳百世
 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [U] /ˌnəʊtəˈraɪəti/
a situation in which someone or something is famous for something bad 臭名昭著;声名狼藉

The regime gained notoriety for its harsh treatment of political prisoners. 该政权因粗暴虐待政治犯而臭名昭著。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun [C] /ˈspɒtˌlaɪt/

the spotlight

a situation in which you get a lot of public attention 公众的瞩目
in/under the spotlight :

They're in the media spotlight both nationally and internationally. 不论在本国还是在国际上他们都是媒体瞩目的人物。

out of the spotlight :

She's enjoying life out of the spotlight. 她享受着不受公众瞩目的生活。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
noun /ɪkˈspəʊʒə(r)/
[U] things that are written or said about a person, product, event etc that make them well known 宣传;报道

Both candidates are getting a lot of exposure in the press. 双方候选人都在媒体上得到了很多宣传。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
More Synonyms
claim to fame
phrase often humorous
the thing that makes a person or place famous or interesting 出风头的事

My claim to fame is that I once shook hands with Nelson Mandela. 最让我出风头的事是我曾经和纳尔逊·曼德拉握过手。

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown: fame, renown, celebrity...
someone's fifteen minutes of fame
a very short period when someone is famous and is often referred to in newspapers or on the television

She had her fifteen minutes of fame when she almost won Big Brother a couple of years ago.

 Synonyms and related words
Fame and renown:fame, renown, celebrity...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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