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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Special, unusual or exciting things, events and people
noun /ˈnɒv(ə)lti/
[C] something new and unusual 新鲜事物;新奇事物

In the 1950s, television was still a novelty. 在20世纪50年代,电视机仍是个新鲜事物。

 Synonyms and related words
noun /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti/
[C] something unusual and interesting 珍品;奇事;奇物
 Synonyms and related words
noun [C] /ˈhæp(ə)nɪŋ/
an event that is unusual or important 不寻常的事件;重要的事件

There have been some strange happenings in the village lately. 近来村里一直怪事不断。

 Synonyms and related words
noun /ˈspektək(ə)l/
[C/U] an unusual, exciting, or impressive event or sight 壮观的景象;奇观

Watching a lion chase its prey is one of nature's most exciting spectacles. 观看狮子追捕猎物是自然界最激动人心的壮观场面之一。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [C/U] /ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)n/
someone or something that is different in some way from other people or things and so cannot be included in a general statement 例外;除外

New technology stocks have done badly in recent months, but Autonomy has been an exception. 新的科技股近几个月表现很差,但自主公司是个例外。

notable/rare exception :

Most nurses are women; the most notable exceptions are psychiatric nurses. 大多数护士都是女性,但精神病科护士是最明显的例外。

exception to :

There are some exceptions to every grammatical rule. 每条语法规则都有一些例外的情况。

 Synonyms and related words
noun /əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n/
[C] a special or important time or event 特殊(或重大)场合;特殊(或重大)事件

The first opening of a Scottish parliament for 300 years was a historic occasion. 苏格兰议会300年以来的首次会议是一次重大的历史性事件。

special occasion :

The dress is perfect for a special occasion. 这件连衣裙非常适合于在特别的场合穿着。

mark an occasion (=celebrate it) 庆祝 :

We should mark the occasion in some way. 我们应该以某种方式来庆祝一下。

on the occasion of something (=when something special happens) 在某事发生之际 :

There was a celebration on the occasion of the school's anniversary. 在学校建校周年纪念之际有个庆祝活动。

 Synonyms and related words
General words meaning event: episode, event, incident...
 Synonyms and related words
noun /strəʊk/
an unexpected but important event or action (意外但重要的)事件,行动,举动
a stroke of luck/good fortune :

Winning the lottery was quite a stroke of luck. 彩票中奖大多靠运气。

a stroke of genius/inspiration/brilliance :

Using green as a background was a real stroke of genius (=an idea that shows great intelligence). 用绿色做背景真是天才之举。

a bold/master stroke :

These plans are seen as a bold stroke by the local council. 这些计划被当地的市议会看作是一个大胆举措。

 Synonyms and related words
noun /ˈpærədɒks/
[C] a person, thing, or situation that is strange because they have features or qualities that do not normally exist together (人、事物或情况)自相矛盾

We get this apparent paradox of people migrating to an area that has very high unemployment. 我们得出这样一个显然是自相矛盾的结论:人们移民到的是失业率极高的地区。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [C/U] formal /ˌæbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/
something that is not normal or not what you would usually expect 反常;异常;偏离

a genetic aberration 基因畸变

 Synonyms and related words
noun /ˈnʌmbə(r)/
[C] informal someone or something that is unusual or attractive 引人注目的人;有吸引力的事物

She was wearing a little black number (=dress or outfit). 她身穿一款漂亮的黑色小套装。

 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
a breath of fresh air
informal someone or something that is new, interesting, and exciting 使人耳目一新的人;带来新鲜感的事物;新的活力
 Synonyms and related words
Aladdin's Cave
noun [C] British /əˌlædɪnz ˈkeɪv/
a place that is full of exciting and unexpected things 阿拉丁的洞穴(指藏满令人心动的意外之物的地方)
 Synonyms and related words
noun [C] /ˌæpəˈrɪʃ(ə)n/
humorous someone who looks very strange or unusual 幽灵般的人;似鬼怪的人
 Synonyms and related words
a real live
phrase informal
used for emphasizing that an example of an interesting or unusual type of person or thing is present (用于强调某个有意思的或不寻常的人或物在现场)活生生的…

A real live film star was standing on my doorstep. 一个活生生的电影明星就站在我家门阶上。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [plural] spoken /ˌkæriɪŋz ˈɒn/
unusual, surprising, or annoying behaviour 怪异的行为;令人吃惊的行为;讨厌的行为
 Synonyms and related words
cheap thrill
noun [C]
something that is exciting but does not give real satisfaction 华而不实的东西
 Synonyms and related words
conversation piece
noun [C]
an interesting or unusual object that attracts attention and makes people start talking about it 可作话题的东西;谈资
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noun [C] /ˈkjʊəriəʊ/
an object that is very old or unusual 古董;古玩;珍品
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noun [C] mainly American informal /ˈduːzi/
something that is extremely unusual or special 异乎寻常的东西
 Synonyms and related words
noun /ˈdrɑːmə/
[C/U] something unusual or exciting that happens 戏剧性事件

a game full of drama 富有戏剧性的比赛

a drama unfolds (=takes place) 发生戏剧性的事 :

A crowd had gathered to watch the drama unfold. 一群人聚扰过来观看那个戏剧性事件的发生。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [U] /ˈdaɪnəmaɪt/
mainly journalism something exciting and shocking that could cause a lot of problems 爆炸新闻

Her revelations look like being political dynamite. 她所披露的事实看起来像是政治爆炸新闻。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [C] /friːk/
something with very unusual features that make it very different from other things of its type 怪异的事物
 Synonyms and related words
noun [C] /frɪndʒ/
people or activities that are considered strange or extreme 偏激的人;极端的活动

Their views belong to the wilder fringes of European politics. 他们的观点属于欧洲政治中的极端派。

on the fringe/fringes :

He has been forced to live on the fringes of society. 他被迫生活在社会的边缘。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [plural] informal
events or activities that are strange, dishonest, or illegal (奇怪的、不诚实的或非法的)事件,行为
 Synonyms and related words
the odd one/man out
someone or something that is different from the others in a group or list 与同组中其他人(或物)不同者;与众不同者

See if you can spot the odd one out in the list. 让我看看你能否在名单中把那个与众不同的找出来。

 Synonyms and related words
someone or something that is remaining after others form pairs, groups, or sets (分组后)剩余的人,剩余的东西

If we work in groups of three there won't be an odd one out. 如果我们3人一组干活,就不会有人剩下。

 Synonyms and related words
on/for high days and holidays
phrase British
on or for special occasions 在/为了特殊日子

The drawing room is used only on high days and holidays. 这个客厅只有在特殊日子才用。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [U] informal /pɔː(r)n/
when preceded by a noun referring to a non-sexual subject, images, publications, or broadcasts that treat the subject in an intense way that appeals to the senses

How did we all get addicted to food porn?

Property is treated like a religion here, with a fixation on property porn.

This meaning is based on one submitted to the Open Dictionary from United Kingdom on 04/09/2014
 Synonyms and related words
red-letter day
noun [C] informal
a very happy or exciting day 喜庆的日子;值得纪念的日子
 Synonyms and related words
noun /senˈseɪʃ(ə)n/
[singular] an event that causes a lot of excitement and interest 轰动一时的事件

The show caused a sensation when it was first performed. 该剧首次上演即引起了轰动。

 Synonyms and related words
noun [C] /ˈtæbləʊ/
an unusual or impressive scene that you remember for a long time 非同寻常的场面;令人难忘的场面

The ceremony made a wonderful tableau. 该典礼令人难以忘怀。

 Synonyms and related words
thrills and spills
phrase informal
exciting things that happen 紧张刺激的事情
 Synonyms and related words
noun [C] American very informal /ˈluˌlu/
someone or something that is very unusual or extreme, often in a silly or unpleasant way

a lulu of a storm

His last girlfriend was a real lulu.

 Synonyms and related words

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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