🔍 牛津詞典
🔍 朗文詞典
🔍 劍橋詞典 🎯
🔍 柯林斯詞典
🔍 麥美倫詞典
🔍 韋氏詞典

(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
in lieu (of)

instead (of)替代,取代(同 instead (of))

He worked on Sunday and took Monday off in lieu.他周日工作,这样周一可以休息。
They gave some books in lieu of payment for the work I did.对我做的这些工作,他们给了我一些书作为报酬而不是付钱。
The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes.诺福克公爵把这些画留给了国家,以代替交纳遗产税。

See also: lieu

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
Site Uptime