[ C ] a large female adult mammal such as an elephant, a whale, or a seal(象、鲸、海豹等)雌性動物
More examples
The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.
We watched the cow suckling her calves.
The cows were grazing in the meadow.
We visited a dairy farm and saw the cows being milked.
A cow goes 'moo' and a dog goes 'bow-wow'.
[ S ] Australian English informal something difficult or unpleasant難辦的事;討厭的事情
to frighten someone into doing something, using threats or violence(以威脅或暴力)使害怕,嚇唬,恐嚇
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net