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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 126 COCA: 152

old adjective NOT YOUNG/NEW

A1 having lived or existed for many years老的;年老的;古老的

an old man老人
We're all getting older.我们都老了。
I was shocked by how old he looked.他看上去那么老让我很震惊。
Now come on, you're old enough to tie your own shoelaces, Carlos.好,来吧,卡洛斯,你那么大了,该自己系鞋带了。
I'm too old to be out in the clubs every night.我老大不小了,不能每晚总在夜总会里胡混。
a beautiful old farm house in the country乡下一间漂亮的古老农舍
a battered old car残破的旧汽车
That's an old joke - I've heard it about a thousand times.那是个老掉牙的笑话——我听过不知多少次了。
I think this cheese is old, judging by the smell of it.从气味上判断,我觉得这块奶酪有点陈了。
too old disapproving UK also a bit old, US also a little old

unsuitable because intended for older people(因目标使用者为年龄更大一些的人而)不适合的

Don't you think that book is too old for you?你不觉得这本书是给年龄大一些的人看的,对你来说不合适吗?

More examples

A group of old men sat playing dominoes.

Many buildings in the old part of the city are falling down, and the government has no money to repair them.

As people get older, they often become set in their ways.

It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building.

There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts.

old adjective WHAT AGE

A1 used to describe or ask about someone's age…岁的

How old is your father?你父亲多大年龄了?
Rosie's six years old now.罗茜现在6岁了。
It's not very dignified behaviour for a 54-year-old man.对于一个54岁的人来说,这种行为太有失体面了。
He's a couple of years older than me.他比我大几岁。

More examples

An adult under British law is someone over 18 years old.

Most children in the UK remain in full-time education until they are at least 16 years old.

How old is his daughter?

The trial was held in camera because the accused was only 14 years old.

He asked me how old I was and, lying through my teeth, I said '29'.

old adjective FROM THE PAST

A2 [ before noun ] from a period in the past过去的;旧时的,从前的,以前的

I saw my old English teacher last time I went home.上次我回家时见到了我从前的英语老师。
He bought me a new phone to replace my old one.他给我买了一个新电话取代了那个旧的。
She showed me her old school.她领我参观了她的母校。
I saw an old boyfriend of mine.我看见了我的一个前男友。
In my old job I had less responsibility.我以前的那份工作职责没有这么多。

More examples

After six months of chopping and changing, we've decided to go back to our old system.

Just by coincidence, I met my old school-mate again 50 years later.

It will only complicate the situation if we invite his old girlfriend as well.

The new Prime Minister is cultivating relationships with old Eastern Bloc countries.

The new house is not dissimilar to our old one except that it's a bit bigger.

old adjective LANGUAGE

Old English, French, etc.

a language when it was in an early stage in its development古英语/法语等

old adjective VERY FAMILIAR

A2 [ before noun ] (especially of a friend) known for a long time(尤指朋友)老的,结识久的

She's one of my oldest friends - we met in kindergarten.她是我的老朋友之一——我们上幼儿园时就认识了。

[ before noun ] informal used before someone's name when you are referring to or talking to them, to show that you know that person well and like them(用于人名前表示亲密、熟识的称呼)老…

There's old Sara working away in the corner.老萨拉在角落里埋头苦干。
I hear poor old Frank's lost his job.我听说可怜的老弗兰克失业了。

More examples

Dashed decent of you, old boy!

They did a few old hits as/for an encore.

"I can't eat this meat - it's too tough." "You old fusspot - give it here and I'll eat it!"

He's a miserable old git.

He's an insipid old bore.

the old

old people considered together as a group老年人,长者

These cuts in services will particularly affect the old.许多服务项目被取消,这样做对老年人的影响尤其大。

More examples

The old are particularly vulnerable to these fraudsters.

These holidays are aimed at the old.

The old tend to have a different perspective on war.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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