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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 4136 COCA: 4505


1piece of equipment for climbing up sth梯子ADJECTIVE | VERB + LADDER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVErickety快要散架的梯子metal, wooden金屬梯;木梯long, tall長梯;高梯子loft, rope閣樓爬梯;繩梯fire-escape太平梯VERB + LADDERascend, clamber up, climb, climb up, go up, mount, scale爬(上)梯子;費力地爬上梯子;攀登梯子He went up the ladder onto the deck.他沿着梯子上了甲板。come down, descend, go down沿梯而下;下梯子put up支起梯子We put up the ladder against the wall.我們把梯子靠牆支起來。fall off從梯子上掉下PREPOSITIONon a/the ladder, up a/the ladder在梯子上She was up a ladder fixing the roof.她在梯子上修理房頂。down a/the ladder在梯子下端I was standing lower down the ladder.我正站在梯子下端。ladder to通往⋯的梯子the ladder to the gallery通往樓座的梯子PHRASESthe bottom of a ladder, the foot of a ladder, the top of a ladder梯子底部;梯子頂部a rung of a ladder, a step of a ladder梯級Several of the ladder's rungs were broken.這架梯子有好幾根橫檔斷了。


2levels in a system級別ADJECTIVE | VERB + LADDER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEeconomic, evolutionary, social經濟階梯;進化的階梯;社會階層the people at the top of the social ladder處於社會最上層的人career, corporate, promotion事業階梯;公司裏的等級;晉升的階梯housing, property (both BrE) 住房/房產階梯VERB + LADDERascend, climb, move up升遷;進步She was anxious to move up the promotion ladder.她渴望得到晉升。get onto爬上晉升階梯PREPOSITIONhigher up the ladder在較高層級creatures higher up the evolutionary ladder處於進化較高階段的生物lower down the ladder在較低層級ladder of⋯的階梯the ladder of fame成名的階梯ladder to通向⋯的階梯His good looks helped him on the ladder to success.他的英俊長相幫助他踏上了成功的階梯。PHRASESget one foot on the ladder, have one foot on the ladder (both especially BrE) 踏上⋯階梯He finally managed to get one foot on the career ladder.他終於成功地踏上了事業進步的階梯。a rung on the ladder, a step on the ladder晉升階梯上的一級the old problem of how to get onto the first step on the ladder如何踏上晉升階梯的第一步這一老問題

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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