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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 5984 COCA: 6662

rag noun [ C ] CLOTH

a torn piece of old cloth舊布,破布

I keep these rags for cleaning the car.我把這些舊布留下來擦汽車用。
rags [ plural ]

clothes that are old and torn破舊衣服

an old man dressed in rags.衣衫褴褛的老人
Their clothes were in rags (= torn).他們的衣服又破又舊。

rag noun [ C ] NEWSPAPER

informal a newspaper or magazine that is considered to be of bad quality質量低劣的報紙(或雜志);低俗小報;粗制濫造的雜志

He had his picture taken for some local rag.他爲一家地方小報拍了照片。

rag noun [ C ] COLLEGE EVENT

in Britain, a series of entertaining events and activities organized by college students once a year to collect money for charity(英國大學生每年組織的)慈善募捐活動

rag noun [ C ] MUSIC

a piece of ragtime music(一首)雷格泰姆樂曲

ragverb [ T ]uk/ræɡ/ us/ræɡ/ -gg- old-fashioned informal

to say things that are funny but a little unkind戲弄;嘲笑;對…搞惡作劇

They ragged him about his girlfriend.他們拿他的女朋友取笑他。
BNC: 5984 COCA: 6662


ADJECTIVE | ... OF RAGS | VERB + RAG | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclean乾淨的抹布dirty, filthy, oily, old, tattered骯髒的/污穢的/油膩的/破舊的/破爛的抹布bloodstained, bloody血跡斑斑的/染有血污的抹布damp, wet (both especially NAmE) 濕抹布Wipe the board with a damp rag.用濕抹布擦黑板。cleaning, dish (usually dishrag) , wash (usually washrag) (all NAmE) 抹布;洗碗布;洗臉巾She grabbed a washrag and wiped the floor.她一把拿起洗臉巾擦地板。... OF RAGSbundle, heap, pile一捆/一堆/一摞抹布He noticed what looked like a bundle of rags beside the road.他注意到路邊有一堆看上去像抹布似的東西。VERB + RAGbe dressed in, wear穿得破破爛爛I saw people dressed in rags begging on the street.我看見衣衫襤褸的人在街上乞討。be wrapped in用破布包裹The gun was wrapped in a dirty rag.槍用一塊髒布包着。PREPOSITIONon a/the rag在抹布上He wiped his hands on an oily rag.他在油膩的抹布上擦了擦手。with a rag用抹布I cleaned the board with an old rag.我用舊布把那塊木板擦乾淨了。You can wipe the stains off with a rag. (especially NAmE) 你可以用抹布把這些污跡擦掉。
BNC: 5984 COCA: 6662
BNC: 5984 COCA: 6662
Towels and cloths in the home: cloth, dishcloth, dishtowel...
Pieces of music: adagio, air, allegro...
Mocking and mockery: burlesque, chirp, chirp...
To make someone feel ashamed or embarrassed: embarrass, humiliate, shame...
To criticize strongly: attack, damn, savage...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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